Code | Type | Message | EON Payments Code |
108 | Good | Approved for Activation | A01 |
102 | Good | Verified | A01 |
105 | Good | Received and Stored | A01 |
100 | Good | Approved for Activation | A01 |
164 | Good | Conditional Approval | A01 |
103 | Good | Pre-Noted | A01 |
704 | Good | FPO Accepted | A01 |
107 | Good | Request Received | A01 |
106 | Good | Provided Auth | A01 |
110 | Good | BIN Alert | A01 |
101 | Good | Validated | A01 |
104 | Good | No Reason to Decline | A01 |
307 | Soft | Authorization Not Found | D01 |
586 | Soft | Outstanding Authorization, Funds on Hold | D01 |
544 | Soft | Invalid Email Address | D01 |
595 | Soft | New Card Issued | D01 |
547 | Soft | Address Verification Failed | D01 |
764 | Soft | Authorization Revoked by Consumer | D01 |
262 | Soft | Authorization Code Response Date Invalid | D01 |
303 | Soft | Processor Decline | D01 |
997 | Soft | Acquirer Error | D01 |
530 | Soft | Do Not Honor | D01 |
585 | Soft | No Original Authorization Found | D01 |
605 | Hard | Invalid Expiration Date | D02 |
903 | Hard | Invalid Expiration | D02 |
111 | Soft | Approved for Partial | D03 |
509 | Soft | Over the limit | D03 |
521 | Soft | Insufficient funds | D03 |
501 | Hard | Pickup | D04 |
763 | Hard | Invalid Account Number | D05 |
591 | Hard | Invalid CC Number | D05 |
751 | Hard | Transit Routing Number Unknown | D05 |
768 | Hard | Bad Account Number Data | D05 |
201 | Hard | Invalid CC Number | D05 |
546 | Hard | Blocked Account | D06 |
599 | Hard | Refund | D06 |
572 | Hard | Revocation of All Authorizations т Closed Account | D06 |
754 | Hard | Account Closed | D06 |
550 | Hard | Closed Account, New Account Issued | D06 |
825 | Hard | No Account | D06 |
755 | Hard | No Account/ Unable to Locate | D06 |
818 | Hard | No Savings Account | D06 |
758 | Hard | Account Frozen | D06 |
813 | Soft | Invalid PIN | D07 |
531 | Soft | CVV2/VAK Failure | D08 |
589 | Soft | CVD Value Failure | D08 |
811 | Soft | Invalid Security Code | D08 |
264 | Soft | Duplicate Deposit Transaction | D09 |
299 | Soft | Duplicate Transaction | D09 |
109 | Soft | Previously Processed Transaction | D09 |
776 | Soft | Duplicate Transaction | D09 |
551 | Soft | Duplicate transaction | D09 |
502 | Hard | Lost/Stolen | D10 |
835 | Soft | No Permission | D12 |
571 | Hard | Revocation of Authorization for All Recurring / Installments | D13 |
570 | Hard | Stop payment order one time recurring/ installment | D13 |
509 | Soft | Over the limit | D15 |
510 | Soft | Over Limit Frequency | D15 |
590 | Soft | Maximum Redemption Limit Met | D15 |
522 | Hard | Card is expired | D16 |
000 | Soft | No Answer | D17 |
230 | Soft | Payments do not total 100 | D17 |
219 | Soft | Invalid Credit Plan | D17 |
229 | Soft | Percents do not total 100 | D17 |
218 | Soft | Invalid SKU Number | D17 |
202 | Soft | Bad Amount Non-numeric Amount | D18 |
584 | Soft | Issuance Does Not Meet Minimum Amount | D18 |
240 | Soft | Auth Amount for Division | D18 |
205 | Soft | Bad Total Auth Amount | D18 |
587 | Soft | Activation Amount Incorrect | D18 |
592 | Soft | Bad Amount | D18 |
778 | Soft | Refund greater than original amount | D18 |
788 | Soft | Refund Greater than original | D18 |
306 | Soft | Amount Mismatch | D18 |
203 | Soft | Zero Amount | D18 |
607 | Soft | Invalid Amount | D18 |
508 | Soft | Excessive PIN try | D21 |
294 | Hard | Daily Disbursement Reject Card (Payment) | D27 |
275 | Hard | Invalid Time | D27 |
766 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
781 | Hard | Invalid MICR Data | D27 |
266 | Hard | Invalid QHP Amount | D27 |
253 | Hard | Invalid Tran. Type | D27 |
740 | Hard | Match Failed | D27 |
506 | Hard | Invalid Institution | D27 |
753 | Hard | Invalid Account Type | D27 |
204 | Hard | Other Error | D27 |
245 | Hard | Missing or Invalid Secure Payment Data | D27 |
289 | Hard | 7 day Velocity Block Reject (Merchant) | D27 |
269 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
902 | Hard | Process Unavailable | D27 |
802 | Hard | Positive ID | D27 |
549 | Hard | Previously Declined | D27 |
261 | Hard | Account Not Eligible For Divisionтs Setup | D27 |
541 | Hard | Possible Compromise | D27 |
581 | Hard | Unable to void | D27 |
562 | Hard | Re authorization amount exceeded | D27 |
212 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
252 | Hard | Invalid Issue Number | D27 |
767 | Hard | Invalid Account Number Format | D27 |
756 | Hard | Account-Holder Deceased | D27 |
234 | Hard | Duplicate Order Number | D27 |
777 | Hard | Original transaction not approved | D27 |
248 | Hard | Blanks not passed in reserved field | D27 |
524 | Hard | Altered data | D27 |
610 | Hard | BIN Block | D27 |
292 | Hard | 7 Day Disbursement Reject Card (Funding) | D27 |
273 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
905 | Hard | Stand in Rules | D27 |
759 | Hard | Customer Opt-out | D27 |
237 | Hard | FPO Not Approved | D27 |
227 | Hard | Missing Companion Data | D27 |
305 | Hard | Already Reversed | D27 |
297 | Hard | Per Txn Amt Disbursement Limit Reject | D27 |
567 | Hard | Pending Review | D27 |
258 | Hard | Not Authorized to Send Record | D27 |
772 | Hard | Incorrect Length | D27 |
602 | Hard | Invalid Institution Code | D27 |
295 | Hard | 7 Day Disbursement Reject Card (Payment) | D27 |
276 | Hard | Invalid Date | D27 |
842 | Hard | Bad EAN/SCV/CSV | D27 |
301 | Hard | Issuer unavailable | D27 |
257 | Hard | Missing Cust Service Phone | D27 |
243 | Hard | Invalid Purchase Level 3 | D27 |
741 | Hard | Validation Failed | D27 |
560 | Hard | Re authorization | D27 |
210 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
505 | Hard | Negative file | D27 |
231 | Hard | Invalid Division Number | D27 |
542 | Hard | Bill To Not Equal to Ship To | D27 |
606 | Hard | Invalid Transaction Type | D27 |
290 | Hard | 30 Day Velocity Block Reject (Merchant) | D27 |
270 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
235 | Hard | FPO Locked | D27 |
220 | Hard | Invalid Store Number | D27 |
582 | Hard | Block activation failed | D27 |
563 | Hard | Re authorization timeframes exceeded | D27 |
214 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
757 | Hard | Beneficiary Deceased | D27 |
274 | Hard | Transaction Not Supported | D27 |
265 | Hard | Missing QHP Amount | D27 |
545 | Hard | PA ITA Number Inactive | D27 |
293 | Hard | 30 Day Disbursement Reject Card (Funding) | D27 |
760 | Hard | ACH Non-Participant | D27 |
752 | Hard | Missing Name | D27 |
238 | Hard | Invalid Currency | D27 |
298 | Hard | Daily/7 Day/30 Day Disbursement Manual Block | D27 |
420 | Hard | Unsupported Currency | D27 |
750 | Hard | Invalid Transit Routing Number | D27 |
603 | Hard | Invalid Institution | D27 |
288 | Hard | Daily Velocity Block Reject (Merchant) | D27 |
268 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
302 | Hard | Credit Floor | D27 |
548 | Hard | Not on Credit Bureau | D27 |
260 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
540 | Hard | Under 18 Years Old | D27 |
588 | Hard | Block Activation Failed | D27 |
580 | Hard | Account previously activated | D27 |
561 | Hard | Re authorization no match | D27 |
211 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
251 | Hard | Invalid Start Date | D27 |
241 | Hard | Illegal Action | D27 |
233 | Hard | Does not match MOP | D27 |
352 | Hard | Expired Lock | D27 |
263 | Hard | Partial Authorization Not Allowed or Partial Authorization Request Note Valid | D27 |
543 | Hard | Invalid Pre-approval Number | D27 |
247 | Hard | Check Conversion Data Error | D27 |
594 | Hard | Edit Error | D27 |
291 | Hard | Daily Disbursement Reject Card (Funding) | D27 |
271 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
904 | Hard | Invalid Effective | D27 |
519 | Hard | On negative file | D27 |
225 | Hard | Invalid Field Data | D27 |
304 | Hard | Not On File | D27 |
296 | Hard | 30 Day Disbursement Reject Card (Payment) | D27 |
583 | Hard | Block Activation Failed | D27 |
564 | Hard | Counter Offer | D27 |
242 | Hard | Invalid Temporary Services Data | D27 |
771 | Hard | Decline Lost or Stolen Checks | D27 |
806 | Soft | Restraint | D29 |
401 | Soft | Call | D30 |
786 | Soft | Call Center | D30 |
402 | Soft | Default Call | D30 |
833 | Soft | Invalid Merchant | D33 |
834 | Soft | Unauthorized User | D33 |
239 | Soft | Invalid MOP for Division | D34 |
246 | Soft | Merchant not MasterCard Secure code Enabled | D34 |
249 | Soft | Invalid (MCC) | D34 |
354 | Soft | TransArmor Invalid Result | D42 |
523 | Soft | Encrypted Data is Bad | D42 |
351 | Soft | TransArmor Service Unavailable | D42 |
353 | Soft | TransArmor Invalid Token or PAN | D42 |
244 | Soft | Invalid Encryption Format | D42 |
200 | Hard | Suspected Fraud | D49 |
503 | Hard | Fraud/ Security Violation | D49 |
534 | Hard | Do Not Honor т High Fraud | D49 |
596 | Hard | Suspected Fraud | D49 |
787 | Hard | Decline High Risk | D49 |
765 | Hard | Customer Advises Not Authorized | D49 |
236 | Soft | Auth Recycle Host System Down | E02 |
Code | Message | EON Payments Code |
IS | System unavailable or time-out | 00 |
N1 | No address given with order | 40 |
N2 | Bill-to address did not pass First Dataтs edit checks | 44 |
IE | Edit Error т AVS data is invalid | 45 |
I8 | ZIP/Postal No Match, Plus-4 No Match, Locale No Match | 45 |
IC | Street address and postal code not verified due to incompatible format (both were sent) | 45 |
I6 | ZIP/Postal No Match, Plus-4 Match, Locale No Match | 45 |
I4 | ZIP/Postal Match, Plus-4 No Match, Locale No Match | 47 |
IP | Postal code match. Street address not verified due to incompatible formats (both were sent) | 47 |
I7 | ZIP/Postal No Match, Plus-4 No Match, Locale Match | 4D |
IB | Street address match. Postal code not verified due to incompatible formats (both were sent) | 4D |
I5 | ZIP/Postal No Match, Plus-4 Match, Locale Match | 4D |
I2 | ZIP/Postal Match, Plus-4 Match, Locale No Match | 4F |
I3 | ZIP/Postal Match, Plus-4 No Match, Locale Match | 4F |
IA | International street address and postal code match (International Only) | 4F |
I1 | ZIP/Postal Match, Plus-4 Match, Locale Match | 4F |
B4 | Accountholder name incorrect, billing postal code matches | 53 |
B8 | Accountholder name, billing address and postal code are all incorrect | 55 |
?? | Unrecognized response | 55 |
B7 | Accountholder name incorrect, billing address matches | 5C |
B3 | Accountholder name incorrect, billing address and postal code match | 5F |
A1 | Accountholder name matches | 70 |
A4 | Accountholder name and billing postal code match | 73 |
A7 | Accountholder name and billing address match | 7C |
A3 | Accountholder name, billing address and postal code match | 7F |
IU | Issuer doesn't participate in AVS | 80 |
ID | Issuer does not participate in AVS | 80 |
IG | Issuer doesn't participate in AVS | 80 |
Code | Message | EON Payments Code |
M | Value matched | M |
N | Value not matched | N |
I | Invalid | N |
" " | Blank | P |
"" | Not Processed | P |
P | Not Processed | P |
S | Should be on the card | S |
U | Unsupported by the Issuer | U |
? | Unrecognized response | X |
Code | Type | Message | EON Payments Code |
108 | Good | Approved for Activation | A01 |
102 | Good | Verified | A01 |
105 | Good | Received and Stored | A01 |
100 | Good | Approved for Activation | A01 |
164 | Good | Conditional Approval | A01 |
103 | Good | Pre-Noted | A01 |
704 | Good | FPO Accepted | A01 |
107 | Good | Request Received | A01 |
106 | Good | Provided Auth | A01 |
110 | Good | BIN Alert | A01 |
101 | Good | Validated | A01 |
104 | Good | No Reason to Decline | A01 |
307 | Soft | Authorization Not Found | D01 |
586 | Soft | Outstanding Authorization, Funds on Hold | D01 |
544 | Soft | Invalid Email Address | D01 |
595 | Soft | New Card Issued | D01 |
547 | Soft | Address Verification Failed | D01 |
764 | Soft | Authorization Revoked by Consumer | D01 |
262 | Soft | Authorization Code Response Date Invalid | D01 |
303 | Soft | Processor Decline | D01 |
997 | Soft | Acquirer Error | D01 |
530 | Soft | Do Not Honor | D01 |
585 | Soft | No Original Authorization Found | D01 |
605 | Hard | Invalid Expiration Date | D02 |
903 | Hard | Invalid Expiration | D02 |
111 | Soft | Approved for Partial | D03 |
509 | Soft | Over the limit | D03 |
521 | Soft | Insufficient funds | D03 |
501 | Hard | Pickup | D04 |
763 | Hard | Invalid Account Number | D05 |
591 | Hard | Invalid CC Number | D05 |
751 | Hard | Transit Routing Number Unknown | D05 |
768 | Hard | Bad Account Number Data | D05 |
201 | Hard | Invalid CC Number | D05 |
546 | Hard | Blocked Account | D06 |
599 | Hard | Refund | D06 |
572 | Hard | Revocation of All Authorizations т Closed Account | D06 |
754 | Hard | Account Closed | D06 |
550 | Hard | Closed Account, New Account Issued | D06 |
825 | Hard | No Account | D06 |
755 | Hard | No Account/ Unable to Locate | D06 |
818 | Hard | No Savings Account | D06 |
758 | Hard | Account Frozen | D06 |
813 | Soft | Invalid PIN | D07 |
531 | Soft | CVV2/VAK Failure | D08 |
589 | Soft | CVD Value Failure | D08 |
811 | Soft | Invalid Security Code | D08 |
264 | Soft | Duplicate Deposit Transaction | D09 |
299 | Soft | Duplicate Transaction | D09 |
109 | Soft | Previously Processed Transaction | D09 |
776 | Soft | Duplicate Transaction | D09 |
551 | Soft | Duplicate transaction | D09 |
502 | Hard | Lost/Stolen | D10 |
835 | Soft | No Permission | D12 |
571 | Hard | Revocation of Authorization for All Recurring / Installments | D13 |
570 | Hard | Stop payment order one time recurring/ installment | D13 |
509 | Soft | Over the limit | D15 |
510 | Soft | Over Limit Frequency | D15 |
590 | Soft | Maximum Redemption Limit Met | D15 |
522 | Hard | Card is expired | D16 |
000 | Soft | No Answer | D17 |
230 | Soft | Payments do not total 100 | D17 |
219 | Soft | Invalid Credit Plan | D17 |
229 | Soft | Percents do not total 100 | D17 |
218 | Soft | Invalid SKU Number | D17 |
202 | Soft | Bad Amount Non-numeric Amount | D18 |
584 | Soft | Issuance Does Not Meet Minimum Amount | D18 |
240 | Soft | Auth Amount for Division | D18 |
205 | Soft | Bad Total Auth Amount | D18 |
587 | Soft | Activation Amount Incorrect | D18 |
592 | Soft | Bad Amount | D18 |
778 | Soft | Refund greater than original amount | D18 |
788 | Soft | Refund Greater than original | D18 |
306 | Soft | Amount Mismatch | D18 |
203 | Soft | Zero Amount | D18 |
607 | Soft | Invalid Amount | D18 |
508 | Soft | Excessive PIN try | D21 |
294 | Hard | Daily Disbursement Reject Card (Payment) | D27 |
275 | Hard | Invalid Time | D27 |
766 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
781 | Hard | Invalid MICR Data | D27 |
266 | Hard | Invalid QHP Amount | D27 |
253 | Hard | Invalid Tran. Type | D27 |
740 | Hard | Match Failed | D27 |
506 | Hard | Invalid Institution | D27 |
753 | Hard | Invalid Account Type | D27 |
204 | Hard | Other Error | D27 |
245 | Hard | Missing or Invalid Secure Payment Data | D27 |
289 | Hard | 7 day Velocity Block Reject (Merchant) | D27 |
269 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
902 | Hard | Process Unavailable | D27 |
802 | Hard | Positive ID | D27 |
549 | Hard | Previously Declined | D27 |
261 | Hard | Account Not Eligible For Divisionтs Setup | D27 |
541 | Hard | Possible Compromise | D27 |
581 | Hard | Unable to void | D27 |
562 | Hard | Re authorization amount exceeded | D27 |
212 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
252 | Hard | Invalid Issue Number | D27 |
767 | Hard | Invalid Account Number Format | D27 |
756 | Hard | Account-Holder Deceased | D27 |
234 | Hard | Duplicate Order Number | D27 |
777 | Hard | Original transaction not approved | D27 |
248 | Hard | Blanks not passed in reserved field | D27 |
524 | Hard | Altered data | D27 |
610 | Hard | BIN Block | D27 |
292 | Hard | 7 Day Disbursement Reject Card (Funding) | D27 |
273 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
905 | Hard | Stand in Rules | D27 |
759 | Hard | Customer Opt-out | D27 |
237 | Hard | FPO Not Approved | D27 |
227 | Hard | Missing Companion Data | D27 |
305 | Hard | Already Reversed | D27 |
297 | Hard | Per Txn Amt Disbursement Limit Reject | D27 |
567 | Hard | Pending Review | D27 |
258 | Hard | Not Authorized to Send Record | D27 |
772 | Hard | Incorrect Length | D27 |
602 | Hard | Invalid Institution Code | D27 |
295 | Hard | 7 Day Disbursement Reject Card (Payment) | D27 |
276 | Hard | Invalid Date | D27 |
842 | Hard | Bad EAN/SCV/CSV | D27 |
301 | Hard | Issuer unavailable | D27 |
257 | Hard | Missing Cust Service Phone | D27 |
243 | Hard | Invalid Purchase Level 3 | D27 |
741 | Hard | Validation Failed | D27 |
560 | Hard | Re authorization | D27 |
210 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
505 | Hard | Negative file | D27 |
231 | Hard | Invalid Division Number | D27 |
542 | Hard | Bill To Not Equal to Ship To | D27 |
606 | Hard | Invalid Transaction Type | D27 |
290 | Hard | 30 Day Velocity Block Reject (Merchant) | D27 |
270 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
235 | Hard | FPO Locked | D27 |
220 | Hard | Invalid Store Number | D27 |
582 | Hard | Block activation failed | D27 |
563 | Hard | Re authorization timeframes exceeded | D27 |
214 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
757 | Hard | Beneficiary Deceased | D27 |
274 | Hard | Transaction Not Supported | D27 |
265 | Hard | Missing QHP Amount | D27 |
545 | Hard | PA ITA Number Inactive | D27 |
293 | Hard | 30 Day Disbursement Reject Card (Funding) | D27 |
760 | Hard | ACH Non-Participant | D27 |
752 | Hard | Missing Name | D27 |
238 | Hard | Invalid Currency | D27 |
298 | Hard | Daily/7 Day/30 Day Disbursement Manual Block | D27 |
420 | Hard | Unsupported Currency | D27 |
750 | Hard | Invalid Transit Routing Number | D27 |
603 | Hard | Invalid Institution | D27 |
288 | Hard | Daily Velocity Block Reject (Merchant) | D27 |
268 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
302 | Hard | Credit Floor | D27 |
548 | Hard | Not on Credit Bureau | D27 |
260 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
540 | Hard | Under 18 Years Old | D27 |
588 | Hard | Block Activation Failed | D27 |
580 | Hard | Account previously activated | D27 |
561 | Hard | Re authorization no match | D27 |
211 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
251 | Hard | Invalid Start Date | D27 |
241 | Hard | Illegal Action | D27 |
233 | Hard | Does not match MOP | D27 |
352 | Hard | Expired Lock | D27 |
263 | Hard | Partial Authorization Not Allowed or Partial Authorization Request Note Valid | D27 |
543 | Hard | Invalid Pre-approval Number | D27 |
247 | Hard | Check Conversion Data Error | D27 |
594 | Hard | Edit Error | D27 |
291 | Hard | Daily Disbursement Reject Card (Funding) | D27 |
271 | Hard | Reserved | D27 |
904 | Hard | Invalid Effective | D27 |
519 | Hard | On negative file | D27 |
225 | Hard | Invalid Field Data | D27 |
304 | Hard | Not On File | D27 |
296 | Hard | 30 Day Disbursement Reject Card (Payment) | D27 |
583 | Hard | Block Activation Failed | D27 |
564 | Hard | Counter Offer | D27 |
242 | Hard | Invalid Temporary Services Data | D27 |
771 | Hard | Decline Lost or Stolen Checks | D27 |
806 | Soft | Restraint | D29 |
401 | Soft | Call | D30 |
786 | Soft | Call Center | D30 |
402 | Soft | Default Call | D30 |
833 | Soft | Invalid Merchant | D33 |
834 | Soft | Unauthorized User | D33 |
239 | Soft | Invalid MOP for Division | D34 |
246 | Soft | Merchant not MasterCard Secure code Enabled | D34 |
249 | Soft | Invalid (MCC) | D34 |
354 | Soft | TransArmor Invalid Result | D42 |
523 | Soft | Encrypted Data is Bad | D42 |
351 | Soft | TransArmor Service Unavailable | D42 |
353 | Soft | TransArmor Invalid Token or PAN | D42 |
244 | Soft | Invalid Encryption Format | D42 |
200 | Hard | Suspected Fraud | D49 |
503 | Hard | Fraud/ Security Violation | D49 |
534 | Hard | Do Not Honor т High Fraud | D49 |
596 | Hard | Suspected Fraud | D49 |
787 | Hard | Decline High Risk | D49 |
765 | Hard | Customer Advises Not Authorized | D49 |
236 | Soft | Auth Recycle Host System Down | E02 |
Code | Message | EON Payments Code |
IS | System unavailable or time-out | 00 |
N1 | No address given with order | 40 |
N2 | Bill-to address did not pass First Dataтs edit checks | 44 |
IE | Edit Error т AVS data is invalid | 45 |
I8 | ZIP/Postal No Match, Plus-4 No Match, Locale No Match | 45 |
IC | Street address and postal code not verified due to incompatible format (both were sent) | 45 |
I6 | ZIP/Postal No Match, Plus-4 Match, Locale No Match | 45 |
I4 | ZIP/Postal Match, Plus-4 No Match, Locale No Match | 47 |
IP | Postal code match. Street address not verified due to incompatible formats (both were sent) | 47 |
I7 | ZIP/Postal No Match, Plus-4 No Match, Locale Match | 4D |
IB | Street address match. Postal code not verified due to incompatible formats (both were sent) | 4D |
I5 | ZIP/Postal No Match, Plus-4 Match, Locale Match | 4D |
I2 | ZIP/Postal Match, Plus-4 Match, Locale No Match | 4F |
I3 | ZIP/Postal Match, Plus-4 No Match, Locale Match | 4F |
IA | International street address and postal code match (International Only) | 4F |
I1 | ZIP/Postal Match, Plus-4 Match, Locale Match | 4F |
B4 | Accountholder name incorrect, billing postal code matches | 53 |
B8 | Accountholder name, billing address and postal code are all incorrect | 55 |
?? | Unrecognized response | 55 |
B7 | Accountholder name incorrect, billing address matches | 5C |
B3 | Accountholder name incorrect, billing address and postal code match | 5F |
A1 | Accountholder name matches | 70 |
A4 | Accountholder name and billing postal code match | 73 |
A7 | Accountholder name and billing address match | 7C |
A3 | Accountholder name, billing address and postal code match | 7F |
IU | Issuer doesn't participate in AVS | 80 |
ID | Issuer does not participate in AVS | 80 |
IG | Issuer doesn't participate in AVS | 80 |
Code | Message | EON Payments Code |
M | Value matched | M |
N | Value not matched | N |
I | Invalid | N |
" " | Blank | P |
"" | Not Processed | P |
P | Not Processed | P |
S | Should be on the card | S |
U | Unsupported by the Issuer | U |
? | Unrecognized response | X |