Settings (Remittance) (Merchant Account Mode)

Type:    Form
Description: Arrangement of forms, that include information about remittance processing.

Saves all changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.

Remittance Currency

Includes merchant remittance currency settings.
Currency Code
Code of currency used for remittance.
Default value: USD.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.remittanceCurrencyCode


Shows current merchant's balance.
Note: This field is read-only and cannot be modified.

Shows the current balance of a merchant/merchant account. If the value is positive, 3rd party processor owes money to the merchant. If the value is negative, merchant owes money to a 3rd party processor.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.totalBalance
Note: This field is read-only and cannot be modified.

Shows the amount of money owed to the merchant excluding reserves.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.netBalance
Convenience Fee
Note: This field is read-only and cannot be modified.

Shows the amount of money owed for convenience fee.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.convenienceFeeBalance

Amount Limits

Includes amount limits configuration for the current merchant.
Min Remittance
Shows the minimum amount of funds that must be reached in order for the remittance process to occur.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.minimumRemittanceAmount
Max Withholding
Maximum amount of money that can be withheld in favor of reserves within a single remittance.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.maximumWithholdingAmount
Max Reserve Adjustment
Shows the maximum amount of money that can be withheld for a single remittance to be placed in the reserve adjustments.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.maxReserveAdjustmentAmount
Min Statement
Minimum amount of the merchant statement.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.minMerchantStatementAmount
Max Statement
Maximum allowed amount of the merchant statement.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.maxMerchantStatementAmount


Includes various remittance settings.
Hold Enabled
Indicates whether remittance process is enabled. When set to true, the balance of all of the newly generated remittance statements is not sent to the merchant, but transferred under the merchant's balance.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.isRemittanceHoldEnabled
Ignore Source
Controls whether remittance source is ignored or not. If enabled, a single bank account will be used for all types of remittances and they will not be split based on the remittance source. See Remittance Source definition for additional information.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.isRemittanceSourceIgnored


Includes merchant funds settings.
Merchant Funding Policy
Represents the type of current (or selected) approach used to withhold fees from a merchant.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.feeWithdrawalPolicyType
Indicates that withdrawal of fees will be deducted as a part of remittance.
Indicates that withdrawal of fees will be deducted either from the same deposit account or from a separate bank account that was designated by the merchant for withholding of the fees.
Deduction Conditional
Automatically switches on if initially merchant funding policy type was withdrawal, and while trying to withdraw fees from merchant account, returns was received for the second time. Such case leads to hold of the account. It can be cancelled by user by unchecking Hold Enabled checkbox on UI.
Responsible for Fees
Enumeration of possible banking accounts the money for specific line item is taken from. See Remittance source.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.feesResponsibleCl
Enumeration of possible banking accounts the money for specific line item is taken from. See Remittance source.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.feesResponsibleCl
Enumeration of possible banking accounts the money for specific line item is taken from. See Remittance source.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.feesResponsibleCl
Billing begins on
Date when the last physical ACH transaction (deposit) was sent to the merchant. See Statements definition for additional information.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.lastRemittanceDate
Recurring Fees begin on
The date when recurrent fees for a merchant begin to accrue.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.recurringFeesBeginDate
Annual Fee Month
Allows to select a month when an annual fee should be collected.

Merchant Statement

Includes various emailing merchant statement settings.
Indicates whether the content of the Merchant Statements List report is exported to the merchant’s FTP via the data export mechanism.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.isMerchantStatementExportEnabled
Indicates whether merchant statement archiving process is happening. Copies of statements are archived here: 126.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.isMerchantStatementArchivingEnabled
Generation Policy
Enumeration of possible values of statement policy for the merchant account group.

References: MerchantRemittanceConfig.statementPolicyType
Any Balance
Indicates that statement will be generated for both positive and non-positive balance.
Positive Balance
Indicates that statement will be generated for positive balance only.
Emailing Policy
Enumerates possible values of statement emailing policy for the merchant account group.

References: Merchant Account Group.Statement Emailing Policy
No Action
Indicates that no action will be taken.
Indicates that only notification will be sent to the specified email address.
Indicates that only statement will be sent to the specified email address.
Statement and Transaction Details
Indicates that statement and transaction details will be sent to the specified email address.
Statement and Return Details
Indicates that statement and return details will be sent to the specified email address.
Allows you to choose how exactly receive Deposit Statement notifications.
Monthly Statement
Allows you to choose how exactly receive Monthly Statement notifications.
Recipient List
Allows to add additional email addresses for getting merchant statements. By default, statements are sent to the email address indicated in a merchant's contact details.