Saves all the changes on the form. |
Closes the form without saving any changes. |
General Info |
Includes general information about the portfolio and the user.
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Create Date
Date when the portfolio was created. References: Portfolio.Create Date |
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Indicates whether the portfolio is active within the system. References: Portfolio.Is Active |
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Identifier of the portfolio's owner within the system.
Auto-incremented integer value. References: Portfolio.Code |
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Name of the portfolio. References: Portfolio.Name |
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Subname of the company this portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.Subname |
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Street line 1
Street address (line 1) of the company the portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.Street1 |
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Street line 2
Street address (line 2) of the company the portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.Street2 |
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City of the company the portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.City |
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Country code of the company the portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.Country Code |
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State of the company the portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.State |
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ZIP Code
ZIP code/postal code of the company the portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.ZIP Code |
Logo |
Includes the images that are used as the logotype of the portfolio.
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Upload (Portal)
Allows to upload the image that will be used as a portal page logotype. |
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Upload (Reports)
Allows to upload the image that will be used as a reports page logotype. |
Merchant Service Info |
Includes contact information about merchant service that can be used to discuss any processing issues.
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Phone number of the merchant service company the portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.Phone |
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Fax of the merchant service company the portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.Fax |
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Email of the merchant service company the portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.Email |
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Work Hours
Working hours of the merchant service company the portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.Work Hours |
Tech Support |
Includes contact information of the technical support that can be used to discuss any processing issues.
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Phone number of the technical support company the portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.Phone Support |
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Fax of the technical support company the portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.Fax Support |
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Email of the technical support company the portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.Email Support |
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Work Hours
Working hours of the technical support company the portfolio belongs to. References: Portfolio.Work Hours Support |
UniPay |
Includes URL information of UniPay services.
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EON Payments name of the portal, which is related to this portfolio. References: Portfolio.UniPay Name |
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Portal URL
URL address of the portal related to this portfolio. References: Portfolio.UniPay Portal URL |
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Documentation URL
URL address of the EON Payments documentation web-site. References: Portfolio.UniPay Documentation URL |
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Support URL
Support system host related to this portfolio. References: Portfolio.Support System URL |
UniCharge |
Includes URL information of UniCharge services.
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UniCharge name of the portal, which is related to this portfolio. References: Portfolio.UniCharge Name |
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Processing URL
Processing URL for realtime transactions. References: Portfolio.UniCharge Realtime Processing URL |
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Processing URL (Batch)
Processing URL for batch transactions. References: Portfolio.UniCharge Batch Processing URL |
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Specification URL
URL address of the realtime transactions specification resource. References: Portfolio.UniCharge Realtime Specification URL |
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Specification URL (Batch)
URL address of the batch transactions specification resource. References: Portfolio.UniCharge Batch Specification URL |
UniBill |
Includes URL information of UniBill services.
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UniBill name of the portal, which is related to this portfolio. References: Portfolio.UniBill Name |
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Processing URL
Processing URL for recurring payments. References: Portfolio.UniBill Processing URL |
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Specification URL
URL address of the recurring payments specification resource. References: Portfolio.UniBill Specification URL |
Additional Info |
Any additional information related to the portfolio within the system.