Create Chargeback/NOC/Return/Reversal

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to creation options of chargeback/notice of change/return/reversal for the selected transaction.

View Original Transaction
Allows to see details of the original transaction.
Opens Form: View Transaction
Saves all changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes additional information about the created transaction.
Type of the transaction.
Loaded On
Date when the transaction is loaded into the system.
Internal Code
Internal response code that is received by the issuer.
Customer Account Code
External identifier of the customer's account.
Case Number
External identifier of the chargeback case.
Response Date
Date of the NOC response.
Amount of the transaction. Can be equal to the amount of the original transaction or be less than it.


Includes additional information about processor response.
Response Code
Processor's response code associated with the transaction.
Response Message
Processor's response message associated with the transaction.
Received by Processor
Date when an initial transaction was received by the processor.
Issued by Bank
Date when the operation was issued by processor's bank.

Edit Transaction Details

Includes additional transaction details that can be edited.
Holder Name
Name of the card holder associated with the transaction.
Account #
Masked version of the account number (credit card or bank account) associated with the transaction.
Routing #
Masked version of the routing number associated with the transaction.
Account Type
Represents the type of the account (e.g. credit card or bank account) associated with the transaction.

References: Charge Transaction.Account CL