Saves all changes on the form. |
Closes the form without saving any changes. |
Terminal Data |
Includes the list of terminal update and advertising options.
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Update Profile
Update profile of the terminal. References: Terminal Profile.Update Profile |
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Update Profile
Allows to update the selected profile automatically. |
Update Version
Current version of the update. References: Terminal Profile.Update Version |
Terminal Settings |
Includes the list of individual terminal settings.
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Connection Path
The way in which you can connect to the terminal (e.g. IP address). References: Terminal Profile.Connection Path |
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Operation Type
Allows to select an appropriate operation type from the list of available. |
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Indicates that the terminal communicates with an operator and transaction information is entered manually. |
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Indicates that the terminal communicates with the cloud to obtain a list of transactions from a POS for further processing. |
Receipt Printing Order
Represents the type of receipt printing order selecetd for the terminal. References: Terminal Profile.Receipt Printing Order Type CL |
Date Format
Format of a date that is used in the terminal.
The values can be the following: 'MMDDYY' - month, day, year 'DDMMYY' - day, month, year 'YYMMDD' - year, month, day References: Terminal Profile.Date Format |
Time Format
The format of the time, that is displayed on the terminal (possible format: AM/PM; 24/24. References: Terminal Profile.Time Format |
Terminal Profile |
Includes the list of terminal profile options.
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Amount Confirmation
Indicates whether the user have to confirm the entered amount of the transaction. References: Terminal Profile.Is Amount Confirmation Enabled |
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Signature Confirmation
Indicates whether the signature confirmation is enabled. References: Terminal Profile.Is Signature Confirmation Enabled |
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Indicates whether cashback is enabled in the terminal. References: Terminal Profile.Is Cashback Enabled |
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Convenience Fee
Indicates whether the convenience fee is enabled for the terminal. References: Terminal Profile.Is Convenience Fee Enabled |
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Indicates whether tip option is enabled in the terminal. References: Terminal Profile.Is Tip Enabled |
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Indicates whether CSC is enabled in the terminal. References: Terminal Profile.Is CSC Enabled |
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PIN Bypass
Indicates whether the PIN bypass is enabled for the terminal profile. References: Terminal Profile.Is PIN Bypass Enabled |
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Application Selection
Indicates whether the embedded application on the credit card can be selected manually.
Note: There can be several applications for transactions processing on the credit card (local, international, etc.). One of these applications has the higher priority (will be chosen automatically if manual selection of application is not enabled). References: Terminal Profile.Is Application Selection Enabled |
Connectivity Settings |
Includes various connectivity parameters for the terminal.
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Gateway Host
Terminal gateway host - EON Payments instance (ETHERNET only is used). References: Terminal Profile.Gateway Host |
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TMS Host
Host address of the terminal management system (TMS). References: Terminal Profile.TMS Host |
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Cloud Host
Name of the cloud server domain. References: Terminal Profile.Cloud Host |
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Cloud Port
Port of the cloud server. References: Terminal Profile.Cloud Port |
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Read Time Out (seconds)
Timeout period during which the terminal waits for the response from the gateway. References: Terminal Profile.Read Timeout |
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Comunication Protocol
Represents the type of communication protocol selected for the terminal. References: Terminal Profile.Communication Protocol CL |
Offline Processing |
Includes various parameters of the offline processing of the terminal.
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Transaction Type
Represents the type of selected offline transaction policy. References: Terminal Profile.Offline Transaction Policy CL |
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No Offline Processing
Indicates that offline processing is disabled. |
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Offline Sale Enabled Offline Cred...
Indicates that offline processing of sale transactions is enabled while offline processing of credit transactions is disabled. |
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Offline Sale Disabled Offline Cre...
Indicates that offline processing of credit transactions is enabled while offline processing of sale transactions is disabled. |
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Offline Sale And Credit Are Enabl...
Indicates that offline processing of both sale and credit transactions is enabled. |
Max Transaction Amount
The maximum allowed amount of one transaction. |
Gateway Sync Time
Time for syncronization with the gateway. |
Security Data |
Includes security parameters of the terminal.
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Admin PIN
Administartor's PIN code. References: Terminal Profile.Admin PIN |
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View Value
Allows to see the entered PIN value.
Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value. |
View Security Data
Allows to see password information. |
Manager PIN
Manager's PIN code. References: Terminal Profile.Manager PIN |
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View Value
Allows to see the entered PIN value.
Note: User should re-enter personal password for additional authentication to view this field's value. |
Last Password Change Date
The date when the password was generated the last time. References: Terminal Profile.Last Password Generation Date |
Inherited Settings |
Includes settings inherited from the merchant. This section is not available for bulk modify.
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Allows to reload all inherited information. |
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Merchant Account Code
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to. Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code. The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database. References: Terminal Profile.Merchant Account Code |
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Terminal Code
Code of the terminal within the system. References: Terminal Profile.Terminal Code |
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Currency Code
The code of the currency in the terminal. References: Terminal Profile.Currency Code |
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Country Code
The code of the country where the terminal is located. References: Terminal Profile.Country Code |
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Time Zone
Represents the time zone selected for the terminal. References: Terminal Profile.Time Zone CL |
Processor Info |
Includes settings inherited from a processor. This section is not available for bulk modify.
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Allows to reload all inherited processor information. |
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Profile Type
Processor's profile assigned to the merchant account that is associated with the terminal. |
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Merchant ID
MID assigned by a processor to the merchant account that is associated with the terminal. |
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Terminal ID
TID assigned by a processor to the merchant account that is associated with the terminal. |
Processing Profile |
Includes the list of merchant processing options.
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Default Industry Type
Represents the type of default transaction industry. References: Terminal Profile.Default Industry CL |