UniPay Directory Structure

Top Level Resources:

Name Type Description
$app-home Virtual Root folder for EON Payments installation
$ftpgates-root Virtual Root folder for FTP Gates's batch service. All file exchanges occur through this folder.

Files to be sent to Providers are placed in respective sub-folders and are subsequently processed by UniBroker or by EON Payments. Tokenization results are placed in respective sub-folder by UniBroker for further consumption by EON Payments.
$profiles-home Virtual Stores build profiles and associated resources necessary for the application deployment.
$sources-home Virtual Root directory for the repository with the source code (currently GIT).
$telium2-root Virtual Root directory for the entire file structure inside the terminal from the Tellium2 family. This directory can contain 5 applications.
$unibroker-home Virtual Root folder for UniBroker installation
$unibroker-root Virtual Root folder for UniBroker's batch service. All file exchanges occur through this folder.

Files to be sent to Providers are placed in respective sub-folders and are subsequently processed by UniBroker. Results are placed by respective sub-folders by UniBroker for further consumption by EON Payments.

Resource Types:

Directoryphysical directory on server's hard drive
Filephysical file on server's hard drive
Virtualvirtual directory, which maps to a physical directory, name and location of which are determined by the deployment conditions and requirements

Added On:  02/06/14
Status:  Active
Type:  File
Parent:  billing-setup
Stores configuration scripts (implicit calls) that can be used to configure billing setup for a given merchant.

The following scripting functions are available:

void billingCycle(String cycleType); Creates one or billing cycle codes.
api.billingCycle("W"); Creates weekly billing cycle codes (from W01 to W07).
api.billingCycle("M"); Creates monthly billing cycle codes (from M01 to M31).
api.itemCode("Membership","Membership"); Creates a new item code.
Exp.: void itemCode(String itemCode, String itemName);
api.tax("tax","tax",10); Creates a new tax code.
Exp.: void tax (String taxCode, String taxName, Integer taxRate);
api.adjustmentCode("adjustment","adjustmant",true,true); Creates a new adjustment code.
Exp.: void adjustmentCode (String code, String name, Boolean isFreeze, Boolean isCancelation);
api.groupCode("Group","Group"); Creates a new group code.
Exp.: void groupCode(String groupCode, String groupName);
api.actionCode("actionCode", "actionCode"); Creates a new action code.
Exp.: void actionCode (String actionCode, String actionName);
api.letterCode("letterCode","letterCode", true); Creates a new letter code.
Exp.: void letterCode (String letterCode, String letterName, Boolean isStatement);
api.noteCode("note","note"); Creates a new note code.
Exp.: void noteCode (String noteCode, String noteName);
api.emailCode("email","email"); Creates a new email code.
Exp.: void emailCode(String emailCode, String emailName);
api.documentCode("document","document"); Creates a new document code.
Exp.: void documentCode(String documentCode, String documentName);
api.createBillingProfile(); Creates default billing and billing profile.
Exp.: void createBillingProfile();