Modify Provider

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to various provider modification options.

Applications List


CA Key List


EMV Configuration



Saves all the changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes detailed information about the provider profile.
Name of a processor.

References: Provider.Name
Indicates whether the record is active within the system.

References: Provider.Is Active


Includes various settings of the provider.
Processing Cutoff
Processing cut off time set for a processor.

References: Provider.Processing Cutoff
Connection Limit
Number of the connection tries allowed by a processor.

References: Provider.Connection Limit
Online PIN
Indicates whether online PIN is available in the system.

References: Provider.Is Online PIN Supported

Test PIN Key

Includes test PIN information.
Base Deviation Key used for testing purposes when processor's BDK differs from the BDK installed in the terminal.

References: Provider.Test BDK
Key set identifier, that is a part of the Key Serial Number, used for testing purposes when processor's KSI differs from the KSI installed in the terminal.

References: Provider.Test KSI

Application ID Policy

Includes the list of available application ID policies.

Applications List

Includes various applications parameters.
Application identifier.

References: Chip Application.AID
Current version of the chip application.

References: Chip Application.Application Version
Name (or short description) of the chip application.

References: Chip Application.Application Name
TAC Denial
Denial terminal action code.
If TVR (Terminal Verification Results), TAC-denial, IAC-denial has essentially the same bit (at least one), the transaction ends with the offline-decline, the terminal prompts the AAC card cryptogram (cancel of the transaction).

References: Chip Application.TAC Denial
TAC Online
Transaction action code online.
Transaction is verified online and the terminal prompts the ARQC card cryptogram (online authorization).

References: Chip Application.TAC Online
TAC Default
Transaction action code default.
If there is a coincidence of bits in all three tags (TVR, TAC, IAC) then the transaction must be rejected.
If TVR tag bit equals 1 and if the same bit of bytes TAC-default and IAC-default equals 0, - then confirmation of the transaction is requested from the card offline (and cryptogram TC).

References: Chip Application.TAC Default
List of tags that is needed to be transferred to card in order to enable it to carry out security checks.

References: Chip Application.Default D Dol
List of tags that is needed to be transferred to card for correct formation of the cryptogram (Application Cryptogram).

References: Chip Application.Default T Dol
Modify Application
Allows to modify the selected chip application.
Opens Form: Modify Application (Contact)
Allows to add a new chip apllication to the list.
Allows to add a new contact chip apllication to the list.
Opens Form: New Application (Contact)
Allows to add a new contactless chip apllication to the list.
Opens Form: New Application (Contactless)

CA Key List

Includes the list of CA keys available in the system and various CA keys parameters.
Key index that is needed for the card processing.

References: CA Key.Key Index
Key exponent. Used in conjunction with the very key in the pair.

References: CA Key.Exponent
Key length.

References: CA Key.Length
Expiration Date
The expiration date of the key.

References: CA Key.Expiration Date
Modify CA Key
Allows to modify the selected CA key.
Opens Form: Modify CA Key
Allows to add a new CA key to the list.
Opens Form: New CA Key

EMV Configuration

Includes the list of EMV configuration keys available in the system.
Specific parameters that are used for configuration of an application installed in the terminal.

References: Provider.EMV Param Data
Value of the EMV configuration key.