Code | Message | Description |
CC | Contact Cardholder | Cardholder needs to be contacted for further clarification of the account changes. |
NN | No Match | There is no match for the specified account within the system. |
UA | Account Number Updated | Account number has been updated successfully. |
UE | Expiration Date Updated | Expiration date has been updated successfully. |
UN | No Updates | No updates have been made to the specified account. |
XA | Account Cancelled | Account has been either closed, blocked or deactivated. |
XX | Data Unavailable | Account information is unavailable. |
ZZ | Record Skipped | Account has not been updated because the expiration date is not due. |
Code | Message | Description |
00 | AVS Error - Retry, System unavailable or Timed out | A system error prevented any verification of street address or postal code. |
40 | Address not available (Address not verified) | The card-issuing bank received the address but did not verify whether it was correct. This typically happens if the processor declines an authorization before the bank evaluates the address. |
43 | Street address not available (not verified), ZIP matches | The card-issuing bank received the street address but did not verify whether it was correct. ZIP code matches. |
44 | Address failed | Address verification has failed. |
45 | Street address and ZIP don't match | Both street address and ZIP code provided do not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
46 | Street address doesn't match, 5-digit ZIP matches | Provided street address does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but 5-digit ZIP code matches. |
47 | Street address doesn't match, 9-digit ZIP matches | Provided street address does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but 9-digit ZIP code matches. |
4A | Street address or ZIP doesn't match | Street address or ZIP code provided does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
4D | Street address matches, ZIP does not | Provided ZIP code does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but street address matches. |
4E | Street address and 5-digit ZIP match | Both street address and 5-digit ZIP code provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
4F | Street address and ZIP match | Both street address and ZIP code provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
53 | Account holder name incorrect, billing postal code matches | Provided account holder name does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but billing postal code matches. |
55 | Unrecognized response | Account holder name, billing address and postal code are all incorrect. |
5C | Account holder name incorrect, billing address matches | Provided account holder name does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but billing address matches. |
5F | Account holder name incorrect, billing address and postal code match | Provided account holder name does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but both billing address and postal code matches. |
70 | Account holder name matches | Provided account holder name matches the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
73 | Account holder name and billing postal code match | Both account holder name and billing postal code provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
7C | Account holder name and billing address match | Both account holder name and billing address provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
7F | Account holder name, billing address and postal code match | All of the information provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
80 | AVS service not supported by issuer - Issuer doesn't participate in AVS | AVS information was provided but the card-issuing bank does not participate in address verification. |
C0 | AVS not performed | AVS verification has not been performed. |
Code | Message | Description |
M | Matches | The CSC provided matches the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
N | Not matches | The CSC provided does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
P | Not processed | CSC has not been processed. |
S | Should be present | Issuer indicates that CSC data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated data is not present on the card. |
U | Issuer is not certified | (1) Unknown issuer; (2) issuer is not certified for CSC; (3) issuer has not provided Visa/MasterCard with the CSC encryption keys. |
X | Unrecognized reason | Error: response is unknown or unrecognized. |
Code | Message | Description |
A01 | Approved: XXXXXX (approval code) | Transaction has been approved. |
A02 | Credit Posted | Credit has been posted on a cardholder’s account. |
A03 | Void Posted (Auth Reversed) | Void has been posted on a cardholder’s account (with authorization reversal). |
A04 | No Update | No updates have been made as a result of account updater operation. |
A05 | Partially Approved | Transaction has been partially approved as a result of split payment. |
A06 | Void Posted (Auth Not Reversed) | Void has been posted on a cardholder’s account (without authorization reversal). |
A07 | Partial Void Posted | Partial void has been posted on a cardholder’s account. |
A08 | Partial Refund Posted | Partial refund has been posted on a cardholder’s account. |
A09 | Incremental Auth Posted | Increment has been posted on a cardholder’s account. |
A10 | Request Accepted | Request has been accepted. |
A11 | Approval (Reversal failed) | Initial transaction was approved by a processor and a subsequent reversal was rejected (void failed). |
A13 | The report was added to the processing queue. | The report has become a queue. Please wait for the report generation. |
A21T | Offline Approval (Sale Posted) | Sale transaction has been approved offline. |
A22T | Offline Approval (Credit Posted) | Credit card transaction has been approved offline. |
D01 | Denied by customer's bank | Transaction has been denied by cardholder's bank. |
D02 | Invalid Expiration Date | Cardholder has entered invalid or malformatted expiration date. |
D03 | Insufficient Funds | Specified credit card does not have sufficient funds. |
D04 | Hold - Pick up card | The cardholder’s bank has declined the transaction and requested cardholder’s credit card to be retained. |
D05 | Invalid card number | Specified credit card number is invalid or does not exist. |
D06 | Account not found. | Specified credit card number is associated with account that does not exist. |
D07 | Incorrect PIN or maximum number of attempts reached | Incorrect PIN/Incorrect PIN has been entered the maximum number of times. |
D08 | CSC is invalid | CSC value is invalid. |
D09 | Duplicate Transaction | The cardholder’s bank has declined the transaction as this transaction appears to be a duplicate transmission. |
D10 | Card reported lost/stolen | The cardholder’s bank has declined the transaction and requested the cardholder’s credit card to be retained because card was reported lost or stolen. |
D11 | Card reported stolen | The cardholder’s bank has declined the transaction and requested the cardholder’s credit card to be retained because card was reported stolen. |
D12 | Service not allowed | Cardholder's credit card or merchant processing account is not configured for the specified type of transaction. |
D13 | Stop Recurring | Cardholder requested stop of specific recurring payment. |
D15 | Maximum transaction limit is exceeded | Maximum transaction limit is exceeded at the moment. Try processing your transaction tomorrow. |
D16 | Card is Expired | A transaction was processed on an expired card. |
D17 | Retry/Re-enter transaction later | An unknown error occurred during the authorization process. Transaction needs to be re-entered. Be sure to analyze provider response message for additional details on when to reattempt. |
D18 | Bad Amount | Specified amount value is invalid. Amount must be a positive number. |
D19 | Unmapped decline | Specified processor's response code is not recognized by the system. The respective request of a received code clarification needs to be addressed to the processor. |
D21 | Pin Try Exceeded | Cardholder has entered the incorrect PIN more than three times. |
D22 | Refund was not processed/received | Refund was not processed successfully or has not been received by the cardholder. |
D25 | Refund limit is reached for the day | Specified merchant has reached the refund limit for the day. |
D26 | Settlement Failed | Submitted transaction cannot be settled. Re-check entered account information and try again. |
D27 | Transaction Error | Submitted transaction has failed. |
D28 | Cashback limit exceeded/Cashback unavailable | Specified amount exceeds cashback limit or cashback is not available. |
D29 | Card is restricted | Specified credit card has some restrictions. |
D30 | Call for Authorization | To proceed with the transaction, call for authorization is needed to confirm the validity of the card. |
D31 | Declined due to fraud rules | Specified credit card appears to be fraudulent. |
D32 | Declined due to fraud engine decision | Transaction has been declined because of fraud detected by a fraud engine. |
D33 | Incorrect merchant setup | Specified merchant is not set up correctly for the submitted transaction. |
D34 | Merchant profile configuration issue | Specified merchant profile was configured incorrectly. |
D35 | Card chip decline | Transaction has been declined by the chip (for EMV cards only). |
D36 | Account Closed | Specified payment card account is closed. |
D37 | Account is inactive | Specified payment card account is inactive. |
D38 | New Card available | New card details need to be requested. |
D40 | AVS Verification Failed | Address information submitted for tokenization transaction has not passed AVS verification successfully. |
D41 | Processing Error | A connection error occurred after the transaction has been submitted. |
D42 | Data encryption/decryption error | One or more fields specified in the transaction cannot be encrypted or decrypted. |
D43 | Account blocked/frozen/inactive | Specified account has been either blocked, frozen or deactivated. |
D44 | MAC key synchronization error or MAC value is incorrect | MAC key used in the transaction is either missing or invalid. |
D45 | Maximum batch amount limit is exceeded | Maximum batch amount limit is exceeded at the moment. Try processing your transaction tomorrow. |
D46 | Additional verification required. Use chip. | D46 требует переключения с contactless на contact, а D48 требует PIN без переключения. |
D47 | Additional 3DSecure verification required. | This card is enrolled in 3DSecure program and 3DSecure verification has to be completed to process the transaction. |
D48 | Additional PIN verification required. | Там из названия всё видно - когда на терминале карту транзакцию с чиповой картой пытаются провести через contactless, а провайдер по каким-то критериям решает, что в транзакции нужен пин и её нужно обработать через чип (через contact). |
D49 | Declined due to fraud suspicion. | Transaction has been declined because of suspected fraud. |
D50 | Authorization limit is reached for the day (VM) | Specified merchant has reached the authorization limit for the day. |
E02 | Processing Network Unavailable | Processing network is temporarily unavailable. |
E03 | Transaction data integrity validation error | Batch transaction data is invalid. |
E04 | Refund limit is reached for the day | Specified merchant has reached the refund limit allowed per day on the account. |
E06 | Card is blacklisted | Payment card is blacklisted. |
E07 | Tokenization not supported | Tokenization is not supported by a processor. |
E08 | Declined by processor | Direct debit transaction has been declined by a processor. |
E10 | 3D Secure Verification Failed | 3D Secure verification has failed. |
E11 | Invalid connection path | The node address, on which terminal was registered, was not found while attempting to send a message to the terminal. |
E12 | Connection timeout | Timeout occurs when the cloud doesn't receive a response from the terminal within 5 minutes while processing the transaction. |
E20 | Terminal is busy: transaction processing in progress | The terminal is busy processing another transaction. Try processing your transaction later. |
E22 | 1) Terminal is currently unreachable (disconnected). 2) Terminal is currently unreachable (interrupted). 3) Terminal is currently unreachable (reregistered). | 1) The terminal was disconnected when the cloud was attempting to send a message to the terminal. 2)The channel between the terminal and cloud is inactive during a time period specified as one-minute timeout due to a bad connection. 3)The terminal disconnected and reregistered while processing the transaction (occurs when the terminal submits repeated registration request without interrupting the connection with cloud established before): *The terminal is connected to the cloud, and the cloud saves ''terminalKey'' in cache. *Transaction processing request is submitted to the POS. *The POS is waiting for a response. *The transaction request is submitted to the terminal. *The terminal is reregistered instead of processing the request. *The cloud identifies that the terminal was reregistered since the ''terminalKey'' is not deleted from the cache, and the terminal has not been turned off and disconnected correctly. *Cloud receives a repeated registration request from the terminal and forwards it to the POS as a transaction response. |
E24 | Referenced Terminal is not found within Cloud or not accessible to the current user | The terminal is not found in the system due to one of the following reasons: the terminal is not registered (is not turned on); the node address, on which the terminal was registered, is not found; the submitted terminalCode is incorrect, or the current user doesn't have access to the terminal. |
E31 | Declined due to pre-processing rules | Transaction has been declined due to the pre-processing rules |
X01 | Processing Cancelled by User | Transaction processing has been cancelled by a cardholder. |
X02 | Pending processing | Batch transaction is still processed on a processor's side. |
X03 | 3D Secure Verification Required | 3D Secure verification is required. |
X04 | Processing cancelled: the request has expired. | Transaction processing has been cancelled due to a user being inactive for a time period specified as a timeout (default: 15 minutes). |
Z01 | Reversal received | Reversal has been received. |
Z02 | Chargeback received | Chargeback has been received. |
Code | Message | Description |
A01 | Succesfull | Transaction has been approved. |
E02 | Communication error | Network connection error has occurred. |
S01 | Wrong credentials or password has expired | User has entered wrong credentials or user's password has expired. |
S02 | Internal server error | Internal server error. |
V01 | accountNumber is required parameter | ''accountNumber'' field is required and cannot be empty. |
V01 | accountNumber is empty or it contains wrong characters | ''accountNumber'' field is empty or contains wrong characters. |
Code | Message | Description |
D | warning: descriptor truncation (custom descriptor) | Descriptor has been truncated. |
F | warning: fraud detected | Fraud has been detected while processing a transaction. |
P | warning: partial authorization not enabled | Partial authorization is not enabled. |
R | warning: AVS/CVV not matched | AVS or CVV codes do not match. |
T | warning: custom parameters data truncation | One or more customer parameters could not be persisted to the database. |
С | warning: descriptor truncation (company name) | Company name has been truncated. |
Code | Type | Message | EON Payments Code |
000 | Good | Approved | A01 |
100 | Soft | Insufficient funds. | D03 |
001 | Hard | Card not found. | D06 |
002 | Hard | Card not active. | D06 |
012 | Soft | Card expired. | D12 |
009 | Hard | Card already activated. | D27 |
014 | Hard | Card has bad check digit. | D27 |
010 | Hard | Referenced transaction already cancelled. | D27 |
101 | Hard | Request exceeds balance; card exhausted; additional cash required. | D27 |
011 | Hard | Referenced transaction not found, or transaction code unsupported. | D27 |
004 | Soft | Invalid or mismatched merchant ID. | D33 |
005 | Soft | Invalid location ID. | D33 |
015 | Soft | Invalid terminal ID. | D33 |
013 | Soft | Server error. | E02 |
Code | Message | Description |
CC | Contact Cardholder | Cardholder needs to be contacted for further clarification of the account changes. |
NN | No Match | There is no match for the specified account within the system. |
UA | Account Number Updated | Account number has been updated successfully. |
UE | Expiration Date Updated | Expiration date has been updated successfully. |
UN | No Updates | No updates have been made to the specified account. |
XA | Account Cancelled | Account has been either closed, blocked or deactivated. |
XX | Data Unavailable | Account information is unavailable. |
ZZ | Record Skipped | Account has not been updated because the expiration date is not due. |
Code | Message | Description |
00 | AVS Error - Retry, System unavailable or Timed out | A system error prevented any verification of street address or postal code. |
40 | Address not available (Address not verified) | The card-issuing bank received the address but did not verify whether it was correct. This typically happens if the processor declines an authorization before the bank evaluates the address. |
43 | Street address not available (not verified), ZIP matches | The card-issuing bank received the street address but did not verify whether it was correct. ZIP code matches. |
44 | Address failed | Address verification has failed. |
45 | Street address and ZIP don't match | Both street address and ZIP code provided do not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
46 | Street address doesn't match, 5-digit ZIP matches | Provided street address does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but 5-digit ZIP code matches. |
47 | Street address doesn't match, 9-digit ZIP matches | Provided street address does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but 9-digit ZIP code matches. |
4A | Street address or ZIP doesn't match | Street address or ZIP code provided does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
4D | Street address matches, ZIP does not | Provided ZIP code does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but street address matches. |
4E | Street address and 5-digit ZIP match | Both street address and 5-digit ZIP code provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
4F | Street address and ZIP match | Both street address and ZIP code provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
53 | Account holder name incorrect, billing postal code matches | Provided account holder name does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but billing postal code matches. |
55 | Unrecognized response | Account holder name, billing address and postal code are all incorrect. |
5C | Account holder name incorrect, billing address matches | Provided account holder name does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but billing address matches. |
5F | Account holder name incorrect, billing address and postal code match | Provided account holder name does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank, but both billing address and postal code matches. |
70 | Account holder name matches | Provided account holder name matches the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
73 | Account holder name and billing postal code match | Both account holder name and billing postal code provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
7C | Account holder name and billing address match | Both account holder name and billing address provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
7F | Account holder name, billing address and postal code match | All of the information provided match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
80 | AVS service not supported by issuer - Issuer doesn't participate in AVS | AVS information was provided but the card-issuing bank does not participate in address verification. |
C0 | AVS not performed | AVS verification has not been performed. |
Code | Message | Description |
M | Matches | The CSC provided matches the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
N | Not matches | The CSC provided does not match the information on file with the cardholder's bank. |
P | Not processed | CSC has not been processed. |
S | Should be present | Issuer indicates that CSC data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated data is not present on the card. |
U | Issuer is not certified | (1) Unknown issuer; (2) issuer is not certified for CSC; (3) issuer has not provided Visa/MasterCard with the CSC encryption keys. |
X | Unrecognized reason | Error: response is unknown or unrecognized. |
Code | Message | Description |
A01 | Approved: XXXXXX (approval code) | Transaction has been approved. |
A02 | Credit Posted | Credit has been posted on a cardholder’s account. |
A03 | Void Posted (Auth Reversed) | Void has been posted on a cardholder’s account (with authorization reversal). |
A04 | No Update | No updates have been made as a result of account updater operation. |
A05 | Partially Approved | Transaction has been partially approved as a result of split payment. |
A06 | Void Posted (Auth Not Reversed) | Void has been posted on a cardholder’s account (without authorization reversal). |
A07 | Partial Void Posted | Partial void has been posted on a cardholder’s account. |
A08 | Partial Refund Posted | Partial refund has been posted on a cardholder’s account. |
A09 | Incremental Auth Posted | Increment has been posted on a cardholder’s account. |
A10 | Request Accepted | Request has been accepted. |
A11 | Approval (Reversal failed) | Initial transaction was approved by a processor and a subsequent reversal was rejected (void failed). |
A13 | The report was added to the processing queue. | The report has become a queue. Please wait for the report generation. |
A21T | Offline Approval (Sale Posted) | Sale transaction has been approved offline. |
A22T | Offline Approval (Credit Posted) | Credit card transaction has been approved offline. |
D01 | Denied by customer's bank | Transaction has been denied by cardholder's bank. |
D02 | Invalid Expiration Date | Cardholder has entered invalid or malformatted expiration date. |
D03 | Insufficient Funds | Specified credit card does not have sufficient funds. |
D04 | Hold - Pick up card | The cardholder’s bank has declined the transaction and requested cardholder’s credit card to be retained. |
D05 | Invalid card number | Specified credit card number is invalid or does not exist. |
D06 | Account not found. | Specified credit card number is associated with account that does not exist. |
D07 | Incorrect PIN or maximum number of attempts reached | Incorrect PIN/Incorrect PIN has been entered the maximum number of times. |
D08 | CSC is invalid | CSC value is invalid. |
D09 | Duplicate Transaction | The cardholder’s bank has declined the transaction as this transaction appears to be a duplicate transmission. |
D10 | Card reported lost/stolen | The cardholder’s bank has declined the transaction and requested the cardholder’s credit card to be retained because card was reported lost or stolen. |
D11 | Card reported stolen | The cardholder’s bank has declined the transaction and requested the cardholder’s credit card to be retained because card was reported stolen. |
D12 | Service not allowed | Cardholder's credit card or merchant processing account is not configured for the specified type of transaction. |
D13 | Stop Recurring | Cardholder requested stop of specific recurring payment. |
D15 | Maximum transaction limit is exceeded | Maximum transaction limit is exceeded at the moment. Try processing your transaction tomorrow. |
D16 | Card is Expired | A transaction was processed on an expired card. |
D17 | Retry/Re-enter transaction later | An unknown error occurred during the authorization process. Transaction needs to be re-entered. Be sure to analyze provider response message for additional details on when to reattempt. |
D18 | Bad Amount | Specified amount value is invalid. Amount must be a positive number. |
D19 | Unmapped decline | Specified processor's response code is not recognized by the system. The respective request of a received code clarification needs to be addressed to the processor. |
D21 | Pin Try Exceeded | Cardholder has entered the incorrect PIN more than three times. |
D22 | Refund was not processed/received | Refund was not processed successfully or has not been received by the cardholder. |
D25 | Refund limit is reached for the day | Specified merchant has reached the refund limit for the day. |
D26 | Settlement Failed | Submitted transaction cannot be settled. Re-check entered account information and try again. |
D27 | Transaction Error | Submitted transaction has failed. |
D28 | Cashback limit exceeded/Cashback unavailable | Specified amount exceeds cashback limit or cashback is not available. |
D29 | Card is restricted | Specified credit card has some restrictions. |
D30 | Call for Authorization | To proceed with the transaction, call for authorization is needed to confirm the validity of the card. |
D31 | Declined due to fraud rules | Specified credit card appears to be fraudulent. |
D32 | Declined due to fraud engine decision | Transaction has been declined because of fraud detected by a fraud engine. |
D33 | Incorrect merchant setup | Specified merchant is not set up correctly for the submitted transaction. |
D34 | Merchant profile configuration issue | Specified merchant profile was configured incorrectly. |
D35 | Card chip decline | Transaction has been declined by the chip (for EMV cards only). |
D36 | Account Closed | Specified payment card account is closed. |
D37 | Account is inactive | Specified payment card account is inactive. |
D38 | New Card available | New card details need to be requested. |
D40 | AVS Verification Failed | Address information submitted for tokenization transaction has not passed AVS verification successfully. |
D41 | Processing Error | A connection error occurred after the transaction has been submitted. |
D42 | Data encryption/decryption error | One or more fields specified in the transaction cannot be encrypted or decrypted. |
D43 | Account blocked/frozen/inactive | Specified account has been either blocked, frozen or deactivated. |
D44 | MAC key synchronization error or MAC value is incorrect | MAC key used in the transaction is either missing or invalid. |
D45 | Maximum batch amount limit is exceeded | Maximum batch amount limit is exceeded at the moment. Try processing your transaction tomorrow. |
D46 | Additional verification required. Use chip. | D46 требует переключения с contactless на contact, а D48 требует PIN без переключения. |
D47 | Additional 3DSecure verification required. | This card is enrolled in 3DSecure program and 3DSecure verification has to be completed to process the transaction. |
D48 | Additional PIN verification required. | Там из названия всё видно - когда на терминале карту транзакцию с чиповой картой пытаются провести через contactless, а провайдер по каким-то критериям решает, что в транзакции нужен пин и её нужно обработать через чип (через contact). |
D49 | Declined due to fraud suspicion. | Transaction has been declined because of suspected fraud. |
D50 | Authorization limit is reached for the day (VM) | Specified merchant has reached the authorization limit for the day. |
E02 | Processing Network Unavailable | Processing network is temporarily unavailable. |
E03 | Transaction data integrity validation error | Batch transaction data is invalid. |
E04 | Refund limit is reached for the day | Specified merchant has reached the refund limit allowed per day on the account. |
E06 | Card is blacklisted | Payment card is blacklisted. |
E07 | Tokenization not supported | Tokenization is not supported by a processor. |
E08 | Declined by processor | Direct debit transaction has been declined by a processor. |
E10 | 3D Secure Verification Failed | 3D Secure verification has failed. |
E11 | Invalid connection path | The node address, on which terminal was registered, was not found while attempting to send a message to the terminal. |
E12 | Connection timeout | Timeout occurs when the cloud doesn't receive a response from the terminal within 5 minutes while processing the transaction. |
E20 | Terminal is busy: transaction processing in progress | The terminal is busy processing another transaction. Try processing your transaction later. |
E22 | 1) Terminal is currently unreachable (disconnected). 2) Terminal is currently unreachable (interrupted). 3) Terminal is currently unreachable (reregistered). | 1) The terminal was disconnected when the cloud was attempting to send a message to the terminal. 2)The channel between the terminal and cloud is inactive during a time period specified as one-minute timeout due to a bad connection. 3)The terminal disconnected and reregistered while processing the transaction (occurs when the terminal submits repeated registration request without interrupting the connection with cloud established before): *The terminal is connected to the cloud, and the cloud saves ''terminalKey'' in cache. *Transaction processing request is submitted to the POS. *The POS is waiting for a response. *The transaction request is submitted to the terminal. *The terminal is reregistered instead of processing the request. *The cloud identifies that the terminal was reregistered since the ''terminalKey'' is not deleted from the cache, and the terminal has not been turned off and disconnected correctly. *Cloud receives a repeated registration request from the terminal and forwards it to the POS as a transaction response. |
E24 | Referenced Terminal is not found within Cloud or not accessible to the current user | The terminal is not found in the system due to one of the following reasons: the terminal is not registered (is not turned on); the node address, on which the terminal was registered, is not found; the submitted terminalCode is incorrect, or the current user doesn't have access to the terminal. |
E31 | Declined due to pre-processing rules | Transaction has been declined due to the pre-processing rules |
X01 | Processing Cancelled by User | Transaction processing has been cancelled by a cardholder. |
X02 | Pending processing | Batch transaction is still processed on a processor's side. |
X03 | 3D Secure Verification Required | 3D Secure verification is required. |
X04 | Processing cancelled: the request has expired. | Transaction processing has been cancelled due to a user being inactive for a time period specified as a timeout (default: 15 minutes). |
Z01 | Reversal received | Reversal has been received. |
Z02 | Chargeback received | Chargeback has been received. |
Code | Message | Description |
A01 | Succesfull | Transaction has been approved. |
E02 | Communication error | Network connection error has occurred. |
S01 | Wrong credentials or password has expired | User has entered wrong credentials or user's password has expired. |
S02 | Internal server error | Internal server error. |
V01 | accountNumber is required parameter | ''accountNumber'' field is required and cannot be empty. |
V01 | accountNumber is empty or it contains wrong characters | ''accountNumber'' field is empty or contains wrong characters. |
Code | Message | Description |
D | warning: descriptor truncation (custom descriptor) | Descriptor has been truncated. |
F | warning: fraud detected | Fraud has been detected while processing a transaction. |
P | warning: partial authorization not enabled | Partial authorization is not enabled. |
R | warning: AVS/CVV not matched | AVS or CVV codes do not match. |
T | warning: custom parameters data truncation | One or more customer parameters could not be persisted to the database. |
С | warning: descriptor truncation (company name) | Company name has been truncated. |
Code | Type | Message | EON Payments Code |
000 | Good | Approved | A01 |
100 | Soft | Insufficient funds. | D03 |
001 | Hard | Card not found. | D06 |
002 | Hard | Card not active. | D06 |
012 | Soft | Card expired. | D12 |
009 | Hard | Card already activated. | D27 |
014 | Hard | Card has bad check digit. | D27 |
010 | Hard | Referenced transaction already cancelled. | D27 |
101 | Hard | Request exceeds balance; card exhausted; additional cash required. | D27 |
011 | Hard | Referenced transaction not found, or transaction code unsupported. | D27 |
004 | Soft | Invalid or mismatched merchant ID. | D33 |
005 | Soft | Invalid location ID. | D33 |
015 | Soft | Invalid terminal ID. | D33 |
013 | Soft | Server error. | E02 |