New Terminal

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to a new terminal creation options.

Saves all the changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes general information about the owner.
Unique identifier of the merchant generated by the gateway.

References: Merchant.Code
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to.
Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.

References: Terminal.Merchant Account Code
Code of a reseller associated with the selected merchant or merchant account.


Includes general terminal parameters.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.

References: Terminal Data.Id
Create Date
Date when the record was created.

References: Terminal.Create Date
System identifier of the terminal.

References: Terminal.Code
Reference to the entity that represents enumeration of possible types of terminal.

References: Terminal.Terminal CL
Fuel Pump
Indicates terminals associated with fuel stations. The client can pay for fuel by inserting a credit or debit card or a fuel card into a slot on the pump.
Indicates an interactive kiosk (a computer terminal) for minor payments.
Indicates POS terminal.
Indicates virtual terminal.


Includes extended terminal settings.
Fulfillment Center
Reference to the entity that represents information about fulfillment center.

References: Terminal Data.Fulfillment Center FK
Represents the terminal model among available.

References: Terminal Data.Model CL
Injection Key
Injection key associated with the terminal.
Provider Code
Reference to the entity that represents the provider.

References: Terminal Data.Provider Code
Configuration of a terminal.
Serial #
Serial number of a terminal.

Provider Profile

Includes information about provider profile.
Terminal ID
Terminal ID that is used within a service provider's system.

References: Terminal.Processor Terminal ID
Custom Field 1
Field that provides specific values that can override respective fields in a provider profile. This field is used when provider assigns more than just Terminal ID for tracking of terminal.

References: Terminal.Processor Custom Field1
Custom Field 2
Field that provides specific values that can override respective fields in a provider profile. This field is used when provider assigns more than just Terminal ID for tracking of terminal.

References: Terminal.Processor Custom Field2