New Account (Extended)

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to various settings for creating a new Merchant Account with extended information.

Reset Defaults
Allows to reset the default information.
Saves all changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.

Create Account Settings

Includes settings that regulate the creation of Merchant Account and allows to define final recipient to send email with new user credentials.
Send agreement to Account
Allows to send Merchant Agreement to the creator for activating the merchant account.
Send Account Info to
Allows to select the adress of the account information receiver.
Allows to send the information to the user directly.
Allows to send the information to the creator of the account.
Allows to send the information to both: the user and the creator.
Allows not to send the information to creator or to user.


Allows creation of a new Account related to the particular Merchant.
Allows selection of a Merchant on the base of which a new Merchant Account "Submerchant" can be created.
Load all Merchants
Allows to load all Merchants to select the one which is needed.

Business Info

Includes business information settings.
Legal Name
The legal name of the company.

References: BusinessInfo.legalName
Federal Tax ID
Federal Tax identifier of the company.

References: BusinessInfo.federalTaxId
Contract Begin Date
References: BusinessInfo.contractBeginDate
Contract End Date
References: BusinessInfo.contractEndDate


Includes various settings for creating one or more terminals for test purposes.

Enter Terminal ID Range

Includes terminal ID range.
Minimum value of terminal ID range.
Maximum value of terminal ID range.


Includes detailed information about terminals associated with this merchant.
Reference to the entity that represents enumeration of possible types of terminal.

References: .type
Automated Fuel Pump
Automated fuel dispenser with in-built terminal.
Small physical structure (often including a computer and a display screen), developed specifically for payment use.
General POS
Electronic device used to process card payments at retail locations.
Virtual (online) terminal.

Merchant Account

General information about Merchant Account, its contact information and configuration.


Includes general information about Merchant Account.
Internal identifier of a Merchant Account "Submerchant" within the system. For more see Merchant Account Code.
Get Next Number
Allows to receive the next available merchant or merchant account number in the system.
Unique identifier of the merchant generated by the gateway.

Get Next Code
Allows to receive the next available merchant or merchant account code in the system.
The DBA name of the merchant.

Create Date
Date when the record was created.

References: Merchant.createDate
Indicates whether the record is active and can process through the system.

References: Merchant.isActive
Time Zone
Time zone of a merchant.

References: Merchant.timeZone
Time Zone
Time zone of a merchant.

References: Merchant.Time Zone Code

Contact Information

Includes contact information of merchant account to be used to discuss any processing issues.
Copy From
Allows to copy the contact information from the selected source.
Contact Name
Name of the primary business contact for the merchant.

References: MerchantContactInfo.contactName
Street address (line 1) of the Merchant's postal address.

References: MerchantContactInfo.street1
Street 2
Street address (line 2) of the Merchant's postal address.

References: MerchantContactInfo.street2
City of the Merchant's postal address.

State of the Merchant's postal address.

References: MerchantContactInfo.state
Zip Code/Postal Code
ZIP code of Merchant's postal address.

References: MerchantContactInfo.zipCode
Country code of the merchant.

References: MerchantContactInfo.countryCode
Merchant's contact phone.

Merchant's fax number.

References: MerchantContactInfo.fax
Merchant's contact email.

This value is used to send remittance statements.



Includes preconfigured set of profiles that represent a common combination of profile configuration for the given set of merchant that are serviced by the company.
[configurations list]
The list of the available configurations profiles of which may be further customized.
Depending on the type of profile chosen - the corresponding list of settings is available.


Includes options for selecting an appropriate decryption key.
Decryption key
Allows to select an appropriate decryption key.

Account Group

Includes general information about Merchant Account Group, its contact information and configuration.

Bank Information

Includes deposit information of merchant/merchant account "submerchant" used in remittance process.
Holder Name
Name of a payment card or bank account holder. The value is a concatenation of the firstName and lastName field values separated by a space.

Full name of the account holder, where remittance deposits are directed.

References: MerchantDepositInfo.holderName
Account #
When update (modify) action is performed, the real bank account information has to be supplied for this field. When the information is requested for reading (load), the masked value will be returned instead for security purposes.

Masked account number (last four digits) of the bank account associated with the merchant account group.

References: MerchantDepositInfo.accountNumber
Routing #
When update (modify) action is performed, the real routing number information has to be supplied for this field. When the information is requested for reading (load), the masked value will be returned instead for security purposes.

Masked routing number (last four digits) of the bank account associated with the merchant account group.

References: MerchantDepositInfo.routingNumber
Value, issued by the internal tokenization system that replaces actual bank account and routing number. Using that value system can obtain the real bank account number and routing number to process.

References: MerchantDepositInfo.tokenCode

Refund Reserve

Includes general information about Merchant's Refund Reserve.
Indicates whether chargeback reserve is enabled. If not enabled, money will not be withheld in the reserve.

References: MerchantChargebacksReserve.isEnabled
Required Amount
Amount of the reserve that the system needs to maintain. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: MerchantRefundsReserve.requiredAmount
Collected Amount
Note: This field is read-only and cannot be modified.

Amount of the reserve that the system managed to collect at the time of the last remittance. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: MerchantRefundsReserve.collectedAmount
Remaining Amount
Note: This field is read-only and cannot be modified.

Amount of money, against which refunds can be made. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: MerchantRefundsReserve.remainingAmount

Bank Card Reserve

Includes information about merchant's bank card reserve to cover potential chargebacks.
Indicates whether bank card reserve is enabled.
Required Amount
Amount of money that must be maintained as chargebacks reserve. Requested amount gets dynamically adjusted as time progresses and processing volume changes. The requested amount should never drop below the minimum amount. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: MerchantChargebacksReserve.requiredAmount
Collected Amount
Note: This field is read-only and cannot be modified.

Amount of money available in the reserve after the last remittance happened. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: MerchantChargebacksReserve.collectedAmount
Min Amount
Minimum amount of money that must be held in reserve at all times. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: MerchantChargebacksReserve.minimumAmount
Percentage of total transaction volume that should be retained as reserve. Using this rate and the Chargeback Reserve Period the requested amount of chargeback reserve is dynamically calculated and adjusted on each remittance. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: MerchantChargebacksReserve.rate
Time period in days, used to determine the requested amount of the reserve. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: MerchantChargebacksReserve.period

ACH Reserve

Includes general information about Merchant's Return Reserve to cover potential ACH returns.
Indicates whether return reserve is enabled. If not enabled, money will not be withheld in the reserve.

References: MerchantReturnsReserve.isEnabled
Required Amount
Amount of money for ACH returns that must be maintained as chargebacks reserve. Requested amount gets dynamically adjusted as time progresses and processing volume changes. The requested amount should never drop below the minimum amount. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: MerchantReturnsReserve.requiredAmount
Collected Amount
Note: This field is read-only and cannot be modified.

Amount of money for ACH returns available in the reserve after the last remittance happened. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: MerchantReturnsReserve.collectedAmount
Min Amount
Minimum amount of money for ACH returns that must be held in reserve at all times. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: MerchantReturnsReserve.minimumAmount
Percentage of total transaction volume that should be retained as reserve for ACH returns. Using this rate and the Return Reserve Period the requested amount of return reserve is dynamically calculated and adjusted on each remittance. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: MerchantReturnsReserve.rate
Time period in days, used to determine the requested amount of the reserve. See Reserves definition for additional information.

References: MerchantReturnsReserve.period

Merchant Fees

Includes merchant fees related options.
Pricing Policy
Code of the used fee template.

References: Merchant Account Group.Fee Template Code
Saves all changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.