Terminal Order Modify

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to terminal order modification options.

Allows to reopen the selected terminal order for further modification.
Allows to approve the selected terminal order.
Save & Hold
Saves all changes on the form without submitting the order, so it can be modified and submitted later.
Save & Submit
Saves all changes on the form and submits the order for processing.
Cancel Order
Allows to cancel the selected terminal order. To learn about statuses that allow to cancel order, review the guide.
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes additional information about the terminal order in the system.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.

References: Terminal Order.Id
Fulfillment Center
Identifier (represented as a sequence number) of the fulfillment center assigned within the gateway.
Information about the reseller within the system.
Information about the merchant within the system.
Information about the account within the system.


Includes address information about the client.
Name of the person/organization indicated as a merchant to receive the order.

References: Terminal Order.Shipping Name
Copy From
Allows to copy the information from the selected source.
Merchant Contact Info
Allows to copy the information from the merchant contact info.
Account Contact Info
Allows to copy the information from the account contact info.
Merchant Business Info
Allows to copy the information from the merchant business info.
Street 1
Street name of the user's shipping address for terminal order shipping (line 2).

References: Terminal Order.Shipping Street 1
Street 2
Street name of the user's shipping address for terminal order shipping (line 1).

References: Terminal Order.Shipping Street 2
City name of the user's shipping address for terminal order shipping.

References: Terminal Order.Shipping City
Client's country that is used for shipping of the terminal(s).
State code of the user's shipping address for terminal order shipping.

References: Terminal Order.Shipping State
ZIP Code
ZIP/Postal code of the user's shipping address for terminal order shipping.

References: Terminal Order.Shipping ZIP Code

Contact Info

Includes contact information of the client.
Contact Name
Contact name of the client that is to receive a terminal for usage.

References: Terminal Order.Contact Name
Copy From
Allows to copy the information from the selected source.
Merchant Contact Info
Allows to copy the information from the merchant contact info.
Account Contact Info
Allows to copy the information from the account contact info.
Merchant Business Info
Allows to copy the information from the merchant business info.
Phone number of the client that made the order.

References: Terminal Order.Phone
Email address of the client that made the order.

References: Terminal Order.Email


Includes additional information about the terminal order.
Order Type
Enumeration of possible types of terminal order (purchase or exchange).
Indicates that type of order is purchase.
Indicates that type of order is exchange.
Indicates that type of order is return.
Payment Arrangement
Reference to the entity that represents enumeration of possible payment arrangement types available within the system.

References: Terminal Order.Payment Arrangement CL
Indicates that payment is immidiate.
Indicates that terminal is ordered for rent.
Shipping Method
References: Terminal Order.
Support Phone
Phone number of the client that made the order.

References: Terminal Order.Phone


Includes information about state of the order.
Enumeration of possible statuses of the terminal order.

References: Terminal Order.Order Status CL
Response Message
Response message generated by the system.

References: Terminal Order.Response Message

Tracking Info

Includes information about the order tracking and shipment.
Fulfill Order
Allows to fulfill the order.
Tracking #
Number assigned by the fulfillment center to track the location of the order.

References: Terminal Order.Tracking Number
Fulfillment #
Identifier of the order assigned by a fulfillment center.


Includes any additional notes about the terminal order.

Items List

Includes information about the terminal order items.
Reference to the entity that represents terminal order and shipping details.

References: Terminal Order Detail.Terminal Order FK
Reference to the entity that represents enumeration of available terminal models.

References: Terminal Order Detail.Model CL
View Accessories
Allows to see terminal accessories information.
Injection Key
References: Terminal Order Detail.
Code of the configuration installed in the terminal.

References: Terminal Order Detail.Terminal Configuration Code
Terminal Code
Code of the terminal within the system.

References: Terminal Order Detail.Terminal Code
Modify Item
Allows to modify the selected ordered item's information.
Opens Form: Modify Ordered Item
View Terminal Details
Allows to review detailed information about the selected terminal.
Opens Form: Terminal Details
Delete Item
Allows to delete the selected item from the list.
Allows to add an item to the order list.
Allocate Terminal
Allows to allocate the terminal (select single or batch).
Opens Form: Allocate Terminal

Order History List

Includes terminal order history.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.

References: Terminal Order History.Id
Date when the record was created.

References: Terminal Order History.Create Date
Reference to the entity that represents enumeration of possible terminal order statuses.

References: Terminal Order History.Order Status CL
IP address of the place where the order was created.

References: Terminal Order History.Host
Code of the user within the system.

References: Terminal Order History.User Code