New Billing Profile

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to a new billing profile creation options.


Includes general information about billing profile.
Merchant Account
Allows to select an appropriate merchant from the list.
Indicates whether the record is active in the system.

Billing Profile

Includes various new billing profile creation parameters.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.

References: Processing Profile.Id
Name associated with this billing profile or billing profile name.

References: Processing Profile.Name
Time period (in days) that indicates how old are invoices on which a billing profile is based.

References: Billing Profile.Age
Min Amount
Minimum amout contained in invoice that billing profile is applied to.

References: Billing Profile.Min Amount
Max Amount
Maximum amout contained in invoice that billing profile is applied to.

References: Billing Profile.Max Amount
Include CC
Indicates whether credit cards processing is included in the billing profile.

References: Billing Profile.Include Cc
Include ACH
Indicates whether direct debit transactions processing is included in the billing profile.

References: Billing Profile.Include Ach
Include Statement
Indicates whether processing of corresponding transactions from merchant statement are included in the billing profile.

References: Billing Profile.Include Statement
Reattempt Declines
Indicates whether unpaid invoices from previous billings must be included in billing profile for processing retry.

References: Billing Profile.Reattempt Declines
Items that are included in billing profile processing.

References: Billing Profile.Item Mask
Account Group
Account groups that are included in billing profile processing.

References: Billing Profile.Account Group Mask
Saves all the changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.