Fulfillment Details

Type:    Form
Description: Provides general information about the selected fulfillment center.

Saves all changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes general information about the fulfillment center.
Portfolio Code
Code of the portfolio that a fulfillment center belongs to.

References: Fulfillment Center.Portfolio Code
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.

References: Fulfillment Center.Id
Name of the fulfillment center.

References: Fulfillment Center.Name
Terminal Ordering Required
Indicates whether submission of the terminal order is required for service provider.

References: Fulfillment Center.Is Terminal Ordering Required

Customer Info

Includes customer information for the fulfillment center.
Merchant Number
Code of the merchant within the system.

References: Fulfillment Center.Merchant Number
Customer Number
Code of the associated customer within the service provider's system.

References: Fulfillment Center.Customer Number
Support Phone
Phone number of the terminal support team.

References: Fulfillment Center.Terminal Support Number
Client's processor of a terminal order. Used to identify the client in the system of a service provider that fulfills terminals after the terminal order is submitted.

References: Fulfillment Center.Processor
Client's application of a terminal order. Used to identify the client in the system of a service provider that fulfills terminals after the terminal order is submitted.

References: Fulfillment Center.Application


Includes default settings for the fulfillment center.
Exchange Shipping Method
Code of the shipping method that is used as a default for terminal exchange.

References: Fulfillment Center.Exchange Shipping Method Code
New Shipping Method
Allows to add new exchange shipping method to the list.
Opens Form: Shipping Method Modify


Includes submission information for the fulfillment center.


Includes connectivity information for the fulfillment center.
Connection Type
Type of the connection mode between POS and terminal.
Check Connection
Allows to check connection to the entered URL.
Address of the host used for connection.
Address of the port used for connection.
User Name
Username used to connect to the server.
Password connected to the username used to connect to the server.
View Password
Allows to see the entered password.

Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value.


Includes path information for the fulfillment center.
Inbox path for the terminal.
Outbox path for the terminal.