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FirstData OmniPay  (real-time) Response Codes:

Code Message Description
00 AVS Error - Retry, System unavailable or Timed out A system error prevented any verification of street address or postal code.
40 Address not available (Address not verified) The card-issuing bank received the address but did not verify whether it was correct. This typically happens if the processor declines an authorization before the bank evaluates the address.
43 Street address not available (not verified), ZIP matches The card-issuing bank received the street address but did not verify whether it was correct. ZIP code matches.
44 Address failed Address verification has failed.
45 Street address and ZIP don't match Both street address and ZIP code provided do not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
46 Street address doesn't match, 5-digit ZIP matches Provided street address does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but 5-digit ZIP code matches.
47 Street address doesn't match, 9-digit ZIP matches Provided street address does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but 9-digit ZIP code matches.
4A Street address or ZIP doesn't match Street address or ZIP code provided does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
4D Street address matches, ZIP does not Provided ZIP code does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but street address matches.
4E Street address and 5-digit ZIP match Both street address and 5-digit ZIP code provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
4F Street address and ZIP match Both street address and ZIP code provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
53 Account holder name incorrect, billing postal code matches Provided account holder name does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but billing postal code matches.
55 Unrecognized response Account holder name, billing address and postal code are all incorrect.
5C Account holder name incorrect, billing address matches Provided account holder name does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but billing address matches.
5F Account holder name incorrect, billing address and postal code match Provided account holder name does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but both billing address and postal code matches.
70 Account holder name matches Provided account holder name matches the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
73 Account holder name and billing postal code match Both account holder name and billing postal code provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
7C Account holder name and billing address match Both account holder name and billing address provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
7F Account holder name, billing address and postal code match All of the information provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
80 AVS service not supported by issuer - Issuer doesn't participate in AVS AVS information was provided but the card-issuing bank does not participate in address verification.
C0 AVS not performed AVS verification has not been performed.
Code Message Description
M Matches The CSC provided matches the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
N Not matches The CSC provided does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank.
P Not processed CSC has not been processed.
S Should be present Issuer indicates that CSC data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated data is not present on the card.
U Issuer is not certified (1) Unknown issuer; (2) issuer is not certified for CSC; (3) issuer has not provided Visa/MasterCard with the CSC encryption keys.
X Unrecognized reason Error: response is unknown or unrecognized.

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message EON Payments Code
83 Good Not declined (Valid for all zero amount transactions) A01
0 Good Approved or completed successfully A01
80 Good Approval for Purchase Amount Only A01
11 Good Partial Approval A05
5 Soft Do not honour D01
89 Soft Security Violation D01
2 Soft Refer to card issuer D01
4 Soft Do not honour D01
59 Soft Suspected Fraud D01
58 Soft Txn Not Permitted On Term D01
97 Soft No Funds Transfer D01
51 Soft Not sufficient funds D03
42 Hard Special Pickup D04
44 Hard Pickup Card D04
67 Hard Retain Card; no reason specified D04
14 Hard Invalid card number D05
12 Hard Invalid transaction card / issuer / acquirer D05
92 Hard Invalid Issuer D06
22 Hard No Checking Account D06
24 Hard No Credit Account D06
76 Hard Invalid Account D06
91 Hard Issuer not available D06
21 Hard No To Account D06
20 Hard No From Account D06
23 Hard No Saving Account D06
81 Soft Unable to Verify PIN D07
55 Soft Incorrect PIN; Re-enter D07
87 Soft PIN Key Error D07
82 Soft Invalid Card Verification Value D08
N7 Soft Decline CVV2 failure D08
99 Soft Duplicate Transaction D09
9 Soft No Original D09
41 Hard Lost Card D10
43 Hard Hot Card D11
39 Soft Transaction Not Allowed D12
77 Soft Issuer Does Not Participate In The Service D12
78 Soft Function Not Available D12
R3 Hard Revocation of all Authorisations Order D13
R1 Hard Revocation of Authorisation Order D13
61 Soft Exceeds amount limit D15
66 Soft Exceeds Acquirer Limit D15
65 Soft Exceeds frequency limit D15
54 Hard Expired card D16
19 Soft System Error; Re-enter transaction D17
13 Soft Invalid amount D18
75 Soft Exceeds PIN Retry D21
7 Hard Honour with ID D27
63 Hard MAC Key Error D27
84 Hard Invalid Life Cycle of transaction D27
79 Hard Key Validation Error D27
86 Hard K M E Sync Error D27
68 Hard Response received too late. Used to indicate the reason for sending a reversal – an authorisation response was not returned within the time limit D27
96 Hard System malfunction D27
88 Hard MAC sync Error D27
34 Hard Implausible card data D27
98 Hard Duplicate Reversal D27
6 Hard Invalid Transaction for Terminal D27
17 Hard Invalid Capture date (terminal business date) D27
93 Hard Transaction cannot be completed D27
8 Hard Time-Out D27
85 Hard No Keys To Use D27
10 Hard Unable to Reverse D27
45 Hard Fallback transaction not allowed (CUP only) D27
30 Hard Format error D27
N4 Soft Cash Back Request Exceeds Issuer Limit D28
N3 Soft Cash Service Not Available D28
57 Soft Transaction not permitted on card D29
62 Soft Restricted card D29
95 Soft Contact Acquirer D30
94 Soft Invalid originator D33
3 Soft Invalid merchant D33
46 Closed Account D36