Chargeback Case Modify

Type:    Form
Description: Allows modification of the selected chargeback case.

Original Transaction
Allows you to see the original transaction associated with the selected chargeback.
Opens Form: View Transaction
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes general information about the selected chargeback within the system.
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to.
Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.

References: Chargeback Case.Merchant Account Code
A unique chargeback ID.

References: Chargeback Case.Case Code
Case Type
Represents the type of case.

References: Chargeback Case.Case CL
Aquirer Reference#
Identifier of the chargeback in the acquirer's system.

References: Chargeback Case.Aquirer Transaction Code
Customer Account
Identifier of the customer that chargeback is associated with.

References: Chargeback Case.Customer Account Code
Reason Code
A code provided to the merchant by the card issuing bank that indicates the reason for the chargebacked transaction.

References: Chargeback Case.Response Code


Includes information about the status of the selected chargeback.
Type of transaction. For more information see {|class="newtable newtablenorowspan pull-left" !style="font-weight:bold"| Transaction type/ Transaction state !style="font-weight:bold"|approval !style="font-weight:bold"|decline !style="font-weight:bold"|delayed decline* !style="font-weight:bold"|void !style="font-weight:bold"|blacklist !style="font-weight:bold"|error |- |sale |sale |decline |decline (d) |void |blacklist |rowspan="2"|error |- |sale |sale |decline (c) |decline (cd) |void (c) |blacklist (c) |}
*applicable only for certain processors
Splits and Pulls For sale transactions: — Split-in - transaction generated in the context of the split payments functionality based on a sale transaction, which creates a record that an affiliate has received the commissions as a part of the original sale transaction processed by a merchant. On the user interface, a split-in transaction is always displayed with “+” symbol. — Split-out - transaction generated in the context of the split payments functionality based on a sale transaction, which creates a record that a merchant, that processed the original transaction, has transferred the commissions to an affiliate. On the user interface, a split-out transaction is always displayed with “-” symbol. For credit/refund/chargeback/return transactions: — Pull-in - transaction generated in the context of the split payments functionality based on the credit/refund/chargeback/return of the original transaction and creates a record that the merchant has received the commissions, previously charged via split-in, from the affiliate. — Pull-out - transaction generated in the context of the split payments functionality based on the credit/refund/chargeback/return of the original transaction and creates a record that the affiliate has transferred the commissions, previously charged via split-out, to the merchant. Splits and pulls on the gateway user interface depending on the transaction state:
{|class="newtable newtablenorowspan pull-left" !style="font-weight:bold"| Transaction type/ Transaction state !style="font-weight:bold"|approval !style="font-weight:bold"|void |- |Split-in |split-in |rowspan="2"|void (i) |- |Pull |pull-in |- |Split-out |split-out |rowspan="2"|void (o) |- |Pull-out |pull-out |}
Non-financial transactions — Notice (notice of change) - direct debit transaction that is returned by a bank and notify that some details of the transaction were corrected. — Inquiry (balance inquiry) - operation used to verify balance on debit, prepaid or gift cards. — Verification (account verification) - operation used to verify that an account is active and to perform AVS verification without actual authorization. — Fee (convenience fee) - operation used to calculate a surcharge to a cardholder to cover the cost of credit card processing. For gift cards: — Transfer - operation used to transfer a balance from one gift card to another. — Activation - operation used to activate a gift card. — Deactivation - operation used to deactivate an active gift card. — Reactivation - operation used to reactivate a previously deactivated gift card. — Create-alias - operation used to create an alias (token) for a gift card. — Delete-alias - operation used to remove a previously created alias (token) for a gift card. " >Transaction type.
Represents current point in the overall chargeback life-cycle in which the chargeback currently resides.

References: Chargeback Case.Cycle CL
Represents the queue in which the chargeback currently resides.

References: Chargeback Case.Current Queue CL
Current state of the chargeback.

References: Chargeback Case.Status CL
Assigned To
User who is currently responsible for the case.
as of
The date when current user was assigned as responsible for the case.

References: Chargeback Case.Last Owner Change Date


Includes information about dates related to the selected chargeback.
Original Transaction
The date of the original transaction.

References: Chargeback Case.Original Transaction Date
Issued By Bank
The date the issuing bank initiated the chargeback.

References: Chargeback Case.Bank Issued Date
Received By Processor
The date when the processor received the chargeback.

References: Chargeback Case.Processor Received Date
Loaded On
The date when the processor received the chargeback.

References: Chargeback Case.Create Date
Last Updated
The date of the last update.

References: Chargeback Case.Last Update Date
Reply By
The date prior to which the response has to be given.

References: Chargeback Case.Reply By Date


Includes information about amounts related to the selected chargeback.
Authorization amount that was settled.

References: Chargeback Case.Authorization Amount
Transaction amount that was settled.

References: Chargeback Case.Settlement Amount
Transaction amount that was charged back.

References: Chargeback Case.Chargeback Amount
Transaction amount that was represented.

References: Chargeback Case.Represented Amount
Transaction amount that goes into the pre-arbitration.

References: Chargeback Case.Pre Arbitration Amount

Related Cases by Account Number

Includes the list of the related cases by account number.
Loads related chargeback cases by account number.
Case Code
A unique chargeback ID.

References: Chargeback Case.Case Code
Current state of the chargeback.

References: Chargeback Case.Status CL
Merchant Account
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to.
Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.

References: Chargeback Case.Merchant Account Code
Represents the type of case.

References: Chargeback Case.Case CL
Current Queque
Represents the queue in which the chargeback currently resides.

References: Chargeback Case.Current Queue CL
Card Number (Last4)
Last 4 digits of the card provided.

References: Chargeback Case.Card Number Last4
Reason Code
A code provided to the merchant by the card issuing bank that indicates the reason for the chargebacked transaction.

References: Chargeback Case.Response Code
Represents current point in the overall chargeback life-cycle in which the chargeback currently resides.

References: Chargeback Case.Cycle CL
Day Issued
The date the issuing bank initiated the chargeback.

References: Chargeback Case.Bank Issued Date
Day Received
The date when the processor received the chargeback.

References: Chargeback Case.Processor Received Date
Modify Chargeback Case
Allows to perform changes to the chargeback selected.
Opens Form: Chargeback Case Modify

Related Cases by Customer Code

Includes the list of the related cases by customer code.
Loads related chargeback cases by customer code.
Case Code
A unique chargeback ID.

References: Chargeback Case.Case Code
Current state of the chargeback.

References: Chargeback Case.Status CL
Merchant Account
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to.
Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.

References: Chargeback Case.Merchant Account Code
Represents the type of case.

References: Chargeback Case.Case CL
Current Queque
Represents the queue in which the chargeback currently resides.

References: Chargeback Case.Current Queue CL
Card Number (Last4)
Last 4 digits of the card provided.

References: Chargeback Case.Card Number Last4
Reason Code
A code that indicates the reason for the chargebacked transaction.

Last 4 digits of the card provided.

References: Chargeback Case.Card Number Last4
A code that indicates the reason for the chargebacked transaction.

Represents current point in the overall chargeback life-cycle in which the chargeback currently resides.

References: Chargeback Case.Cycle CL
Day Issued
The date the issuing bank initiated the chargeback.

References: Chargeback Case.Bank Issued Date
Day Received
The date when the processor received the chargeback.

References: Chargeback Case.Processor Received Date
Modify Chargeback Case
Allows to perform changes to the chargeback selected.
Opens Form: Chargeback Case Modify

Related Transactions

Includes the list of the related transactions located either by tokenCode or by last 4 digits of the account number.
Loads related transactions.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.

References: Transaction.Id
Date when a transaction was received by the system.

References: Charge Transaction.Transaction Date
Customer Name
Name of the account holder, assosiated with this transaction.

It is also used as first name of the billing address.

References: Charge Transaction.First Name
Represents the type of payment, which is used for the transaction.

References: Charge Transaction.Account Source CL
Type of transaction. For more information see {|class="newtable newtablenorowspan pull-left" !style="font-weight:bold"| Transaction type/ Transaction state !style="font-weight:bold"|approval !style="font-weight:bold"|decline !style="font-weight:bold"|delayed decline* !style="font-weight:bold"|void !style="font-weight:bold"|blacklist !style="font-weight:bold"|error |- |sale |sale |decline |decline (d) |void |blacklist |rowspan="2"|error |- |sale |sale |decline (c) |decline (cd) |void (c) |blacklist (c) |}
*applicable only for certain processors
Splits and Pulls For sale transactions: — Split-in - transaction generated in the context of the split payments functionality based on a sale transaction, which creates a record that an affiliate has received the commissions as a part of the original sale transaction processed by a merchant. On the user interface, a split-in transaction is always displayed with “+” symbol. — Split-out - transaction generated in the context of the split payments functionality based on a sale transaction, which creates a record that a merchant, that processed the original transaction, has transferred the commissions to an affiliate. On the user interface, a split-out transaction is always displayed with “-” symbol. For credit/refund/chargeback/return transactions: — Pull-in - transaction generated in the context of the split payments functionality based on the credit/refund/chargeback/return of the original transaction and creates a record that the merchant has received the commissions, previously charged via split-in, from the affiliate. — Pull-out - transaction generated in the context of the split payments functionality based on the credit/refund/chargeback/return of the original transaction and creates a record that the affiliate has transferred the commissions, previously charged via split-out, to the merchant. Splits and pulls on the gateway user interface depending on the transaction state:
{|class="newtable newtablenorowspan pull-left" !style="font-weight:bold"| Transaction type/ Transaction state !style="font-weight:bold"|approval !style="font-weight:bold"|void |- |Split-in |split-in |rowspan="2"|void (i) |- |Pull |pull-in |- |Split-out |split-out |rowspan="2"|void (o) |- |Pull-out |pull-out |}
Non-financial transactions — Notice (notice of change) - direct debit transaction that is returned by a bank and notify that some details of the transaction were corrected. — Inquiry (balance inquiry) - operation used to verify balance on debit, prepaid or gift cards. — Verification (account verification) - operation used to verify that an account is active and to perform AVS verification without actual authorization. — Fee (convenience fee) - operation used to calculate a surcharge to a cardholder to cover the cost of credit card processing. For gift cards: — Transfer - operation used to transfer a balance from one gift card to another. — Activation - operation used to activate a gift card. — Deactivation - operation used to deactivate an active gift card. — Reactivation - operation used to reactivate a previously deactivated gift card. — Create-alias - operation used to create an alias (token) for a gift card. — Delete-alias - operation used to remove a previously created alias (token) for a gift card. " >Transaction type.
CC/Bank Account
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to.
Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.

References: Transaction.Merchant Account Code
Total amount of the transaction.

When partial authorizations are done, amount represents required amount, which may or may not be available.

References: Transaction.Amount
Current status of the transaction.

References: Transaction.Transaction Status Cl
View Transactions
Takes you to the transaction associated with the selected chargeback.
Opens Form: View Transaction

Activity List

Includes various information on the activity of the selected chargeback.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.

References: Chargeback Case Activity.Id
Activity Date
The date of the chargeback activity.

References: Chargeback Case Activity.Activity Date
Represents current point in the overall chargeback life-cycle in which the chargeback currently resides.

References: Chargeback Case.Cycle CL
Represents the type of the chargeback life-cycle activity.

References: Chargeback Case.Activity CL
Any notes related to the chargeback case.
Indicates whether the chargeback case is financial in the system.

References: Chargeback Case Activity.Is Financial
Current state of the chargeback.

References: Chargeback Case.Status CL
Allows to resynchronise the activity with the underlying processor

Note: Available only in cases when initial synchronisation attempt failed.
Allows to view detailed information on the activity selected.
Opens Form: Modify Activity
Add Note
Allows to add any notes related to the selected chargeback case.
Dismiss Case
This option is only available for cases representing retrieval requests. Allows to close the case without any response because a chargeback for the same transaction has been subsequently issued.
Allows to refund the transaction.
Accept Liability
Allows to accept liability on chargeback and refund the transaction.
Allows to represent chargeback by submitting applicable information that proves the case.
Opens Form: Merchant Represent

Document List

Includes the list of uploaded chargeback support documents for a particular case.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.

References: Chargeback Case Document.Id
Create Date
Date when the record was created

References: Chargeback Case Document.Create Date
The name of the creator of the document.

References: Chargeback Case Document.Creator Code
File Name
The name of the uploaded document.

References: Chargeback Case Document.File Name
Short description of the uploaded document.

References: Chargeback Case Document.Description
Represents the action associated with the uploaded document.

References: Chargeback Case Document.Action CL
Enumeration of statuses of the uploaded document after the action has been executed.

References: Chargeback Case Document.Status CL
Allows to resynchronise the activity with the underlying processor

Note: Available only in cases when initial synchronisation attempt failed.
View PDF
Allows viewing of the uploaded file in the PDF format.
Allows to mark the document for deletion.
Allows to upload a new document.