Name | Type | Description |
$app-home | Virtual | Root folder for EON Payments installation |
$ftpgates-root | Virtual | Root folder for FTP Gates's batch service. All file exchanges occur through this folder.
Files to be sent to Providers are placed in respective sub-folders and are subsequently processed by UniBroker or by EON Payments. Tokenization results are placed in respective sub-folder by UniBroker for further consumption by EON Payments. |
$profiles-home | Virtual | Stores build profiles and associated resources necessary for the application deployment. |
$sources-home | Virtual | Root directory for the repository with the source code (currently GIT). |
$telium2-root | Virtual | Root directory for the entire file structure inside the terminal from the Tellium2 family. This directory can contain 5 applications. |
$unibroker-home | Virtual | Root folder for UniBroker installation |
$unibroker-root | Virtual | Root folder for UniBroker's batch service. All file exchanges occur through this folder.
Files to be sent to Providers are placed in respective sub-folders and are subsequently processed by UniBroker. Results are placed by respective sub-folders by UniBroker for further consumption by EON Payments. |
Directory | physical directory on server's hard drive |
File | physical file on server's hard drive |
Virtual | virtual directory, which maps to a physical directory, name and location of which are determined by the deployment conditions and requirements |
Name | Type | Status | Description | crt | Directory | Active | Stores temporary application files, as well as files produced as a result of application processing. The files in the directory are for system administrator and are not destined for the end user. |
pgp | Directory | Active | Stores pgp keys used for encryption and decryption of the information exchanged with different Providers. |
ssh | Directory | Active | Stores ssh keys (in Open SSH format) used for authentication and communication with different Providers. |
bin.csv | File | Active | Contains data from the bank identification number (BIN) database table. This file is used by UniBroker to determine account type by a payment card number submitted within an API request. |
unibroker.keystore | File | Active | Java keystore file containing private key and public certificate required to configure SSL connectivity on UniBroker JBoss (https on port 443).
unibroker.truststore | File | Active | Java keystore file containing trusted certificates necessary for SSL communication with authorized Providers. |