Report Info

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to the selected report details.

Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes detailed information about the selected report.
Report Name
The unique code of the report in the system.

References: Report Queue.Report Code
File Name
The full file name of the report.

References: Report Queue.File Name
Create Date
The date when the record was created.

References: Report Queue.Create Date
Start Date
The date when the report was started.

References: Report Queue.Start Date
Complete Date
The date when the report was completed.

References: Report Queue.Complete Date
Current status of the report.

Represents current status of report queque.

References: Report Queue.Status CL
Any additional information abot the report that user wants to add.
The time spent on creating and editing of the report.


Includes various configurable options of the report. These parameters depend on type of generated report.