Settings (Billing)

Type:    Form
Description: Arrangement of forms that includes information about billing processing.

Saves all changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes billing settings of the current merchant or merchant account.


Includes configurable billing parameters.
Balancing Algorithm Type
For UniBill only.
Represents the type of balancing algorithm that is used to balance payments on customer account.

References: BillingSettings.balancingAlgorithmType
Age Based
Indicates that payments associated with a customer accounts are processed in order from earlist to latest.
First Invoice Then Fees
Indicates that payments associated with a customer accounts are processed in the following order: first invoices, then fees.
Code Uniqueness Scope Mode
For UniBill only.
Represents the type of scope, within which customer account's ID is unique.

References: BillingSettings.codeUniqenessScopeMode
Merchant Account
Indicates that customer account's ID is unique within merchant account scope.
Indicates that customer account's ID is unique within merchant scope.
Forecasting Period
Period in months for which forecasting data needs to be available within the system.

Forecasting data shows expected recurring billing revenue projected in time in the future. A value of 12 in this field indicates that the system will provide projections for up to 12 months.

References: BillingSettings.forecastingPeriod
Credit Bureau Reporting Status
Represents the type of reporting status of the merchant within the credit bureau.

References: BillingSettings.creditBureauReportingStatus
Finalize Reporting
Final credit bureau reports are enabled.
Not Reporting
Credit bureau reports are disabled.
Credit bureau reports are enabled.
Letter Mail Mode
Represents the type of selected mailing mode that is used for this merchant.

References: BillingSettings.letterMailMode
Default Address Only
Indicates that only default address can be used as a mailing option.
All Good Addresses
Indicates that any of the addresses specified in the customer's profile can be used as a mailing option.
Collections Period
Period in days after which collections fees are applied.

References: BillingSettings.collectionsPeriod


Includes various billing configuration options.
Multiple Payment Plan Mode
UniBill only.
Indicates whether multiple payment plans are allowed on a single customer account.

References: BillingSettings.isMultiplePaymentPlanModeEnabled
Chargeback Fee Reversal
Indicates whether chargeback fees are reversed when chargebacks are reversed.

References: BillingSettings.isChargebackFeeReversalEnabled
Payment Option Decline Deactivati...
Indicates whether payment option is disabled when defined number of declines is received for this payment option.

References: BillingSettings.isPaymentOptionDeclineDeactivationEnabled
Data Import Review Required
Indicates whether the review of import log is required.

References: BillingSettings.isDataImportReviewRequired
Bad Phone Retention
Indicates whether bad phone numbers are kept on the account after skiptracing process completes.

References: BillingSettings.isBadPhoneRetentionEnabled

Writeoff Age

Includes write-off age configuration for invoices and custom accounts.
Age of a non-committed debt which cannot be reported to credit bureau, at which the outstanding debt is written off.

References: BillingSettings.invoiceWriteoffAge
Custom Account
Age at which all of the payment plans of a customer get terminated.

References: BillingSettings.customAccountWriteoffAge

Skip Tracing Policy

Includes skip tracing policy configuration.
For UniBill only.
Indicates whether skiptracing process is enabled on a customer account.

References: BillingSettings.isSkipTracingEnabled
Period in days during which two subsequent skiptraces will not be allowed. For example, if skip trace period is 60 days and the skiptrace is done on January 1st, another skiptrace on this account will not be allowed until March 1st.

References: BillingSettings.skipTracingPeriod