Data Group Detail

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to merchant account group creating options.

Data Group Detail

Includes information about new account group.
Saves all changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.
Name of the merchant account group (company or person).

References: Merchant Account Group.Name

Items List

Includes the list of items for the particular account group.
Move Up
Allows to put the selected item up in the list for one position.
Move Down
Allows to put the selected item down in the list for one position.
Unique identifier assigned to this item in submitter's (merchant's) front-end system or inventory catalog.

References: Item.Code
Name of the item.

References: Item.Name
Modify Item
Allows to modify information about the selected item.
Opens Form: Data Group Item Detail
Add Item
Allows to add a new item to the list.
Opens Form: Data Group Item Detail

Data Group Item Detail

Includes information about new item in the selected account group.
Saves all changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.
Unique identifier assigned to this item in submitter's (merchant's) front-end system or inventory catalog.

References: Item.Code
Name of the item.

References: Item.Name

Merchant Account List

Includes the list of available merchant accounts.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.

References: Merchant Account Group.Id
Name of the merchant account group (company or person).

References: Merchant Account Group.Name
Delete Merchant Account
Allows to delete the selected merchant account from the list of used merchant accounts.

Unassigned Merchant Account List

Includes the list of unassigned merchant accounts available in the system.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.

References: Merchant Account Group.Id
Name of the merchant account group (company or person).

References: Merchant Account Group.Name
Add Merchant Account
Allows to add the selected unassigned merchant account to the list of used merchant accounts for the item.