Provider Profile System Fields

Type:    Form
Description: Provides information about the provider profile fields associated with the gateway-regulated system settings. Information on how the other fields within the provider profiles work is available in the tooltips associated with these fields on the user interface.


Includes gateway/system settings used for transaction processing within various types of provider profiles.


Includes general system settings used for transaction processing.
Indicates whether the record is active within the system.
Test Mode
Indicates that this transaction should be processed in test mode when it is handled by the processor.
Account Processing Policy
Defines what cards brands and types are enabled/disabled to be processed within a profile.
Indicates that Visa is enabled/disabled to be processed within a profile.
Indicates that MasterCard is enabled/disabled to be processed within a profile.
Indicates that AmEx is enabled/disabled to be processed within a profile.
Indicates that Discover is enabled/disabled to be processed within a profile.
Indicates that Diners is enabled/disabled to be processed within a profile.
Girt Card
Indicates that gift card is enabled/disabled to be processed within a profile.
Fleet Card
Indicates that fleet card is enabled/disabled to be processed within a profile.
Bank Card
Indicates that bank card is enabled/disabled to be processed within a profile.
Bank Accounts
Indicates that bank account is enabled/disabled to be processed within a profile.
Indicates that UnionPay is enabled/disabled to be processed within a profile.


Includes realtime processing settings used for transaction processing.
Credits Enabled
Indicates whether credit operation is allowed.
Debit Card Processing Enabled
Indicates whether processing of debit cards via bank debit card system is allowed.
While a transaction that is done through a network can be voided before settlement occurs (usually by the end of a business day), when debit cards are processed via debit card system, a transaction is allowed to be voided within a 30-minute period after a transaction is submitted.
To be able to process transactions via debit card system, the access to this functionality should be confirmed with an underlying processor.
Auto Capture
Indicates whether transactions are captured automatically.
Capture Required
Indicates whether sale-auth transactions require subsequent capture.
Authorization Expiration Period
Number of days during which an authorization can be unsettled.
Settlement Initation Required
Indicates whether settlement initiation is required.
Uncaptured Reversal Required
Indicates whether the reversals for uncaptured auth-transactions are sent to a processor or a processor handles this process single-handedly.
TIP Amount Capture Enabled
Indicates whether tips amount is sent for processing after settlement is done.
Send Void Voice Authorization
Indicates whether voice authorization for void is enabled.
Info Request (Rewards) Supported
Indicates whether rewards (dollars or points), added to the account as a result of the transaction, are supported.
Referral Decline Supported
Indicates whether D30 ("To proceed with the transaction, call for authorization is needed to confirm the validity of the card") decline is supported.
GiftCard Alias Supported
Indicates whether transactions with gift cards are supported.
Transfer Supported
Indicates whether EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) transactions are supported.
CSC required
Indicates whether card security code is required for transaction processing.
Convenience Fee Enabled
Indicates whether convenience fee functionality is enabled. If activated, the convenience fee is added to the transaction total.
Timeout Reversal Enabled
Indicates whether timeout reversal mode is enabled for the profile.
Batch Capture Enabled
Indicated whether batch capture is enabled. Read more about batch capture.
Quasi Cash
Indicated whether quasi cash processing is enabled.


Includes batch processing settings used for transaction processing.
Direct Debit Scheme
Direct debit network used for processing.
Indicates that BACS is used for processing.
Indicates that SEPA is used for processing.
Transaction Date Processing
Defines how batch file processing date is set on the processor profile level.
Indicates that a batch will be submitted for processing on an effective date specified within the file (via expectedEffectiveDate field).
Indicates that the system will submit the batch for processing regardless of the effective date specified within the file.
Aggregation Frequency
Time interval for aggregation to be used for the merchant/account.
Indicates that aggregation is done hourly.
Indicates that aggregation is done quarter-hourly.
Indicates that aggregation is done daily.
Retry Interval
Number of days required for a file to get submitted for a subsequent retry attempt.
Retry Attempts Limit
Number of attempts that soft declines are retried before the final decline is returned to the submitter.


Includes fulfillment settings used within a profile.
Fulfillment Center
Code of the fulfillment center.


Includes onboarding settings used within a profile.
Onboarding Profile ID
Identifier of the onboarding profile.

3D Secure

Includes 3D secure settings used for transaction processing.
Three D Security Enabled
Indicates whether 3D-Secure verification is enabled by default.
Acceptance Policy
Defines how 3D Secure approval is handled.
N (Card Is Not Enrolled)
Indicates that transactions with cards that are not enrolled get approved for further processing.
U (Undefined Status)
Iindicates that transactions with undefined 3D Secure status get approved for further processing.
P (Processing Error)
Iindicates that transactions with processing error response get approved for further processing.
F (Bank Verification Failed)
Iindicates that transactions that failed bank verification get approved for processing.


Includes tokenization settings used for transaction processing.
Bank Account Tokenization
Indicates whether tokenization is applied to the transactions with bank account processed within the profile.
Tokenization Policy Type
Type of the tokenization policy assigned to the profile.
Tokenization - a process that allows to replace sensitive card/account data with an associated token.
Detokenization - a process that allows to replace a token with associated sensitive card/account data.
Profiling - tokenization process that allows to store additional profile data in a token profile.
Deprofiling - detokenization process that allows to derive sensitive information from a token profile.
Tokenization and Detokenization
Indicates that both tokenization and detokenization are enabled.
Tokenization Only
Indicates that only tokenization is enabled.
Profiling and Deprofiling
Indicates that both profiling and deprofiling are enabled.
Profiling Only
Indicates that only profiling is enabled.
Profiling Unique
Indicates that profiling is enabled; when profiling is done, existing records get updated.
Profiling Unique Deprofiling
Indicates that both profiling and deprofiling are enabled; when profiling is done, existing records get updated.

Host Emulator

Includes host emulator settings used for transaction processing.
Batch Capture Enabled
Indicates whether batch capture functionality can be tested via proxy.
Amount Ranges Enabled
Indicates whether the amount ranges test is enabled.
Emulation Mode Type
Emulation mode used to trigger responses from the host.
Indicates whether the amount and account number ranges set in documentation are enabled for approval testing performed via proxy.

Account Updater

Includes CAU settings used within a profile.
Process Expired Cards Only
Indicates whether only cards with the expiration date that is due are sent for CAU through the processor.