Provider Account Modify

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to provider account modification options.

Saves all the changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes merchant selection options.
Merchant Account
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to.
Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.

References: Provider Account.Merchant Account Code
Name of the provider account.

Generated automatically by default. Comprised of a merchant account code followed by the type of provider profile for which it is defined.

References: Provider Account.Name

Connection Type

Includes connection type selection options.
Type of connectivity to use to exchange messages/files with a processor.

References: Provider Account.Primary Connection Type
Secondary/additional type of connectivity used to exchange messages/files with a provider. The value is used when more than one protocol is involved in communication process (for example, real time authorization and batch settlement).

References: Provider Account.Secondary Connection Type


Includes various FTP settings for the provider account.
Host used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.FTP Host
Port used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.FTP Port
Username used for HTTPs based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.Username
Password used for HTTPs based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.Password
Confirm Password
Password confirmation: reenter password to confirm it.
Request Path
Path (or directory) where the request files are stored.
Response Path
Path (or directory) where the response files are stored.
Password Change
Indicates whether the password was changed.

References: Provider Account.Is Changed
Password Expiration Period
Time period during which FTP/sFTP connectivity password will expire.

References: Provider Account.Password Expiration Period
Password Expiration Date
Date on which the FTP/sFTP password expires.

References: Provider Account.Password Expiration Date


Includes various HTTP settings for the provider account.
Host to be used for HTTPs based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.Http Host
Port to be used for HTTPs based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.HTTP Port


Includes various SMTP settings for the provider account.
Host used for SMTP based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.SMTP Host
Port used for SMTP based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.SMTP Port
List of From address used for SMTP based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.SMTP From
List of To addresses used for SMTP based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.SMTP To
Username used for SMTP based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.SMTP Username
Password used for SMTP based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.SMTP Password
Encryption Type
Enumeration of possible encryption modes used for SMTP based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.SMTP Encryption CL
Indicates that encryption mode is not used.
Indicates that SSL encryption mode is used.
Indicates that TLS encryption mode is used.


Includes various SSH connection settings for the provider account.
Private Key File Name
Name of the private SSH key to be used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity (for sFTP communication)

References: Provider Account.SSH Private Key File Name
Pass Phrase
Passphrase of the private SSH key used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.SSH Pass Phrase


Includes various SSL connection settings for the provider account.
Certificate File Name
Name of SSL certificate used for HTTP/HTTPs based communication.

References: Provider Account.SSL Certificate File Name
Password on the SSL certificate used for HTTP/HTTPs based communication.

References: Provider Account.SSL Password


Includes various key encryption options for the provider account.
Public Key File Name
Name of the public PGP key of a processor that should be used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity. The key is used to decrypt processor's response files.

References: Provider Account.Encryption Public Key File Name
Private Key File Name
Name of the private PGP key to be used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity. The key is used to encrypt outgoing files.

References: Provider Account.Encryption Private Key File Name
Expiration Date
Expiration date of the private PGP key used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity.

References: Provider Account.Encryption Expiration Date
Pass Phrase
Passphrase of the private PGP key used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity. The key is used to encrypt outgoing files.

References: Provider Account.Encryption Pass Phrase
Archive Password
Password on .zip-archive which contains request file. The value is used to support communication with providers that require response files to be delivered as a password protected .zip-archive.

References: Provider Account.Archive Password