Terminal Migration Log

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to various terminal migration information.

Migration Log

Includes the list of available migration logs.
Date when the record was created.

References: Terminal Migration Log.Create Date
Account (from)
Switch between information display modes: Name > Id > Code.

Merchant account code from which the migration is going.

References: Terminal Migration Log.Merchant Account Code From
Account (to)
Switch between information display modes: Name > Id > Code.

Merchant account code to which the migration is going.

References: Terminal Migration Log.Merchant Account Code To
Terminal (from)
Terminal code from which migration is going.

References: Terminal Migration Log.Terminal Code From
Terminal (to)
Terminal code to which migration is going.

References: Terminal Migration Log.Terminal Code To
User Code
Code of the user in the system.

References: Terminal Migration Log.User Code
Complete Date
The end date of terminal migration process.
References: Terminal Migration Log.Complete Date
The migration process status.
References: Terminal Migration Log.Migration Status Cl
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