UniPay Directory Structure

Top Level Resources:

Name Type Description
$app-home Virtual Root folder for EON Payments installation
$ftpgates-root Virtual Root folder for FTP Gates's batch service. All file exchanges occur through this folder.

Files to be sent to Providers are placed in respective sub-folders and are subsequently processed by UniBroker or by EON Payments. Tokenization results are placed in respective sub-folder by UniBroker for further consumption by EON Payments.
$profiles-home Virtual Stores build profiles and associated resources necessary for the application deployment.
$sources-home Virtual Root directory for the repository with the source code (currently GIT).
$telium2-root Virtual Root directory for the entire file structure inside the terminal from the Tellium2 family. This directory can contain 5 applications.
$unibroker-home Virtual Root folder for UniBroker installation
$unibroker-root Virtual Root folder for UniBroker's batch service. All file exchanges occur through this folder.

Files to be sent to Providers are placed in respective sub-folders and are subsequently processed by UniBroker. Results are placed by respective sub-folders by UniBroker for further consumption by EON Payments.

Resource Types:

Directoryphysical directory on server's hard drive
Filephysical file on server's hard drive
Virtualvirtual directory, which maps to a physical directory, name and location of which are determined by the deployment conditions and requirements

Added On:  02/01/13
Status:  Active
Type:  File
Parent:  resources
Stores providers' server connection limits for requests queueing mechanism. Since most of processors have limitation on the number of connections, that can be initiated concurrently by a client, EON Payments supports connection queuing mechanism. In cases when the number of incoming connections into EON Payments for a given processor exceeds the limit of connections, allowed by this processor, the excess connections will be queued and processed with some time delay. In order to set the limit, the submitting URL of a processor is to be put into this property file and the maximum number of connections for that URL can be specified, for example:


Note: special characters (e.g. ":") in the url need to be escaped. If special characters are not properly escaped, the record will be ignored.