Settings (Processing) (Merchant Mode)

Type:    Form
Description: Provides acces to various processing parameters of the Merchant or Merchant Account.


Includes various service mechanisms to be used for this merchant.
Token Format
Enumeration of possible tokenization policy formats available for the merchant in the system.

References: Merchant.Tokenization Format CL
Indicates that the Simple (ex. Legacy) token format is selected.
Indicates that the Extended token format is selected.
Token Removal
Reference to the entity that represents modes that are used to remove tokenization.

References: Merchant.Tokenization Removal CL
Indicates that tokens are removed from the system automatically.
Indicates that tokens are removed from the system manually using the untokenization API call.
Indicates that token removal is disabled for the selected merchant.

Account Aggregation

Includes various account aggregation mechanisms to be used for this merchant.
Indicates whether account aggregation cards mechanism is used for this merchant or not.

References: Merchant.Is Account Aggregation Cards Enabled
Direct Debit
Indicates whether account aggregation ACH mechanism is used for this merchant or not.

References: Merchant.Is Account Aggregation ACH Enabled


Includes various batch settings to be used for this merchant.
Manual Review
Indicates whether the explicit approval of a user is required to process a batch, submitted into UniCharge.

References: Merchant.Is Batch Review Required
File Hash Validation
Indicates whether duplicate file validation based on file's content (in addition to the existing file name duplicate validation) is active or not.

References: Merchant.Is File Hash Validation Enabled
Processing Optimization
Indicates whether transaction processing optimization is used for this merchant or not.

Indicates whether the transaction processing optimization is enabled in the system.

References: Merchant.Is Transaction Processing Optimization Enabled
Custom Field
For internal use only.

Indicates whether the certain information should be added to the returns file.

References: Merchant.Is Batch Custom Field Enabled
Processing Policy
Represents the selected (or current) type of batch processing policy.
Allows to select policy for batch processing if a validation file was generated by the system.
  • All Or Fail - if there is at least one invalid transaction in the request file, validation error file is generated and the request file is not processed at all.
  • Any Valid - all valid transactions included in a request file are processed by a processor. Invalid transactions are placed into the validation error file and should be re-processed as a separate file after correcting all of the issues.

References: Merchant.Batch Processing Policy CL
All Or Fail
Indicates that if there was at least one valid transaction, validate file should be generated and the main request file would be not processed at all.
Any Valid
Indicates that any valid transaction in a request file will be processed. Any invalid one will be placed into the validation file. Therefore, all invalid transactions from the validation file will have to be re-processed as a separate file afterwards.
FTP Folder
FTP folder used for batch processing. Review folder structure for more detail.
Create Folder
Allows to create a folder on FTP server used to store return files.
Aggregation Level
Allows to select the aggregation level of merchant's returns files.
Indicates that returns files are aggregated at merchant level and can be accessed via the merchant's FTP folder.
Indicates that returns files are aggregated at reseller level and can be accessed via the reseller's FTP folder.
Note: This option is available for merchants using UniPay Cloud integration only.
Indicates that returns files are aggregated at portfolio level and can be accessed via the portfolio's FTP folder.
Note: This option is available for merchants using UniPay Cloud integration only.
Validation Threshold
Minimum number and total amount of transactions within a batch used for duplicate validation mechanism. If there is a duplicate for a batch containing transaction count and amount that are greater than the values specified in the corresponding textboxes, the system generates a notification about a possible duplicate batch present within the system.
Minimum number of transactions that must be present in a batch in order for this batch to get validated for potential duplicates or inconsistencies. If a batch is lower than indicated number of transactions, it will not be verified for duplicates.

References: Merchant.Batch Validation Threshold Count
Total amount of a file, necessary for duplicate validation mechanism to get activated.

References: Merchant.Batch Validation Threshold Amount


Includes various settlement settings to be used for this merchant.
Manual Review
Indicates whether realtime review is required or not.

References: Merchant.Is Realtime Review Required

File Encryption Public Key

Includes public key for file encryption.
File Name
Name of the public PGP key.

References: Merchant.File Encryption Public Key File Name


Includes various validation settings for this merchant.
Expiration Dates
Indicates whether expiration date validation is enabled or not.

References: Merchant.Is Expiration Date Validation Enabled
Routing Numbers
Indicates whether routing number validation is enabled or not.

References: Merchant.Is Routing Number Validation Enabled
Blacklist Policy
Enumeration of possible blacklist policy types available in the system.

References: Merchant.Blacklist Policy CL
Direct Debit Only
Indicates that only Direct Debit transactions with hard declines will be included to the blacklist.
Cards And Direct Debit
Indicates that both payment cards and Direct Debit transactions with hard declines will be included to the blacklist.
Cards Only
Indicates that only payment cards transactions with hard declines will be included to the blacklist.
Not Used
Indicates that blacklist is not used.


Includes callback URLs for the selected merchant.


Includes various returns settings for this merchant.
Includes various delivery settings for this merchant.
Frequency of returns, chargebacks, reversals and rebill results accumulation.
As a separate file - returns, chargebacks, reversals and rebill results will be placed in a separate file, which will be generated on daily basis. The file will not be generated if there are no transactions of these types for a given day. The file is a zip-archive that follows regular response file format. The file is placed in /outbox folder. Returns can be delivered by merchant account or for the entire merchant.
Per Request
As a part of the response file, returns, chargebacks, reversals and rebill results will be accumulated by the system and included in the standard response file when it is generated.
Represents the type of delivery option for ACH returns and chargebacks for this merchant.

References: Merchant.Returns Delivery Mode CL
Returns, chargebacks, reversals and rebill results will be delivered to the selected merchant.
Merchant Account
Returns, chargebacks, reversals and rebill results will be delivered to the selected merchant account.
Multiple files per day
Indicates whether multiple generation of the return files during the day is enabled.