
Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to business information about the merchant.

Synchronize with external sources
Indicates whether business information is synchronized with external sources or not.
Saves all changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.

Business Information

Includes information concerning Merchant's business activity, e.g. legal name, types of tax ID, ownership structure etc.
Legal Name
The legal name of the company.

References: BusinessInfo.legalName
Business Name (DBA)
DBA ("doing business as") name of the merchant. The value of this field is automatically copied to Name field on General form.
Ownership Structure
Enumeration of possible ownership types of the company.

References: BusinessInfo.ownershipStructureType
Business Registration Year
The year when the merchant's business was established.

References: BusinessInfo.registrationYear
Business Registration Country
The country where the merchant's business was established.

References: BusinessInfo.registrationCountryCode
Business Registration State
Allows to select an appropriate state of the registration of the business.

The state where the merchant's business was established.

References: BusinessInfo.registrationState
Federal Tax ID
Federal Tax identifier of the company.

References: BusinessInfo.federalTaxId
State Tax ID
State Tax identifier of the company.

References: BusinessInfo.stateTaxId
Sales Tax ID
Sale Tax identifier of the company.

References: BusinessInfo.salesTaxId
Estimation Period
Enumeration of possible time periods for which transaction volume and average transaction amount are defined.

References: BusinessInfo.estimationPeriodType
Est. Transaction Volume
The estimated volume of transactions expected to be processed during the indicated estimation period.

References: BusinessInfo.estimatedTransactionVolume
Est. Transaction Amount
The estimated average amount of transactions expected to be processed during the indicated estimation period.

References: BusinessInfo.estimatedAvgTransactionAmount
Contract Begin Date
References: BusinessInfo.contractBeginDate
Contract End Date
References: BusinessInfo.contractEndDate
Relationship Begin Date
Date when the business relationship with this company was officially established.

References: BusinessInfo.relationshipBeginDate
The code of currency which the company processes transactions in.

References: BusinessInfo.currencyCode

Legal Address

Includes information about merchant's legal address.
Copy from
Allows to copy the information from a specific location.
Allows to copy information for the Merchant from the "contact info".
Allows to copy information from the "merchant business owner".
Street1 of a company's mailing address.

References: BusinessInfo.street1
Street2 of a company's mailing address.

References: BusinessInfo.street2
City name of a company's mailing address.

Allows to select an appropriate country associated with the company mailing address.

Country code of a company's mailing address.

References: BusinessInfo.countryCode
Allows to select an appropriate state associated with the company mailing address.

State of a company's mailing address.

References: BusinessInfo.state
ZIP Code
ZIP code of a company's mailing address.

References: BusinessInfo.zipCode
Email address of a company.

Web Site
URL of the corporate website of the company.

References: BusinessInfo.webSite
Work Hours
Working hours of the company.

References: BusinessInfo.workHours
Phone number of the customer service.

References: BusinessInfo.customerServicePhone

Background Verification Result for Business

Includes information about results based on background verification that was conducted for the business.

Overall Score

Includes the results of background verification of the company. These results can be used for evaluation of the risk of dealing with this merchant.
Overall background verification score (10X, where X is an integer value from 0 to 5, and 50 is the highest score with the lowest risk involved).

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.score
Description of the overall background verification score.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.scoreDescription

Name-Address-SSN Association

Includes information whether name, address and social security number of the business owner were proved to correspond.
The value indicating whether the social security number matches the address that has been indicated for this person.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressSsnAssociationCode
The value indicating whether the social security number matches the address that has been indicated for this person.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressSsnAssociationDescription

Name-Address-Tax ID Association

Includes information whether name, address and tax ID of the particular business were proved to correspond.
A value indicating whether the tax ID matches the address that has been indicated for this company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressTaxIdAssociationCode
A value indicating whether the tax ID matches the address that has been indicated for this company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressTaxIdAssociationDescription

Name-Address-Phone Association

Includes information whether name, address and phone number of the particular business were proved to correspond.
A value indicating whether the phone number matches the address that has been indicated for this company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressPhoneAssociationCode
A value indicating whether the phone number matches the address that has been indicated for this company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressPhoneAssociationDescription

Data Verification

Includes information whether it was possible to verify the data supplied by the Merchant.
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified name really belongs to the person under consideration.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isNameVerified
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified phone number is really the phone number of the person or company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isPhoneVerified
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified social security number is the real social security number of the person.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isSsnVerified
Tax ID
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified tax ID is the real tax ID of the company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isTaxIdVerified
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified date of birth is really the date of birth of the person.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isDobVerified
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified street name is really where the person resides (or where the company is located).

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isStreetVerified
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified city name is really where the person resides (or where the company is located).

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isCityVerified
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified state name is really where the person resides (or where the company is located).

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isStateVerified
ZIP Code
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified ZIP/postal code is the real actual ZIP/postal code of the place where the person resides (or the company is located).

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isZipVerified
Last Update
The date when profile was updated the last time.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.lastUpdateDate

Business-Owner Association

Includes information whether the relationship between principal owner and the company was verified.
The score characterizing the relationship\association between the principal owner and the company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.associationScore
Description of the score characterizing the relationship\association between the principal owner and the company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.associationScoreDescription

Background Check Decision Notes

Includes comments related to decision on company's background verification and underwriting.

Risk Indicators

Includes information abour possible risk indicators associated with the person or company verified. Risk indicators may include presence of the person or business on Federal Blacklist, etc.
The code of the risk indicator.

References: RiskIndicator.code
Risk indicator description.

References: RiskIndicator.description


Includes information about company's bankruptcy history(if any).
Bankruptcy type.

References: Bankruptcy.type
Bankruptcy count for a company.

References: Bankruptcy.count
Company Name
Name of bankrupt company.

References: Bankruptcy.companyName
Street1 of the bankrupt company's mailing address.

References: Bankruptcy.street1
Street2 of the bankrupt company's mailing address.

References: Bankruptcy.street2
City of the bankrupt company's mailing address.

State code of the bankrupt company's mailing address.

References: Bankruptcy.state
ZIP Code
ZIP/postal code of the bankrupt company's mailing address.

References: Bankruptcy.zipCode
Filing date
The date when the bankruptcy was filed.

References: Bankruptcy.filingDate


Includes information about company's lien history (if any).
Type of the lien.

Lien type.

References: Lien.type
Released Count
The count of property items released to the owner for this lien.

The count of property items released to the owner for this lien.

References: Lien.releasedCount
Unreleased Count
The count of unreleased property items for this lien.

The count of unreleased property items for this lien.

References: Lien.unreleasedCount
Company Name
Name of the company with a lien.

Name of the company with a lien.

References: Lien.companyName
Street (line 1) associated with the mailing address of the company with a lien.

Street1 in the mailing address of the company with a lien.

References: Lien.street1
Street (line 2) associated with the mailing address of the company with a lien.

Street2 in the mailing address of the company with a lien.

References: Lien.street2
City associated with the mailing address of the company with a lien.

City in the mailing address of the company with a lien.

State associated with the mailing address of the company with a lien.

State code in the mailing address of the company with a lien.

References: Lien.state
ZIP Code
Zip code associated with the mailing address of the company with a lien.

Zip code in the mailing address of the company with a lien.

References: Lien.zipCode
Filing date
The date when the lien was filed.

References: Lien.filingDate