Name | Type | Description |
$app-home | Virtual | Root folder for EON Payments installation |
$ftpgates-root | Virtual | Root folder for FTP Gates's batch service. All file exchanges occur through this folder.
Files to be sent to Providers are placed in respective sub-folders and are subsequently processed by UniBroker or by EON Payments. Tokenization results are placed in respective sub-folder by UniBroker for further consumption by EON Payments. |
$profiles-home | Virtual | Stores build profiles and associated resources necessary for the application deployment. |
$sources-home | Virtual | Root directory for the repository with the source code (currently GIT). |
$telium2-root | Virtual | Root directory for the entire file structure inside the terminal from the Tellium2 family. This directory can contain 5 applications. |
$unibroker-home | Virtual | Root folder for UniBroker installation |
$unibroker-root | Virtual | Root folder for UniBroker's batch service. All file exchanges occur through this folder.
Files to be sent to Providers are placed in respective sub-folders and are subsequently processed by UniBroker. Results are placed by respective sub-folders by UniBroker for further consumption by EON Payments. |
Directory | physical directory on server's hard drive |
File | physical file on server's hard drive |
Virtual | virtual directory, which maps to a physical directory, name and location of which are determined by the deployment conditions and requirements |
Name | Type | Status | Description | _build7 | Directory | Active | Stores ant build files and associated resources that are required for preparation of the UniPay application deployment. |
api-test | Directory | Active | Stores unit test source files designed to test API functionality. |
atlas | Directory | Active | Stores files associated with the UniCharge application module. |
atlas-test | Directory | Active | Stores unit test files associated with the UniCharge application module.
Note: May not be present in your source code distribution. |
camel | Directory | Active | Stores files associated with the Camel based service orchestration module. |
console | Directory | Pending | Stores files associated with the Console Perspective module based on ZK 8.5. |
iapp | Directory | Active | Stores files associated with the UniCore application module. |
iapp-test | Directory | Active | Stores unit test files associated with the UniCore application module.
Note: May not be present in your source code distribution. |
ibilling | Directory | Active | Stores files associated with the UniBill application module. |
ibilling-client | Directory | Pending | Stores files associated with the module used for generation of unibill-client library for PHP, Ruby, CSharp, Java. |
ibilling-test | Directory | Active | Stores unit test files associated with the UniBill application module.
Note: May not be present in your source code distribution. |
iworkspace7 | Directory | Pending | Stores configuration for IDE Eclipse. |
library7 | Directory | Active | Stores 3rd-party libraries and components used by the application. |
pojo | Directory | Pending | Stores hibernate objects used for linking of UniPay application code to the database. |
profiles | Directory | Active | Stores pre-configured build profiles. All profiles used for various server/workstation configuration should be stored in this folder. See $profiles-home definition for directory structure. |
proxy-test | Directory | Active | Stores unit test files associated with the UniBroker application module.
Note: May not be present in your source code distribution. |
query | Directory | Active | Stores hibernate HQL queries as MVEL templates that are used throughout the application. |
unibroker | Directory | Active | Stores files associated with the UniBroker application module. |
unicharge-cert | Directory | Pending | Stores certification tests for provider integrations. |
unipay-commons | Directory | Active | Stores the UniPay application library. |
unipay-ear | Directory | Pending | Stores UniPay configuration used for deployment in JBoss. |
unipay-logger | Directory | Pending | Stores logging UniPay library. |
util | Directory | Pending | Stores files associated with the auxiliary module used for resolving of various server issues. |
.gitignore | File | Pending | Properties file used for indicating GIT files and directories that have to be ignored by the system when working with the source code. |
pom.xml | File | Pending | Maven configuration used for the UniPay build process. |
zk.xml | File | Pending | Configuration file of the user interface. |