Convenience Fees

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to merchant's convenience fees information and modification options.

Convenience Fees List

Includes list of convenience fees associated with the selected merchant account.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.

References: Convenience Fee.Id
Account Type
Type of card that is convenience fee used for.
Processing Cost
Indicates whether processing cost is included or not.
The values can be the following:
'G' - Indicates that processing cost is not included
'N' - Indicates that processing cost is included

References: Convenience Fee.Processing Cost CL
Allows to modify the selected record.
Opens Form: Convenience Fees
Allows to add a new convenience fee record to the list.
Opens Form: Convenience Fees

Convenience Fees

Includes various settings for convenience fees modification.
Provides access to various convenience fee actions.
Copy To
Allows to copy the information to the selected source.
Copy From
Allows to copy the information from the selected source.
Opens Form: Copy Convenience Fees From Merchant or Account
Allows to clear all the marked parameters.
Saves all the changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.

Account Type

Includes the list of available card account types.
Indicates VISA account type.
Indicates MasterCard account type.
American Express
Indicates American Express (AmEx) account type.
Indicates Discover or Dinners account type.
Indicates ACH account type.

Processing Cost

Includes the list of available processing cost types.
Indicates that an external service return the amount of expected transaction cost for further calculation of convenience fee.

Indicates whether processing cost is included or not.
The values can be the following:
'include' - processing cost is included
'ignore' - processing cost is not included

Indicates whether processing cost is included or not.
The values can be the following:
'G' - Indicates that processing cost is not included
'N' - Indicates that processing cost is included

References: ConvenienceFee.processingCost
Indicates that convenience fee is calculated according to the rules.

Indicates whether processing cost is included or not.
The values can be the following:
'include' - processing cost is included
'ignore' - processing cost is not included

Indicates whether processing cost is included or not.
The values can be the following:
'G' - Indicates that processing cost is not included
'N' - Indicates that processing cost is included

References: ConvenienceFee.processingCost


Includes the list of rules for convenience fee.
Number of the rule.
Enter Transaction Amount
Indicates the way the convenience fee should be counted according to specifier amount.
Indicates that the rule should be used if the amount is over the specified one.
Indicates that the rule should be used if the amount is between the specified limits.
This menu item allows the used to create more rules.
Lower Limit
The lower limit of the amount.
Upper Limit
The upper limit of the amount.
Percentage Fee
Persentage fee that should be used to calculate convenience fee.
Flat Fee
Flat fee (in USD) that should be used to calculate convenience fee.

Test Rules

Includes various parameters to calculate the convenience fee according to specified rules.
Transaction Amount
The amount of the transaction.
Calculate Fee
Calculates convenience fee according to specified rule.
Convenience Fee
Calculated convenience fee.

Copy Convenience Fees From Merchant or Account

Includes various settings that allow to copy convenience fees from another merchant or merchant account.
Copy from merchant or account
Allows to copy the information from merchant to account.
Closes the form without saving any changes.
Allows to select an appropriate merchant from the list.
Allows to select an appropriate account from the list.
Convenience Fee
Allows to select an appropriate convenience fee type from the list.