
Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to general information about business owners and results of background verification for primary owner.

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Primary Owner

Includes general information about primary owner.
Copy From
Allows to copy the information from a specific location.
Allows to copy the information for the primary owner from the "contact info".
Allows to copy the information for the primary owner from the "business info".
First Name
Business owner's first name.

References: BusinessOwner.firstName
Last Name
Business owner's last name.

References: BusinessOwner.lastName
Business owner's e-mail.

References: BusinessOwner.email
Social Security
Business owner's social security number.

References: BusinessOwner.socialSecurity
Business owner's phone number.

References: BusinessOwner.phone
Birth Date
Business owner's birth date.

References: BusinessOwner.birthDate
Driver License
Business owner's driver's license number.

References: BusinessOwner.driverLicense
Driver License Country
Code of the country where the driver license was provided to the business owner.

References: BusinessOwner.driverLicenseCountryCode
Driver License State
State where business owner's driver license was issued.

References: BusinessOwner.driverLicenseState
Street (line 1) associated with business owner's address.

Street (line 1) associated with business owner's address.

References: BusinessOwner.street1
Street (line 2) associated with business owner's address.

References: BusinessOwner.street2
City associated with business owner's address.

References: BusinessOwner.city
Country code associated with business owner's address.

References: BusinessOwner.countryCode
State associated with business owner's address.

References: BusinessOwner.state
ZIP Code
ZIP/postal code associated with business owner's address.

References: BusinessOwner.zipCode

Secondary Owner

Includes general information about secondary owner.
First Name
Business owner's first name.

References: BusinessOwner.firstName
Last Name
Business owner's last name.

References: BusinessOwner.lastName
Business owner's e-mail.

References: BusinessOwner.email
Social Security
Business owner's social security number.

References: BusinessOwner.socialSecurity
Business owner's phone number.

References: BusinessOwner.phone
Birth Date
Business owner's birth date.

References: BusinessOwner.birthDate
Driver License
Business owner's driver's license number.

References: BusinessOwner.driverLicense
Driver License Country
Code of the country where the driver license was provided to the business owner.

References: BusinessOwner.driverLicenseCountryCode
Driver License State
State where business owner's driver license was issued.

References: BusinessOwner.driverLicenseState
Street (line 1) associated with business owner's address.

Street (line 1) associated with business owner's address.

References: BusinessOwner.street1
Street (line 2) associated with business owner's address.

References: BusinessOwner.street2
City associated with business owner's address.

References: BusinessOwner.city
Country code associated with business owner's address.

References: BusinessOwner.countryCode
State associated with business owner's address.

References: BusinessOwner.state
ZIP Code
ZIP/postal code associated with business owner's address.

References: BusinessOwner.zipCode

Background Verification Result for Owner

Includes information about results based on background verification that was conducted for primary owner.

Overall Score

Includes information about estimation score based on background verification results on the whole that can be used to evaluate risk of dealing with this Merchant.
Overall background verification score (10X, where X is an integer value from 0 to 5, and 50 is the highest score with the lowest risk involved).

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.score
Description of the overall background verification score.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.scoreDescription

Name-Address-SSN Association

Includes information whether name, address and social security number of the business owner were verified as corresponding to each other.
The value indicating whether the social security number matches the address that has been indicated for this person.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressSsnAssociationCode
The value indicating whether the social security number matches the address that has been indicated for this person.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressSsnAssociationDescription

Name-Address-Tax ID Association

Includes information whether name, address and tax ID of the particular business were verified as corresponding to each other.
A value indicating whether the tax ID matches the address that has been indicated for this company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressTaxIdAssociationCode
A value indicating whether the tax ID matches the address that has been indicated for this company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressTaxIdAssociationDescription

Name-Address-Phone Association

Includes information whether name, address and phone number of the particular business were verified as corresponding to each other.
A value indicating whether the phone number matches the address that has been indicated for this company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressPhoneAssociationCode
A value indicating whether the phone number matches the address that has been indicated for this company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressPhoneAssociationDescription

Data Verification

Includes information whether it was possible to verify the data supplied by the Merchant.
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified name really belongs to the person under consideration.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isNameVerified
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified phone number is really the phone number of the person or company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isPhoneVerified
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified social security number is the real social security number of the person.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isSsnVerified
Tax ID
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified tax ID is the real tax ID of the company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isTaxIdVerified
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified date of birth is really the date of birth of the person.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isDobVerified
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified street name is really where the person resides (or where the company is located).

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isStreetVerified
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified city name is really where the person resides (or where the company is located).

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isCityVerified
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified state name is really where the person resides (or where the company is located).

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isStateVerified
ZIP Code
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified ZIP/postal code is the real actual ZIP/postal code of the place where the person resides (or the company is located).

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isZipVerified
Last Update
The date when profile was updated the last time.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.lastUpdateDate

Business-Owner Association

Includes information whether the relationship between principal owner and the company was verified.
The score characterizing the relationship\association between the principal owner and the company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.associationScore
Description of the score characterizing the relationship\association between the principal owner and the company.

References: BackgroundVerificationResult.associationScoreDescription

Background Check Decision Notes

Includes comments related to decision on company's background verification and underwriting.

Risk Indicators

Includes information about possible risk indicators associated with the person or company verified. Risk indicators may include presence of the person or business on Federal Blacklist, etc.
The code of the risk indicator.

References: RiskIndicator.code
Risk indicator description.

References: RiskIndicator.description