Settings (Processing) (Merchant Account Mode)

Type:    Form
Description: Provides acces to various processing parameters of the Merchant or Merchant Account.

Client Abort Action
Allows to select how transactions are handled when communication errors occur.
Indicates that transactions are not voided when communication errors occur.
Indicates that transactions are voided automatically when communication errors occur.

Transaction Duplicate Policy

Includes settings defining how a transaction duplicate policy is handled. The policy works for sale, sale-auth, credit, credit-auth, capture and partial-capture transactions.
No duplicates check
Indicates that real-time/batch/account update transactions are not verified for duplicates. If set, both transactions with the same transactionCode value will be processed.
Decline if duplicate
Indicates that duplicate real-time/batch/account update transactions are declined by the system. If set, all transactions with the transactionCode value associated with the original transaction will not be processed and V29 error will be returned.
Return existing transaction
Indicates that duplicate real-time/batch/account update transactions are not processed and the results of the transactions with the same transactionCode values are returned in the response. Note that if an original transaction has been voided, the transaction with the same transactionCode value will not be processed and V29 error will be returned.


Manual Review
Indicates whether the explicit approval of a user is required to process a batch, submitted into UniCharge.

References: Merchant.Is Batch Review Required


Includes various settlement settings to be used for this merchant.
Allows to select an appropriate type of how transactions should be settled.
Indicates that settlement is initiated manually.
Indicates that transactions are settled for predefined time range.
Indicates that settlement is initiated every day on specified time.
Cutoff (Cards)
Shows the time of the day that marks the end of the business day.
This time is set according to the server time zone but should be adjusted for merchant/merchant account individually, if needed. For example, if server time zone is set as EST but a particular merchant/merchant account operates according to PST, the cutoff time setting should be set as 3 AM, in case if cutoff processing time should occur at midnight.
Any transactions processed before this time are dated as the date-processed, while any transactions processed after this time are dated as being processed the next day.

References: Merchant.Processing Cutoff
Cutoff (Direct Debit)
Shows the time of the day that marks the end of the business day.
This time is set according to the server time zone but should be adjusted for merchant/merchant account individually, if needed. For example, if server time zone is set as EST but a particular merchant/merchant account operates according to PST, the cutoff time setting should be set as 3 AM, in case if cutoff processing time should occur at midnight.
Any transactions processed before this time are dated as the date-processed, while any transactions processed after this time are dated as being processed the next day.

References: Merchant.Processing Cutoff
Manual Review
Indicates whether realtime review is required or not.

References: Merchant.Is Realtime Review Required


Includes option of sending daily notifications for this merchant.
Daily Chargebacks/Returns Summary
Indicates whether a sending of chargeback case notifications is enabled for the selected merchant account. Applied only for cases when chargeback cases are processed via the gateway.


Includes decryption key information.
Allows to select an appropriate decryption key.
Add New
Allows to create a new decryption key to be used in the system.
Opens Form: Create Decryption Key

Create Decryption Key

Includes various settings for creating a new decryption key.
Applies changes and closes the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes any additional information related to the key within the system.
Key Code
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Indicates that TDES encryption algorithm is selected.
Indicates that AES encryption algorithm is selected.
Indicates that RSA encryption algorithm is selected.
Allows to select an appropriate key format for decryption key.
Index key format.
Hexadecimal key format.
Token key format.
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