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TransArmor Compass StrongAuth  Tokenization Response Codes:

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message EON Payments Code
103 Good Pre-Noted A01
101 Good Validated A01
260 Good Soft AVS A01
105 Good Received and Stored A01
108 Good Approved for Activation A01
110 Good BIN Alert A01
100 Good Approved for Activation A01
164 Good Conditional Approval A01
104 Good No Reason to Decline A01
102 Good Verified A01
704 Good FPO Accepted A01
107 Good Request Received A01
109 Good Previously Processed Transaction A01
106 Good Provided Auth A01
111 Good Approved for Partial A01
764 Soft Authorization Revoked by Consumer D01
303 Soft Processor Decline D01
787 Soft Decline code 47 D01
595 Soft New Card Issued D01
758 Soft Account Frozen D01
765 Soft Customer Advises Not Authorized D01
530 Soft Do Not Honor D01
802 Soft Positive ID D01
606 Soft Invalid Transaction Type D01
903 Hard Invalid Expiration D02
605 Hard Invalid Expiration Date D02
509 Soft Over the limit D03
521 Soft Insufficient funds D03
302 Soft Credit Floor D03
510 Soft Over Limit Frequency D03
501 Hard Pickup D04
603 Hard Invalid Institution D05
751 Hard Transit Routing Number Unknown D05
201 Hard Invalid CC Number D05
602 Hard Invalid Institution Code D05
768 Hard Bad Account Number Data D05
750 Hard Invalid Transit Routing Number D05
763 Hard Invalid Account Number D05
591 Hard Invalid CC Number D05
572 Hard Revocation of All Authorizations – Closed Account D06
754 Hard Account Closed D06
825 Hard No Account D06
599 Hard Refund D06
755 Hard No Account/ Unable to Locate D06
813 Soft Invalid PIN D07
531 Soft CVV2/VAK Failure D08
503 Soft Fraud/Security Violation D08
811 Soft Invalid Security Code D08
264 Soft Duplicate Deposit Transaction D09
551 Soft Duplicate Transaction D09
502 Hard Lost/Stolen D10
596 Hard Suspected Fraud D11
833 Soft Invalid Merchant D12
835 Soft No Permission D12
351 Soft TransArmor Service Unavailable D12
834 Soft Unauthorized User D12
571 Hard Revocation of Authorization for All Recurring / Installments D13
570 Hard Stop payment order one time recurring/ installment D13
522 Hard Card is expired D16
301 Soft Issuer unavailable D17
218 Soft Invalid SKU Number D17
227 Soft Missing Companion Data D17
230 Soft Payments do not total 100 D17
000 Soft No Answer D17
219 Soft Invalid Credit Plan D17
229 Soft Percents do not total 100 D17
607 Soft Invalid Amount D18
203 Soft Zero Amount D18
240 Soft Auth Amount for Division D18
592 Soft Bad Amount D18
202 Soft Bad Amount Non-numeric Amount D18
778 Soft Refund greater than original amount D18
205 Soft Bad Total Auth Amount D18
306 Soft Amount Mismatch D18
508 Soft Excessive PIN try D21
307 Soft Authorization Not Found D26
305 Hard Already Reversed D27
547 Hard Address Verification Failed D27
759 Hard Customer Opt-out D27
231 Hard Invalid Division Number D27
741 Hard Validation Failed D27
257 Hard Missing Cust Service Phone D27
905 Hard Stand in Rules D27
540 Hard Under 18 Years Old D27
245 Hard Missing or Invalid Secure Payment Data D27
587 Hard Activation Amount Incorrect D27
353 Hard TransArmor Invalid Token or PAN D27
549 Hard Previously Declined D27
767 Hard Invalid Account Number Format D27
234 Hard Duplicate Order Number D27
753 Hard Invalid Account Type D27
589 Hard CVD Value Failure D27
262 Hard Authorization Code Response Date Invalid D27
251 Hard Invalid Start Date D27
542 Hard Bill To Not Equal to Ship To D27
237 Hard FPO Not Approved D27
757 Hard Beneficiary Deceased D27
580 Hard Account previously activated D27
519 Hard On negative file D27
560 Hard Re authorization D27
772 Hard Incorrect Length D27
204 Hard Other Error D27
594 Hard Other Error D27
265 Hard Missing QHP Amount D27
544 Hard Invalid Email Address D27
239 Hard Invalid MOP for Division D27
583 Hard Block Activation Failed D27
563 Hard Re authorization timeframes exceeded D27
247 Hard Check Conversion Data Error D27
781 Hard Invalid MICR Data D27
546 Hard Blocked Account D27
225 Hard Invalid Field Data D27
740 Hard Match Failed D27
304 Hard Not On File D27
567 Hard Pending Review D27
253 Hard Invalid Tran. Type D27
904 Hard Invalid Effective D27
534 Hard Do Not Honor – High Fraud D27
243 Hard Invalid Purchase Level 3 D27
582 Hard No Original Authorization Found D27
352 Hard Expired Lock D27
548 Hard Not on Credit Bureau D27
760 Hard ACH Non-Participant D27
233 Hard Does not match MOP D27
752 Hard Missing Name D27
261 Hard Account Not Eligible For Division’s Setup D27
354 Hard TransArmor Invalid Result D27
541 Hard Possible Compromise D27
588 Hard Block Activation Failed D27
505 Hard Negative file D27
550 Hard Closed Account, New Account Issued D27
771 Hard Decline Lost or Stolen Checks D27
235 Hard FPO Locked D27
756 Hard Account-Holder Deceased D27
590 Hard Maximum Redemption Limit Met D27
263 Hard Partial Authorization Not Allowed or Partial Authorization Request Note Valid D27
252 Hard Invalid Issue Number D27
543 Hard Invalid Pre-approval Number D27
238 Hard Invalid Currency D27
581 Hard Unable to void D27
524 Hard Altered data D27
561 Hard Re authorization no match D27
246 Hard Merchant not MasterCard Secure code Enabled D27
777 Hard Original transaction not approved D27
220 Hard Invalid Store Number D27
610 Hard BIN Block D27
266 Hard Invalid QHP Amount D27
545 Hard PA ITA Number Inactive D27
248 Hard Blanks not passed in reserved field D27
806 Hard Restraint D27
241 Hard Illegal Action D27
584 Hard Issuance Does Not Meet Minimum Amount D27
564 Hard Counter Offer D27
401 Soft Call D30
786 Soft Call Center D30
402 Soft Default Call D30
249 Soft Invalid (MCC) D34
902 Soft Process Unavailable E03
236 Soft Auth Recycle Host System Down E03

AVS Responses   
Code Message EON Payments Code
IS System unavailable or time-out 00
N1 No address given with order 40
N2 Bill-to address did not pass First Data’s edit checks 44
IC Street address and postal code not verified due to incompatible format (both were sent) 45
I8 ZIP/Postal No Match, Plus-4 No Match, Locale No Match 45
IE Edit Error – AVS data is invalid 45
I6 ZIP/Postal No Match, Plus-4 Match, Locale No Match 45
I4 ZIP/Postal Match, Plus-4 No Match, Locale No Match 47
IP Postal code match. Street address not verified due to incompatible formats (both were sent) 47
I7 ZIP/Postal No Match, Plus-4 No Match, Locale Match 4D
I5 ZIP/Postal No Match, Plus-4 Match, Locale Match 4D
IB Street address match. Postal code not verified due to incompatible formats (both were sent) 4D
I1 ZIP/Postal Match, Plus-4 Match, Locale Match 4F
IA International street address and postal code match (International Only) 4F
I3 ZIP/Postal Match, Plus-4 No Match, Locale Match 4F
I2 ZIP/Postal Match, Plus-4 Match, Locale No Match 4F
B4 Accountholder name incorrect, billing postal code matches 53
?? Unrecognized response 55
B8 Accountholder name, billing address and postal code are all incorrect 55
B7 Accountholder name incorrect, billing address matches 5C
B3 Accountholder name incorrect, billing address and postal code match 5F
A1 Accountholder name matches 70
A4 Accountholder name and billing postal code match 73
A7 Accountholder name and billing address match 7C
A3 Accountholder name, billing address and postal code match 7F
IG Issuer doesn't participate in AVS 80
ID Issuer does not participate in AVS 80
IU Issuer doesn't participate in AVS 80

CSC Responses   
Code Message EON Payments Code
M Value matched M
I Invalid N
N Value not matched N
P Not Processed P
" " Blank P
S Should be on the card S
U Unsupported by the Issuer U
? Unrecognized response X