Code | Type | Message | EON Payments Code |
0 | Good | Transaction Successful | A01 |
9 | Soft | Bank Declined Transaction (Do not contact Bank) | D01 |
5 | Soft | Transaction Declined - Insufficient funds | D03 |
7 | Hard | Payment Server Processing Error | D05 |
I | Soft | Card Security Code Failed | D08 |
U | Soft | Card Security Code Failed | D08 |
L | Soft | Shopping Transaction Locked | D09 |
R | Soft | Retry Limits Exceeded, Transaction Not Processed | D15 |
4 | Hard | Transaction Declined - Expired Card | D16 |
F | Hard | 3D Secure Authentication Failed | D27 |
D | Hard | Deferred Transaction | D27 |
N | Hard | Cardholder is not enrolled in 3D Secure (Authentication Only) | D27 |
? | Hard | Response Unknown | D27 |
S | Hard | Duplicate OrderInfo used | D27 |
A | Hard | Transaction Aborted | D27 |
E | Hard | Issuer Returned a Referral Response | D27 |
P | Hard | Transaction is Pending | D27 |
8 | Hard | Transaction Declined - Transaction Type Not Supported | D27 |
C | Hard | Transaction Cancelled | D27 |
1 | Soft | Transaction Declined - Bank Error | D30 |
2 | Soft | Bank Declined Transaction | D30 |
3 | Soft | Transaction Declined - No Reply from Bank | D34 |
6 | Soft | Transaction Declined - Error Communicating with Ban | R09 |
Code | Message | EON Payments Code |
M | Valid or matched CSC | M |
N | Code invalid or not matched | N |
P | CSC Not Processed | P |
S | Merchant indicates CSC not present on card | S |
U | Card issuer is not registered and/or certified | U |
Code | Type | Message | EON Payments Code |
0 | Good | Transaction Successful | A01 |
9 | Soft | Bank Declined Transaction (Do not contact Bank) | D01 |
5 | Soft | Transaction Declined - Insufficient funds | D03 |
7 | Hard | Payment Server Processing Error | D05 |
I | Soft | Card Security Code Failed | D08 |
U | Soft | Card Security Code Failed | D08 |
L | Soft | Shopping Transaction Locked | D09 |
R | Soft | Retry Limits Exceeded, Transaction Not Processed | D15 |
4 | Hard | Transaction Declined - Expired Card | D16 |
F | Hard | 3D Secure Authentication Failed | D27 |
D | Hard | Deferred Transaction | D27 |
N | Hard | Cardholder is not enrolled in 3D Secure (Authentication Only) | D27 |
? | Hard | Response Unknown | D27 |
S | Hard | Duplicate OrderInfo used | D27 |
A | Hard | Transaction Aborted | D27 |
E | Hard | Issuer Returned a Referral Response | D27 |
P | Hard | Transaction is Pending | D27 |
8 | Hard | Transaction Declined - Transaction Type Not Supported | D27 |
C | Hard | Transaction Cancelled | D27 |
1 | Soft | Transaction Declined - Bank Error | D30 |
2 | Soft | Bank Declined Transaction | D30 |
3 | Soft | Transaction Declined - No Reply from Bank | D34 |
6 | Soft | Transaction Declined - Error Communicating with Ban | R09 |
Code | Message | EON Payments Code |
M | Valid or matched CSC | M |
N | Code invalid or not matched | N |
P | CSC Not Processed | P |
S | Merchant indicates CSC not present on card | S |
U | Card issuer is not registered and/or certified | U |