Statement Reconciliation

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to transaction information associated with a particular statement.

Transaction Search

Includes various search criteria to locate a particular transaction.
Closes the form without saving any changes.
Executes search based on predefined criteria.
Clears any selected criteria - resets the form to its original state.
Allows to export list with found transactions from the system.
End Date
Search criteria to locate transactions within the selected date range.
Statement ID
Search criteria to locate transactions included in a particular statement.
Search criteria to locate transactions by a particular state.
Allows to locate all transactions regardless of their state.
Allows to locate transactions that match processor provided list of transactions.
Allows to locate transactions that do not match processor provided list of transactions.
Allows to locate transactions that have not been reconciled yet.

Transaction List

Includes transactions located based on the specified search criteria.
Includes identification number of an associated statement and code of the transaction within processor's system.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.

References: Charge Transaction.Id
Merchant Account
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to. Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code. The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.

References: Charge Transaction.Merchant Account Code
Request Date
Date when a transaction was received by the system.

References: Charge Transaction.Transaction Date
Response Date
Date of the response.

References: Merchant Financial Statistics.Response Date
Remittance Date
Date of the remittance.

References: Merchant Financial Statistics.Remittance Date
Customer Name
Name of the customer associated with a specified merchant account.
Represents the type of payment, which is used for the transaction.

References: Charge Transaction.Account Source CL
Type of the transaction.
For more information see {|class="newtable newtablenorowspan pull-left" !style="font-weight:bold"| Transaction type/ Transaction state !style="font-weight:bold"|approval !style="font-weight:bold"|decline !style="font-weight:bold"|delayed decline* !style="font-weight:bold"|void !style="font-weight:bold"|blacklist !style="font-weight:bold"|error |- |sale |sale |decline |decline (d) |void |blacklist |rowspan="2"|error |- |sale |sale |decline (c) |decline (cd) |void (c) |blacklist (c) |}
*applicable only for certain processors
Splits and Pulls For sale transactions: — Split-in - transaction generated in the context of the split payments functionality based on a sale transaction, which creates a record that an affiliate has received the commissions as a part of the original sale transaction processed by a merchant. On the user interface, a split-in transaction is always displayed with “+” symbol. — Split-out - transaction generated in the context of the split payments functionality based on a sale transaction, which creates a record that a merchant, that processed the original transaction, has transferred the commissions to an affiliate. On the user interface, a split-out transaction is always displayed with “-” symbol. For credit/refund/chargeback/return transactions: — Pull-in - transaction generated in the context of the split payments functionality based on the credit/refund/chargeback/return of the original transaction and creates a record that the merchant has received the commissions, previously charged via split-in, from the affiliate. — Pull-out - transaction generated in the context of the split payments functionality based on the credit/refund/chargeback/return of the original transaction and creates a record that the affiliate has transferred the commissions, previously charged via split-out, to the merchant. Splits and pulls on the gateway user interface depending on the transaction state:
{|class="newtable newtablenorowspan pull-left" !style="font-weight:bold"| Transaction type/ Transaction state !style="font-weight:bold"|approval !style="font-weight:bold"|void |- |Split-in |split-in |rowspan="2"|void (i) |- |Pull |pull-in |- |Split-out |split-out |rowspan="2"|void (o) |- |Pull-out |pull-out |}
Non-financial transactions — Notice (notice of change) - direct debit transaction that is returned by a bank and notify that some details of the transaction were corrected. — Inquiry (balance inquiry) - operation used to verify balance on debit, prepaid or gift cards. — Verification (account verification) - operation used to verify that an account is active and to perform AVS verification without actual authorization. — Fee (convenience fee) - operation used to calculate a surcharge to a cardholder to cover the cost of credit card processing. For gift cards: — Transfer - operation used to transfer a balance from one gift card to another. — Activation - operation used to activate a gift card. — Deactivation - operation used to deactivate an active gift card. — Reactivation - operation used to reactivate a previously deactivated gift card. — Create-alias - operation used to create an alias (token) for a gift card. — Delete-alias - operation used to remove a previously created alias (token) for a gift card. " >Transaction Type.
CC/Bank Account
Masked version of the account number (credit card or bank account) associated with this transaction. The mask is formed by using the first and last digits of the account.

For example, 4********5655.

References: Charge Transaction.Account Number Masked
Orig. Amount
For credit cards only. Original amount of the transaction. In most cases, Original Amount and Amount fields will match.

In case of partial authorizations, however, original amount will contain the originally requested amount of the transaction, while Amount field will contain the amount of money available on the card (usually occurs when debit cards or gift cards are involved).

References: Charge Transaction.Original Amount
Net Amount
Net settled amount of the transaction.

References: Charge Transaction.Net Amount
Represents current status of the transaction.

References: Charge Transaction.Transaction Status CL
View Transaction
Allows to review details of the selected transaction.
Opens Form: View Transaction
View Statement
Allows to review merchant statement associated with the selected transaction.
Opens Form: Merchant Statement Modify