Management API Index (Components)

Name Description
Bankruptcy Represents information about bankruptcy history of the company based on background verification...
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BatchFee Represents fees that are applied to all batch sale/credit transactions.
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BatchFeeCommission Represents commissions that are applied to batch sale/credit transactions.
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BatchFeePolicy Represents commission policy applied to batch sale/credit transactions.
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BillingSettings Represents information about recurring billing settings assigned to a particular merchant.
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BinRule Stores credit card BINs.
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BusinessInfo Represents fields reflecting business information for a merchant.
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BusinessOwner Represents the owner of the business.
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BusinessReference Represents information about the company to be used as a business reference of the merchant.
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CommissionPolicy Represents configuration for revenue sharing for the reseller.
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ConvenienceFee Represents rules according to which convenience fee is charged on merchant’s transactions.
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CustomerFees Represents fees that are applied to merchant's customers.
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DateRange Represents a date range with lower and upper limits. Range can include only lower or only upper...
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Fee view   xml
FeeCycle Represents information about the day of a month when fees are withdrawn.
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FlatFee Represents fees that are applied to all transactions other than sale and credit.
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FlatFeeCommission Represents commission structure for fees applied to all transactions other than sale and credit.
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KeyRegistry view   xml
KeyType Represents the enumeration of possible types of a security key.
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Lien Represents information about the lien history of the company.
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Merchant Represents merchant object without sub-components
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MerchantChargebacksReserve Encapsulates chargeback reserve related information.
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MerchantChargeInfo Group fields reflecting information of merchant's charge account.
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MerchantContactInfo Groups fields reflecting contact information for a merchant
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MerchantDepositInfo Deposit information for remittances sent to the merchant.
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MerchantEmails Encapsulates information and settings for automated emails.
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MerchantFacade Represents merchant object with all sub-components
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MerchantFee Represents fees that are applied to a merchant.
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MerchantLetters Encapsulates information and settings for automated letters.
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MerchantLimits Represents information about limits applicable to transactions performed by the merchant or...
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MerchantPhases Encapsulates information on time intervals that are used to classify outstanding debt.
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MerchantProcessingInfo Groups processing related settings of the merchant.
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MerchantRefundsReserve Encapsulates refund reserve related information.
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MerchantRemittanceConfig Integration settings for the merchant remittance process.
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MerchantRemittanceInfo Remittance settings for the merchant.
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MerchantReturnsReserve Encapsulates returns reserve related information.
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Portfolio Represents portfolio object without sub-components.
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PostRule Set of rules to validate AVS/CSC response codes
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PreRule Set of rules to validate billing address, issuing bank country, BIN
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RealtimeFee Represents fees that are applied to all real-time sale/credit transactions.
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RealtimeFeeCommission Represents commission structure for realtime fees.
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RealtimeFeePolicy Encapsulates various rules used during the fee assessment process.
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RecurringFee Represents fees that are charged on a monthly basis.
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RecurringFeeCommission Represents commission structure for fees charged on a monthly basis.
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Reseller Represents reseller object without sub-components.
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Reseller Represents reseller object without sub-components.
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ResellerContactInfo Groups fields reflecting contact information for a reseller
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ResellerDepositInfo Groups fields reflecting deposit information for a reseller
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ResellerScheduledAdjustment Represents information about scheduled adjustments and fees for reseller statements.
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ReturnsDeliveryFrequency Defines delivery schedule for returns.
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ServiceResponse Response envelope for error messages and status message returned by actions that generate no...
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SettlementMode Represents settlement mode used for processing with a particular provider.
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SettlementModePaymentech Represents settlement mode used for processing with Paymentech.
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SettlementType Enumerates possible types of settlement for real-time authorizations.
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TaxRate Stores tax rates for merchant from different countries.
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Terminal view   xml
Terminal view   xml
TerminalData view   xml
TerminalOrder Represents information about the terminal order shipping settings.
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TerminalOrderDetail Represents information about terminals included in the order.
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TerminalProfile view   xml
User Represents user of the system.
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UserAccessInfo Groups fields reflecting access information for a user
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UserContactInfo Groups fields reflecting contact information for a user
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