View Asset Transaction

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to asset transaction information.

Closes the form without saving any changes.

Transaction Info

Includes general information about the transaction.
Create Date
Date when the transaction was created.
Indicates whether the transaction is prepayed.

References: Asset Transaction.Is Prepayment
Code of the transaction in the system.
Enumeration of possible asset transaction processing modes available in the system.

References: Asset Transaction.Transaction CL
Enumeration of possible sources of the transaction.

References: Asset Transaction.Transaction Source CL
Due Date
Due date of the transaction.
The amount element defines the amount of the transaction. Supply the value in cents without a decimal point.

References: Chargeback Transaction.Amount
Tax charged on the payment plan's amount.

References: Payment Plan.Tax Amount
Current balance of the customer's account.

References: Customer Account.Balance
Code of the user that created the transaction.
Code of the user that posted the transaction.

Bank Info

Includes bank information of the transaction.
Bank Name
Name of the bank.

References: Bank Info.Bank Name
Phone Number
Phone number of the bank.

References: Bank Info.Phone Number
Street address of the bank's billing address.

References: Bank Info.Address
Account Type
The type of the account.

References: Bank Info.Account Type
Account Category
Category of the account.

References: Bank Info.Account Category


Includes any additional information about the transaction.

Capture Info

Includes capture information of the transaction.
Request Date
Date of the request.

References: Capture Info.Request Date
Name on Account
Name of bank account or credit card holder.

References: Capture Info.Holder Name
Account Number
Encoded credit card number or bank account number.

References: Capture Info.Account Number
Exp Date
Expiration date of the card or bank routing number.

References: Capture Info.Accessory
Response Message
Gateway generated response message.
Street mailing address of the cardholder.

References: Capture Info.Street
City mailing address of the cardholder.

References: Capture Info.City
State mailing address of the cardholder.

References: Capture Info.State
ZIP Code
ZIP/postal code of mailing address of the cardholder.

References: Capture Info.ZIP Code
Response Date
Date of the response.

References: Capture Info.Response Date
Response Code
Gateway generated response code.

References: Capture Info.Response Code
Approval Code
Authorization code returned by Provider that approved this transaction. In some instances might also be used to store response code returned by Provider when transaction declines.

References: Capture Info.Approval Code
Reference Number
Transaction identification in gateway.

References: Capture Info.Reference Number

Adjustment Transaction Info

Includes adjustment information of the transaction.
Create Date
Date when the record was created

References: Adjustment.Create Date
Reference to the entity that represents information about adjustment reason code.

References: Adjustment.Adjustment Reason Code FK
Type of the adjustment transaction.
Due Date
Date when the adjustment begins.

References: Adjustment.Adjustment Begin Date
The amount of money charged every time billing occurs for this payment plan (e.g. amount of the transaction). Value must be submitted in cents without a decimal point.

References: Payment Plan.Amount
Tax charged on the payment plan's amount.

References: Payment Plan.Tax Amount
Current balance of the customer's account.

References: Customer Account.Balance
Creator Code
Code of the user that created the transaction.
Poster Code
Code of the user that posted the transaction.
Shift Code
Shift code of the transaction.


Includes any additional information about the adjustment transaction.

Adjustment Capture Info

Includes adjustment information of the capture transaction.
Request Date
Date of the request.

References: Capture Info.Request Date
Name on Account
Name of bank account or credit card holder.

References: Capture Info.Holder Name
Account Number
Encoded credit card number or bank account number.

References: Capture Info.Account Number
Exp Date
Expiration date of the card or bank routing number.

References: Capture Info.Accessory
Street mailing address of the cardholder.

References: Capture Info.Street
City mailing address of the cardholder.

References: Capture Info.City
State mailing address of the cardholder.

References: Capture Info.State
ZIP Code
ZIP/postal code of mailing address of the cardholder.

References: Capture Info.ZIP Code
Response Date
Date of the response.

References: Capture Info.Response Date
Return Type
Gateway generated response code.

References: Capture Info.Response Code
Approval Code
Authorization code returned by Provider that approved this transaction. In some instances might also be used to store response code returned by Provider when transaction declines.

References: Capture Info.Approval Code
Reference Number
Transaction identification in gateway.

References: Capture Info.Reference Number