UniPay Directory Structure

Top Level Resources:

Name Type Description
$app-home Virtual Root folder for EON Payments installation
$ftpgates-root Virtual Root folder for FTP Gates's batch service. All file exchanges occur through this folder.

Files to be sent to Providers are placed in respective sub-folders and are subsequently processed by UniBroker or by EON Payments. Tokenization results are placed in respective sub-folder by UniBroker for further consumption by EON Payments.
$profiles-home Virtual Stores build profiles and associated resources necessary for the application deployment.
$sources-home Virtual Root directory for the repository with the source code (currently GIT).
$telium2-root Virtual Root directory for the entire file structure inside the terminal from the Tellium2 family. This directory can contain 5 applications.
$unibroker-home Virtual Root folder for UniBroker installation
$unibroker-root Virtual Root folder for UniBroker's batch service. All file exchanges occur through this folder.

Files to be sent to Providers are placed in respective sub-folders and are subsequently processed by UniBroker. Results are placed by respective sub-folders by UniBroker for further consumption by EON Payments.

Resource Types:

Directoryphysical directory on server's hard drive
Filephysical file on server's hard drive
Virtualvirtual directory, which maps to a physical directory, name and location of which are determined by the deployment conditions and requirements

Added On:  02/27/12
Status:  Active
Type:  Directory
Parent:  $app-home
Stores temporary application files, as well as files produced as a result of application processing. The files in the directory are for system administrator and are not destined for the end user.


Name Type Status Description
ach-acknowledgements Directory Active Stores ACH acknowledgements produced by some of the ACH processors as confirmations of successful file processing.

The folder is optional and may not be present on servers that do not deal with ACH or do not deal with ACH providers that supply acknowledgement files.
uicache Directory Active Stores in XML format the current selected perspective and merchants of a user to maintain state between two sessions.
unprocessed-chargebacks Directory Active Stores chargeback files, which contain chargebacks that could not be processed by the system.

The primary reason why a chargeback cannot be processed is inability to find the original transaction that the chargeback was issued for.

The files are stored here for system's admin to manually analyze and take action where appropriate.