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Paymentech UTF  (real-time) Response Codes:

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message EON Payments Code
233 Soft Auth Declined Terminal Type not supported. D01
232 Soft Auth Declined Invalid card type for Prior Auth sale. D01
200 Soft Auth Declined Cardholder's bank did not approve transaction. D01
205 Hard Invalid Exp. Date Expiration date is either incorrect format or prior to today. D02
217 Soft Over Credit Flr Amount requested exceeds credit limit. D03
202 Hard Hold - Call Card issuer does not want that card used. Call for further instructions. D04
236 Hard PICKUP CARD D04
255 Hard ACCT NOT MOD 10 D05
206 Hard Invalid ICA No Invalid International Control Account number. D05
204 Hard Invalid Card No Account #/mag stripe is invalid. D05
307 Hard Invalid Card Invalid card type or account number. D05
207 Hard Invalid ABA No Invalid American Banking Association number. D05
302 Hard Invalid Card Mag stripe contains invalid data or account # is greater than 19 digits D05
266 Hard No Checking Account. Invalid checking account. D06
267 Hard No Savings Account. Invalid savings account. D06
208 Soft Invalid PIN No The Personal ID Number for a debit transaction is incorrect. D07
306 Soft Invalid PIN Incorrect PIN block length. D07
457 Soft INVALID PIN D07
216 Soft Invalid PIN Personal ID code is incorrect. D07
248 Soft Unmatch Vch Info Voucher submitted does not match one previously issued. CVC2/CID ERROR CVC2 or CID entered was not valid for the card number. D08
450 Soft No ACK reversal was followed by a duplicate request D09
215 Hard Lost/Stolen Card Card has been reported lost or stolen. D10
L43 Soft Chip tr not alwd. This card types does not suuport chip transactions. D12
454 Soft AX Not Allowed AMEX not allowed D12
T61 Soft DB EMV not allwd. US debit EMV transaction is not allowed D12
T59 Soft Token call fail. Token server not available for token only request D12
456 Soft REV failed. Partial rev not allowed for partial approved auth. D12
T32 Soft Proc ERR-INV FMT. Conv fee must process in UTF D12
D32 Soft Token call fail. Token server not available for token only request D12
M77 Soft Trans not allowd. Direct pay trans not allowed. D12
428 Soft Dscv Not Allowed Merchant not set up for Discover transactions. D12
S99 Soft Chip CD not alwd. Chip card transactions are allowed only for PTIC D12
A47 Soft Chip not alwd. Contactless with EMV data not alwd this card type D12
360 Soft Car Blnc Not Allowed Carte Blanche capture is not equal to C or D. D12
K25 Soft Rfid not allwd. Contactless rfid txn not allwd. D12
C98 Soft Mobile not allow. Mobile transaction not allowed D12
B03 Soft REV failed. Partial rev invalid for C/B trans D12
L86 Soft Chip not alwd. Contactless with EMV data not alwd this card type D12
458 Soft Card not allowed D12
249 Soft Tran Not Defined This type of transaction is not allowed for this type of card. D12
T60 Soft Rev failed. Rev not allowed on GAP co-branded transcation D12
225 Soft Card Not Allowed Merchant does not accept this card. D12
431 Soft DC Not Allowed Merchant not set up for Diners Club. D12
T06 Soft IR EMV not alwd. Interac EMV not yet turned on D12
444 Soft Bank Not On File Debit BIN not set up for this merchant in routing table. D12
M47 Soft Mobile not allow. Mobile transaction not allowed D12
S84 Soft Batch not allwd. Batch MGMT not allowed with BBM D12
358 Soft Amex Not Allowed Amex capture not equal to C, A or P or SE# missing. D12
228 Soft Card Not Allowed Merchant cannot accept this card. D12
D36 Soft Surchg not allwd. Surcharge not allwoed for AFT transaction D12
M78 Soft Surchg not allwd. Surcharge not allwoed for AFT transaction D12
L44 Soft Trans not allowed. Transaction is not allowed. D12
447 Soft WX Not Allowed Merchant not set up to accept WEX. D12
464 Soft DB/EBT not alwd. Unable to retrieve dert record. D12
218 Soft Request Denied Transaction is not valid for this authorizer. D12
380 Soft CADV not allowed. Cash advance not allowed with this inductry code D12
T19 Soft Cshbck not alwd. Cash back not allowed for conv fee D12
A66 Soft Cshbck not alwd. ECP does not support cashback D12
A48 Soft Barcode not alwd. Barcode read requested, not allwd. D12
361 Soft JCB Not Allowed JCB capture is not equal to C or D. D12
D35 Soft Trans not allowd. AFT trans not allowed. D12
419 Soft Invalid Function Manually entered transactions are not allowed for this terminal ID. D12
L87 Soft Barcode not alwd. Barcode read requested, not allwd. D12
A25 Soft Chip tr not alwd. This card types does not suuport chip transactions. D12
442 Soft JCB Not Allowed JCB CD flag on merchant record not set up for JCB transactions. D12
468 Soft EBT not allowed D12
A49 Soft Barcode not alwd. Barcode with track data not allowed D12
A39 Soft Cashback not alwd. Cashback field sent on inv tran type or card type D12
257 Soft Block Act Not Alwd The merchant is not allowed to process Stored Value Block Activations D12
234 Soft Auth Declined T&E card used for Sale when merchant only allows Auth Only. D12
226 Soft PL Setup Reqd Merchant not set up for Private Label. D12
432 Soft CB Not Allowed Merchant not set up for Carte Blanche. D12
T23 Soft Fee tran not alw. Conv fee sale is not allowed D12
445 Soft No Sponsor Inst No valid sponsorship was found on Merchant record. D12
A24 Soft Chip CD not alwd. Chip card transactions are allowed only for PTIC D12
M72 Soft Tkn req not alwd. PIN debit or EDT token tran not allowed D12
S92 Soft Void not allowed. Extended void not allowed D12
A42 Soft Invalid trans. Revs transactions not allowed in tas D12
359 Soft Diners Not Allowed Diners capture not equal to C or D. D12
L70 Soft Cashbck not alwd. CASHBACK field sent on inv tran type or card type D12
K33 Soft Prepaid not alwd. Prepaid indicator invalid for non-credit trans D12
279 Soft BAL NOT AVAIL. Credit Prepaid Balance Inquiry not available D12
K23 Soft Barcode not alwd. Barcode read requested, not allwd. D12
430 Soft Dscv Not Allowed Merchant not set up for Discover. D12
T51 Soft SAF not allowed. Saf transaction not allowed D12
B82 Soft Bal not avail. Credit Prepaid Balance Inquiry not available D12
404 Soft Void Not Allowed The transaction requested for voiding is not an EFT transaction. D12
M35 Soft REV failed. Partial rev invalid for C/B tran D12
K82 Soft Bal not avail. Credit Prepaid Balance Inquiry not available D12
451 Soft Tran Not Allowed Requested transaction type is not allowed for this card/merchant. D12
443 Soft JCB Not Allowed JCB subscriber number not set up for JCB transactions. D12
M85 Soft Tran not allwd. Only sale allowed for GAP co-branded tran. D12
227 Soft BIN Not Allowed Merchant cannot accept this Private Label BIN range. D12
425 Soft Invalid Function Cash management not allowed for this merchant ID. D12
493 Soft Amt Req Over Lmt Total authorized amount will exceed the allowed Sales or Return limit for this device. D15
420 Soft Amount Too Large Maximum sale amount exceeded. D15
303 Hard Invalid Exp. Date Card has expired, month was not 01-12 or year was not 00-99. D16
242 Hard Card expired D16
293 Soft Auth Busy - Retry Authorizer not available at this time. D17
K83 Soft Pls try again. Interac cross ref file is locked D17
418 Soft Please Try Again Incorrect debit working key. D17
298 Soft Err - Pls Retry Debit authorizer experienced an error. D17
694 Soft Auth Busy-Retry. Debit authorizer not responding in time. D17
285 Soft Retry – Alt Entry. Retry the transaction via alternate entry mode. D17
294 Soft Auth Busy - Retry Authorizer not available at this time D17
460 Soft Please Try Again. Terminal record locked. D17
692 Soft Auth Down-Retry. Debit authorizer temporarily unavailable. D17
299 Soft Err - Pls Retry Debit authorizer experienced an error. D17
292 Soft Auth Down - Retry Authorizer is not responding D17
297 Soft Auth Error - Retry Authorizer not available at this time D17
693 Soft Auth Busy-Retry. Queue for debit authorizer too long. D17
L27 Soft TRAN AMT D18
J95 Soft Invalid amount. Tender amount is invalid on check auth. D18
A36 Soft TOT QUAL AMT REQ. Req Amt Type (4S) not present D18
211 Soft Invalid Amount Amount is either: equal to 0, has no decimal, has decimal in wrong place, or has multiple decimals. D18
D23 Soft Inv surcharge. Surcharge amount is not valid D18
258 Soft Incorrect Act Amt The activation amount requested does not match the predenominated amount for the card. D18
A40 Soft TRAN AMT D18
T43 Soft Rev failed. Mismatch amount on reversal D18
A54 Soft Inv partial amt. Rev failed part amt mismatch org tran amt D18
M58 Soft Inv surcharge. Surcharge amount is not valid D18
L64 Soft TOT QUAL>TRN AMT. Total Amt (4S) > Tran Amt D18
L65 Soft TOT QUAL D18
341 Soft Inv Amount/Reversal Reversal amount is invalid or greater than original authorization amount. D18
L72 Soft TRAN AMT D18
494 Soft Invld DCC amount D18
305 Soft Amt Entry Error Amount less than .01 or greater than 99999.99 or contained non- numeric data. D18
T33 Soft Inv partial amt. Rev failed part amt mismatch org tran amt D18
448 Soft Amount Too Large Amount exceeds maximum limit. D18
A38 Soft TOT QUAL D18
A37 Soft TOT QUAL>TRN AMT. Total Amt (4S) > Tran Amt D18
219 Soft PIN Tries Exceeded. An invalid PIN has been entered the maximum number of times. D21
421 Soft Amount Too Large Maximum return amount exceeded. D25
L89 Hard D27
554 Hard D27
T24 Hard D27
176 Hard D27
A95 Hard D27
446 Hard Failed Plz Call Future use. D27
709 Hard D27
K85 Hard D27
505 Hard D27
143 Hard D27
342 Hard Inv PIN Capability PIN capability field contains invalid data. D27
368 Hard D27
701 Hard D27
75 Hard D27
501 Hard < TIME OUT > D27
334 Hard Inv Card Type/Market Market specific data is present for non-supported card. D27
M21 Hard D27
355 Hard D27
326 Hard Inv Mult Clr Seq No Multiple Clearing sequence number is invalid. D27
M12 Hard D27
491 Hard D27
L34 Hard D27
523 Hard D27
A34 Hard D27
L22 Hard D27
516 Hard D27
415 Hard Invalid Function Merchant is Authorization Only and a draft capture record was sent. D27
K49 Hard D27
461 Hard D27
407 Hard Too Many Batches There are 999 open batches for this merchant. D27
K40 Hard D27
396 Hard D27
230 Hard Prod Restricted Merchant attempted a product code not permitted by this merchant. D27
A69 Hard D27
L62 Hard D27
536 Hard D27
436 Hard Failed-Plz Call Debit security key does not exist on the security management file. D27
K73 Hard D27
500 Hard D27
001 Hard D27
A57 Hard D27
K64 Hard D27
S75 Hard D27
476 Hard D27
324 Hard Inv MO/TO Number Mail/Telephone Order number is invalid. D27
K55 Hard D27
S20 Hard D27
316 Hard Invalid Sys Info The System Information field contains invalid data. D27
B08 Hard D27
M01 Hard D27
482 Hard D27
308 Hard Auth # Not Entered Auth code was not entered on a Prior Auth, Incremental or Rev. D27
A27 Hard D27
L11 Hard D27
T45 Hard D27
262 Hard D27
260 Hard Max RDM lmt met. BIN set for limited redemptions, acct maxed out D27
509 Hard D27
240 Hard D27
J94 Hard D27
M49 Hard D27
347 Hard Duration > 99 Days Duration field greater than 99. D27
J83 Hard D27
M38 Hard D27
246 Hard Unable to Void SV issuer unable to void transaction D27
L74 Hard D27
544 Hard D27
484 Hard D27
L29 Hard D27
518 Hard D27
K53 Hard D27
S03 Hard D27
463 Hard D27
K44 Hard D27
M71 Hard D27
398 Hard D27
K35 Hard D27
L92 Hard D27
601 Hard Invalid trans D27
A97 Hard D27
L79 Hard D27
549 Hard D27
449 Hard Reenter Odometer Odometer was 000000 or contained non-numeric data. D27
714 Hard D27
506 Hard < MODEM ERROR > D27
163 Hard D27
441 Hard Failed-Plz Call The host is unable to communicate with decryption device. D27
703 Hard D27
K78 Hard D27
502 Hard D27
L59 Hard MRC/TRM setup er The terminal is not configured for DEV/Operator D27
337 Hard Invalid Driver No Driver number is not 6 digit numeric or 4 digit with 2 leading spaces. D27
D22 Hard D27
M24 Hard D27
364 Hard D27
329 Hard Invalid EC Data 329 Invalid Electronic Commerce Data. D27
C95 Hard D27
M15 Hard D27
220 Hard Not Online to XX Fatal communications error. D27
496 Hard D27
A56 Hard D27
L37 Hard D27
526 Hard D27
723 Hard D27
L07 Hard D27
T30 Hard D27
244 Hard D27
K32 Hard D27
390 Hard D27
719 Hard D27
350 Hard Inc/Rev Not Manual Incremental or reversal auths must be manually entered. D27
J86 Hard D27
M41 Hard D27
547 Hard D27
M31 Hard D27
A71 Hard D27
L67 Hard D27
539 Hard D27
439 Hard Failed-Plz Call The DB (debit) sponsor institution on the merchant file is not set up on sponsor file. D27
A60 Hard D27
L45 Hard D27
531 Hard D27
K67 Hard D27
S86 Hard D27
478 Hard D27
423 Hard Proc Error 24 Host couldn't read reference number file within specified time. D27
K58 Hard D27
S39 Hard D27
469 Hard D27
319 Hard Inv PIN Capability Pin capability code field contains invalid data. D27
B43 Hard D27
M04 Hard D27
311 Hard Invalid Ind Code Industry type must be RE or DM. D27
L97 Hard D27
A29 Hard D27
L14 Hard D27
T47 Hard D27
705 Hard D27
K81 Hard D27
504 Hard < POWER FAILR > D27
142 Hard D27
340 Hard Reversal Auth Exists A second reversal authorization was attempted, only one is permitted. D27
D31 Hard D27
M29 Hard D27
606 Hard D27
332 Hard CVD Data Error Error with the cardholder verification data received; invalid value or not allowable for this card for this transaction. D27
C97 Hard D27
M18 Hard D27
354 Hard D27
223 Hard Invalid Pin No Driver # not found in positive file. D27
604 Hard D27
529 Hard D27
B87 Hard D27
M10 Hard D27
487 Hard D27
A45 Hard D27
L32 Hard D27
521 Hard D27
A32 Hard D27
L20 Hard D27
515 Hard D27
413 Hard Proc Error 14 Unable to read reference number file. D27
K47 Hard D27
M75 Hard D27
455 Hard D27
405 Hard Ref Num Not Found Transaction requested for reversal not found. D27
K38 Hard D27
M62 Hard D27
301 Hard Invalid Function Tran code is incorrect or wrong length. D27
A99 Hard D27
L82 Hard D27
552 Hard D27
452 Hard Bat Already Rels Batch has already been released D27
717 Hard D27
K94 Hard D27
507 Hard < PARITY ERROR > D27
165 Hard D27
K62 Hard D27
S73 Hard D27
472 Hard D27
322 Hard Invalid Duration Market specific data field Duration is 00, blank or missing. D27
B79 Hard D27
M08 Hard D27
314 Hard Invalid Industry Data The Industry Specific field contains invalid data. D27
B06 Hard D27
L99 Hard D27
480 Hard D27
T54 Hard D27
392 Hard Inv FT token. Fee token value invalid D27
T39 Hard Invalid Account. Account Type must be Checking for Interac Flash (Contactless). D27
725 Hard D27
L08 Hard D27
511 Hard D27
256 Hard D27
721 Hard D27
L03 Hard D27
T26 Hard D27
239 Hard D27
J92 Hard D27
M45 Hard D27
376 Hard D27
345 Hard Trans ID Not Match Transaction ID does not match original authorization. D27
D98 Hard D27
M36 Hard D27
370 Hard D27
238 Hard Invalid Driver Number The Driver Number entered is invalid. D27
A74 Hard D27
L71 Hard D27
542 Hard D27
L60 Hard D27
534 Hard D27
434 Hard Invalid Key Future use. Merchant MCC is not setup for PINless debit. D27
K71 Hard D27
426 Hard Rev Not Allowed Host found no batch number matching the one sent. D27
K41 Hard D27
M64 Hard D27
304 Hard Invalid Action Code Action code is longer than 1 digit. D27
L90 Hard D27
555 Hard D27
T25 Hard D27
212 Hard D27
A96 Hard D27
L77 Hard D27
712 Hard D27
K87 Hard D27
T14 Hard D27
144 Hard D27
343 Hard Inv Auth Char Ind Auth Characteristics Indicator field contains invalid data. D27
K76 Hard D27
T09 Hard D27
108 Hard D27
335 Hard Invalid Vehicle No Vehicle number is not 5 digit numeric field. D27
D16 Hard D27
M22 Hard D27
356 Hard D27
327 Hard Inv Purch Card Data Purchasing card field contains invalid data. D27
C35 Hard D27
M13 Hard D27
290 Hard D27
A51 Hard D27
L35 Hard D27
524 Hard D27
A35 Hard D27
L23 Hard D27
517 Hard D27
416 Hard Invalid Function Merchant is Authorization Only and a debit record was sent. D27
K50 Hard D27
M80 Hard D27
408 Hard Release Batch Current batch has 999 records. Release batch before continuing. D27
J84 Hard D27
M39 Hard D27
372 Hard D27
247 Hard PIN Not Selected EBT recipient has not selected a PIN for this card. D27
A82 Hard D27
L75 Hard D27
545 Hard D27
231 Hard Prod Not On File Merchant attempted a product code that does not exist on host. D27
A70 Hard D27
L63 Hard D27
537 Hard D27
437 Hard Failed-Plz Call Failure occurred during encryption/decryption of PIN. D27
T03 Hard D27
107 Hard D27
A58 Hard D27
L40 Hard D27
429 Hard Rev Not Allowed The batch containing the transaction to void has been released. D27
K65 Hard D27
L46 Hard OP ID not set up Operator not configured on terminal record D27
325 Hard Inv Sale/Chg Des/Folio Hotel Sale Code, Charge Descriptor or Folio contains invalid data. D27
K56 Hard D27
466 Hard D27
317 Hard Invalid Format Payment Service indicator or Transaction ID is invalid. D27
M02 Hard D27
309 Hard Invalid Down Pay Ind Insurance down payment indicator is invalid. D27
B01 Hard D27
L95 Hard D27
479 Hard D27
L12 Hard D27
T46 Hard D27
263 Hard D27
L05 Hard D27
T28 Hard D27
241 Hard D27
K12 Hard D27
M51 Hard D27
378 Hard D27
348 Hard MSDI Not Match CPS Market specific data indicator does not match CPS type. D27
C96 Hard D27
M16 Hard D27
351 Hard D27
221 Hard Auth Down-Retry Debit authorizer temporarily unavailable. D27
497 Hard D27
L38 Hard D27
527 Hard D27
213 Hard Invalid Tran Fmt The transaction format isn't valid, typically invalid SIC code D27
485 Hard D27
A43 Hard D27
L30 Hard D27
519 Hard D27
S04 Hard D27
465 Hard D27
A31 Hard D27
L18 Hard D27
411 Hard Invalid Term ID The maximum retries for this merchant have been exceeded. D27
K45 Hard D27
M73 Hard D27
399 Hard D27
K36 Hard D27
M57 Hard D27
393 Hard D27
L93 Hard D27
603 Hard < SEND FAILURE > D27
A98 Hard D27
L80 Hard D27
550 Hard D27
K90 Hard D27
T18 Hard D27
K79 Hard D27
T12 Hard D27
110 Hard D27
338 Hard Inv/Mssng MO/TO No Order number is missing or contains invalid data. D27
D24 Hard D27
M25 Hard D27
365 Hard D27
330 Hard INV Function or Multiple FS or Unknown TKN Indicates system problem, notify Chase Paymentech or Multiple field separators received without required data or A token of unknown definition was received D27
A30 Hard D27
L15 Hard D27
514 Hard D27
277 Hard D27
T83 Hard Compl not alwd. Completion counter exceeds limit D27
T44 Hard D27
M54 Hard D27
L01 Hard D27
353 Hard Prem Not Allowed Must use a special SIC code to accept Premier MC cards D27
J87 Hard D27
M42 Hard D27
374 Hard D27
D37 Hard D27
M32 Hard D27
369 Hard D27
A72 Hard D27
L68 Hard D27
540 Hard D27
A61 Hard D27
L54 Hard D27
532 Hard D27
K68 Hard D27
S87 Hard D27
L47 Hard Super OP not set Super operator not configured on terminal record D27
424 Hard Invalid Term ID Transaction open flag has been set to “Y” within prior 3 minutes. D27
K59 Hard D27
J99 Hard OP IDS not alwd Operator IDS not allowed for merchant D27
320 Hard Inv/Missing Retr Ref Retrieval Reference # is missing or contains alpha data. D27
M05 Hard D27
312 Hard Invalid Function Tran code is invalid or contains alpha data. D27
B04 Hard D27
L98 Hard D27
S77 Hard Failed plz call. Client not setup for single DES (DUKPT) D27
453 Hard Invalid Rtng Ind Invalid Routing Indicator field D27
718 Hard D27
L00 Hard D27
T22 Hard D27
K84 Hard D27
T13 Hard D27
S98 Hard OP ID not active This operator is currently not active D27
M30 Hard D27
367 Hard D27
607 Hard D27
K74 Hard D27
333 Hard TKN Data Error Indicates system problem, notify Chase Paymentech. D27
C99 Hard D27
M19 Hard D27
224 Hard Auth Declined Card is on private label negative file. D27
605 Hard D27
B91 Hard D27
M11 Hard D27
284 Hard D27
488 Hard D27
A46 Hard D27
L33 Hard D27
522 Hard D27
483 Hard D27
A33 Hard D27
L21 Hard D27
T58 Hard D27
414 Hard Proc Error 15 Unable to update reference number file. D27
K48 Hard D27
M79 Hard D27
459 Hard D27
406 Hard Proc Error 7 The host can't clear all transaction records for the requested Batch Release. D27
K39 Hard D27
M63 Hard D27
395 Hard D27
B00 Hard D27
L88 Hard D27
553 Hard D27
K72 Hard D27
S94 Hard D27
J96 Hard D27
427 Hard Rev Not Allowed Host found no transactions meeting the specifications sent. D27
K63 Hard D27
475 Hard D27
323 Hard Inv Pref Cust Ind Preferred Customer indicator contains invalid data. D27
M09 Hard D27
283 Hard D27
K54 Hard D27
315 Hard Inv Fleet Data The Fleet Card field contains invalid data. D27
B07 Hard D27
M00 Hard D27
481 Hard D27
A26 Hard D27
L10 Hard D27
512 Hard D27
261 Hard D27
499 Hard Invalid MAC. MAC validation failure. D27
L04 Hard D27
T27 Hard D27
J93 Hard D27
M48 Hard D27
377 Hard D27
346 Hard Inv BankNet Ref No BankNet reference number contains invalid data or does not match original authorization. D27
J35 Hard D27
M37 Hard D27
371 Hard D27
245 Hard Cannot Process Req SV error on prior auth transaction D27
A75 Hard D27
L73 Hard D27
543 Hard D27
229 Hard Inv Merc Rstrct Code Restriction code field contains invalid data. D27
A68 Hard D27
L61 Hard D27
535 Hard D27
435 Hard Failed-Plz Call Debit transaction being sent to an authorizer not set up on host file. D27
K52 Hard D27
S02 Hard D27
462 Hard D27
409 Hard Invalid Function Debit transaction requested but debit flag is set to "N". D27
K43 Hard D27
M69 Hard D27
397 Hard D27
K34 Hard D27
L91 Hard D27
556 Hard D27
473 Hard Missing PIN Number. Cannot Void, original transaction. D27
237 Hard D27
L78 Hard D27
548 Hard D27
713 Hard D27
K89 Hard D27
T15 Hard D27
145 Hard You have not supplied any credit card or bank account details. Mandatory data has not been provided for the update of billing details D27
440 Hard Failed-Plz Call The ntwk set up on the sponsoring bank file for this institution is not setup on the host ntwk file. D27
702 Hard D27
K77 Hard D27
T11 Hard D27
109 Hard D27
336 Hard Invalid Odometer No Odometer field is not 6 digit numeric. D27
D21 Hard D27
M23 Hard D27
363 Hard D27
328 Hard Inv Input/Use VRU Insurance transaction not from VRU. D27
C36 Hard D27
M14 Hard D27
291 Hard D27
495 Hard D27
A55 Hard D27
L36 Hard D27
525 Hard D27
A41 Hard D27
L28 Hard D27
L83 Hard D27
417 Hard Invalid Function Private label flag is "N"‚ but a private label account number was sent. D27
K14 Hard D27
384 Hard D27
349 Hard Ind Cd Not Match CPS Industry code does not match custom payment service type. D27
J85 Hard D27
M40 Hard D27
373 Hard D27
L76 Hard D27
546 Hard D27
D33 Hard D27
L66 Hard D27
538 Hard D27
438 Hard Failed-Plz Call Error occurred while generating a debit working key. D27
L58 Hard MRC/TRM setup er The terminal is configured for device/OPIDS D27
A59 Hard D27
L42 Hard D27
530 Hard D27
K66 Hard D27
S85 Hard D27
477 Hard D27
422 Hard Invalid Term ID Host couldn't read terminal file within specified time. D27
K57 Hard D27
S34 Hard D27
467 Hard D27
318 Hard Inv Transaction Class Transaction class not "F" for financial transaction. D27
B11 Hard D27
M03 Hard D27
310 Hard Policy # Wrong Len Insurance policy number is incorrect length. D27
B02 Hard D27
L96 Hard D27
A28 Hard D27
L13 Hard D27
513 Hard D27
276 Hard D27
722 Hard D27
L06 Hard D27
T29 Hard D27
243 Hard D27
362 Hard Invalid EC Data Invalid Electronic Commerce Data D27
M27 Hard D27
366 Hard D27
331 Hard INV TKN Value Invalid token value was received. D27
M17 Hard D27
352 Hard D27
222 Hard Auth Declined Vehicle not found in positive file. D27
498 Hard D27
L39 Hard D27
B80 Hard D27
486 Hard D27
A44 Hard D27
L31 Hard D27
520 Hard D27
D17 Hard MDRT not found Merchant directed routing not setup D27
L19 Hard D27
T55 Hard D27
412 Hard Proc Error 13 Unable to read reference number file. D27
K46 Hard D27
M74 Hard D27
K37 Hard D27
M61 Hard D27
394 Hard D27
L94 Hard D27
L81 Hard D27
551 Hard D27
716 Hard D27
K91 Hard D27
T21 Hard D27
164 Hard D27
704 Hard D27
K80 Hard D27
503 Hard < PARITY ERROR > D27
141 Hard D27
339 Hard Inv Comb SIC/MO/TO Invalid "Transaction Type" indicator for a mail order only SIC code under industry specific data. D27
D28 Hard D27
313 Hard Entry Mode Invalid POS Entry mode does not contain a valid value. D27
B05 Hard D27
L17 Hard D27
T48 Hard D27
282 Hard D27
724 Hard D27
L09 Hard D27
510 Hard D27
250 Hard D27
391 Hard D27
720 Hard D27
L02 Hard D27
508 Hard < EXCESS NAKS > D27
357 Hard Card/Store Invalid Retail Issued account number not valid for that Store number. D27
J88 Hard D27
M43 Hard D27
375 Hard D27
344 Hard Trans ID Not Numeric Transaction ID field contains non-numeric data. D27
D43 Hard D27
M33 Hard D27
235 Hard *Request Denied* Prior Auth selected with no Auth code provided. D27
A73 Hard D27
L69 Hard D27
541 Hard D27
A67 Hard D27
L55 Hard D27
533 Hard D27
433 Hard Invalid Key No AMEX subscriber number, process control ID or product code set up D27
K70 Hard D27
S93 Hard D27
L49 Hard OP ID not active Operator ID is not active D27
K60 Hard D27
S72 Hard D27
470 Hard D27
321 Hard Inv MSDI Market Specific Data field contains invalid data. D27
B78 Hard D27
M06 Hard D27
528 Soft D28
T38 Soft Cshbck Not Alwd. Cashback not allowed for ECP or Interac Flash (Contactless). D28
D09 Soft Failed-plz call. Client not setup for DUKPT D30
S81 Soft Failed plz call. Invalid key injection site in the KSN D30
D14 Soft Failed-plz call. Security management indicator not found D30
602 Soft Call Voice Oper Authorization center cannot be reached. D30
D12 Soft Failed-plz call. Single DES BDK not setup on the client record D30
T42 Soft Please call. Reffer to risk dept D30
S76 Soft Failed plz call. Dukpt encr method setup in parm file not valid D30
201 Soft Call Voice Oper Authorizer needs more information for approval. D30
D07 Soft Failed-plz call. Encryption indicator not present in offl param D30
S79 Soft Failed plz call Triple DES (TDES) BDK not setup for Client record D30
D10 Soft Failed-plz call. Client not setup for TDES DUKPT D30
S82 Soft Failed plz call. Pin translation for Triple DES failed D30
D15 Soft Failed-plz call. PIN block xlate error D30
D08 Soft Failed-plz call. Encryption method not valid D30
S80 Soft Failed plz call. Single DES (DUKPT) BDK not setup for Client record D30
D13 Soft Failed-plz call. Authorizer code not setup in the auth file D30
D11 Soft Failed-plz call. TDES BDK not setup on the client record D30
S83 Soft Failed plz call. Invalid triple DES indicator D30
M28 Soft Please call Error when decrypting account number D30
214 Soft Call Voice Oper Authorization center cannot be reached. D30
A77 Soft Please call. Reffer to risk dept D30
S78 Soft Failed plz call Client not setup for triple DES (TDES) D30
203 Soft Call Voice Oper Authorizer didn't respond within allotted time. D30
706 Soft Inv client NO D33
379 Soft Invalid term ID D33
T41 Soft Preauth Not Alwd. Pre-Auths not supported for Interac Flash (Contactless) transactions. D33
T36 Soft Not USA merchant ECP merchant must be 840 country code D33
T01 Soft OP ID not alwd Operator ID should not be present in message D33
410 Soft Invalid Term ID The Terminal ID portion of the merchant ID is incorrect. D33
707 Soft Inv merchant NO D33
400 Soft Invalid Term ID. Merchant ID not found in merchant file. D33
T02 Soft Invalid OP ID Operator ID is not valid D33
L48 Soft OP ID Invalid Op ID pres, but term is not config for Device/Op D33
710 Soft Merc not present Store record not available D33
106 Soft Term not active D33
403 Soft Invalid Act Code Merchant not set up for cash advance function. D33
711 Soft Term not present Terminal record not available D33
209 Soft Invalid Bank MID The Bank Merchant ID is incorrect. D33
715 Soft Inactive term Terminal is marked as inactive. D33
999 Soft Invalid Merchant Merchant number not on file. D33
401 Soft Invalid Term ID. Merchant ID not found in terminal file. D33
T37 Soft No ALTN merchant No alternate merchant number set up D33
058 Soft Card not allowed Nordstrom private lable not allowed D33
708 Soft Inv terminal NO D33
T40 Soft PIN Not Allowed. PIN data not allowed on Interac Flash (Contactless) transactions. D33
210 Soft Invalid Term No The merchant ID is not valid or active. D33
A65 Soft No ALTN merchant No alternate merchant number set up D33
300 Soft Invalid Term ID The length of the merchant ID is incorrect or contains invalid data. D33
402 Soft Term Not Active Active flag for merchant set to "N". D33
T00 Soft OP ID required Op ID required in message but not present D33
15 Soft Invalid term ID D33
M55 Soft MDRT not found Merchant directed routing not setup D34
L50 Soft Batch release not allowed for this operator D34
T49 Soft CN not allowed Chasenet ID is not present for this merchant D34
L53 Soft Merchant totals not allowed for this operator D34
S23 Soft Card not allowed PTIC LEG - MC/VISA req when not allowed D34
L56 Soft Device not found Configured for operator only D34
T05 Soft Inv EMV appl DB EMV not supported by this merchant D34
A93 Soft Signature debit is not allowed for this merc D34
S97 Soft Pur/ret not alwd Purchase or return not allowed for this operator D34
M26 Soft E2EE not set up Merchant is not configured for E2EE D34
D19 Soft Not Chasenet BIN Only Chasenet allowed for this merchant D34
D05 Soft NO E2EE profile E2EE profile record not found for the merchant D34
T34 Soft ECP not alwd Client not set up for ECP D34
M56 Soft CN not allowed Merchant not setup with Chasenet MOP D34
L51 Soft Batch inquiry not allowed for this operator D34
T50 Soft Not Chasenet BIN Only Chasenet allowed for this merchant D34
S32 Soft CK typ not allow Check type not allowed from merchant. D34
L57 Soft Merch config for term / OpIDs present in message D34
010 Soft Chasepay not set Merchant does not have Chasepay eligiblity set D34
A64 Soft Not USA merchant ECP allowed only on 840 country code merchant D34
T20 Soft Trans not alwd Conv fee only supported on US merchant D34
471 Soft EBT inv-clnt EBT not allowed for this client D34
T04 Soft DB RFID not alwd DB contactless tran, mrch DB ntwrks donot support D34
M50 Soft No E2EE profile Merchant E2E profiles record is not present D34
D20 Soft CN not allowed Merchant not setup with Chasenet MOP D34
D18 Soft CN not allowed Chasenet is not allowed for this merchant D34
A62 Soft ECP not alwd Merchant not set up for ECP D34
T35 Soft ECP not alwd Merchant not set up for ECP D34
S21 Soft Debit not alwd PTIC LEG - BNS Msg from term / Merc not set for DB D34
L52 Soft Details inquiry not allowed for this operator D34
T53 Soft AG not allowed Aggregator data not allowed for this client D34
S74 Soft Pinless not alwd Merchant not set up for Pinless debit D34
M07 Soft Inv merch setup CFEE merchant configured operator ID capabilities D34
T31 Soft Tran not alwd Convenience fee is not allowed for this devision D34
D00 Soft D42
D01 Soft Inv encrypt data Encryption data block and KSN missing D42
D03 Soft Decryption error Error during account decryption D42
J98 The keys on the PIN pad are out of sync with term D44
K69 MAC not VER/INC MAC validation failed D44
S71 soft Release batch. Total batch amount exceeds the limit allowed D45

AVS Responses   
Code Message EON Payments Code
R 00
G 40
I 40
U 40
P 43
N 45
C 45
Z 47
A 4D
B 4D
M 4F
D 4F
Y 4F
F 4F
S 80

CSC Responses   
Code Message EON Payments Code

AVS Responses   
Code Message EON Payments Code


R 00
U 40
N 45
Z 46
W 47
A 4D
Y 4E
X 4F
S 80


R 00
U 40
N 45
Z 47
A 4D
Y 4F
S 80


U 00
W 40
N 45
Z 46
T 47
Y 4D
A 4E
X 4F
G 80
S 80

Paymentech UTF  (real-time) Response Codes:

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message EON Payments Code
233 Soft Auth Declined Terminal Type not supported. D01
232 Soft Auth Declined Invalid card type for Prior Auth sale. D01
200 Soft Auth Declined Cardholder's bank did not approve transaction. D01
205 Hard Invalid Exp. Date Expiration date is either incorrect format or prior to today. D02
217 Soft Over Credit Flr Amount requested exceeds credit limit. D03
202 Hard Hold - Call Card issuer does not want that card used. Call for further instructions. D04
236 Hard PICKUP CARD D04
255 Hard ACCT NOT MOD 10 D05
206 Hard Invalid ICA No Invalid International Control Account number. D05
204 Hard Invalid Card No Account #/mag stripe is invalid. D05
307 Hard Invalid Card Invalid card type or account number. D05
207 Hard Invalid ABA No Invalid American Banking Association number. D05
302 Hard Invalid Card Mag stripe contains invalid data or account # is greater than 19 digits D05
266 Hard No Checking Account. Invalid checking account. D06
267 Hard No Savings Account. Invalid savings account. D06
208 Soft Invalid PIN No The Personal ID Number for a debit transaction is incorrect. D07
306 Soft Invalid PIN Incorrect PIN block length. D07
457 Soft INVALID PIN D07
216 Soft Invalid PIN Personal ID code is incorrect. D07
248 Soft Unmatch Vch Info Voucher submitted does not match one previously issued. CVC2/CID ERROR CVC2 or CID entered was not valid for the card number. D08
450 Soft No ACK reversal was followed by a duplicate request D09
215 Hard Lost/Stolen Card Card has been reported lost or stolen. D10
L43 Soft Chip tr not alwd. This card types does not suuport chip transactions. D12
454 Soft AX Not Allowed AMEX not allowed D12
T61 Soft DB EMV not allwd. US debit EMV transaction is not allowed D12
T59 Soft Token call fail. Token server not available for token only request D12
456 Soft REV failed. Partial rev not allowed for partial approved auth. D12
T32 Soft Proc ERR-INV FMT. Conv fee must process in UTF D12
D32 Soft Token call fail. Token server not available for token only request D12
M77 Soft Trans not allowd. Direct pay trans not allowed. D12
428 Soft Dscv Not Allowed Merchant not set up for Discover transactions. D12
S99 Soft Chip CD not alwd. Chip card transactions are allowed only for PTIC D12
A47 Soft Chip not alwd. Contactless with EMV data not alwd this card type D12
360 Soft Car Blnc Not Allowed Carte Blanche capture is not equal to C or D. D12
K25 Soft Rfid not allwd. Contactless rfid txn not allwd. D12
C98 Soft Mobile not allow. Mobile transaction not allowed D12
B03 Soft REV failed. Partial rev invalid for C/B trans D12
L86 Soft Chip not alwd. Contactless with EMV data not alwd this card type D12
458 Soft Card not allowed D12
249 Soft Tran Not Defined This type of transaction is not allowed for this type of card. D12
T60 Soft Rev failed. Rev not allowed on GAP co-branded transcation D12
225 Soft Card Not Allowed Merchant does not accept this card. D12
431 Soft DC Not Allowed Merchant not set up for Diners Club. D12
T06 Soft IR EMV not alwd. Interac EMV not yet turned on D12
444 Soft Bank Not On File Debit BIN not set up for this merchant in routing table. D12
M47 Soft Mobile not allow. Mobile transaction not allowed D12
S84 Soft Batch not allwd. Batch MGMT not allowed with BBM D12
358 Soft Amex Not Allowed Amex capture not equal to C, A or P or SE# missing. D12
228 Soft Card Not Allowed Merchant cannot accept this card. D12
D36 Soft Surchg not allwd. Surcharge not allwoed for AFT transaction D12
M78 Soft Surchg not allwd. Surcharge not allwoed for AFT transaction D12
L44 Soft Trans not allowed. Transaction is not allowed. D12
447 Soft WX Not Allowed Merchant not set up to accept WEX. D12
464 Soft DB/EBT not alwd. Unable to retrieve dert record. D12
218 Soft Request Denied Transaction is not valid for this authorizer. D12
380 Soft CADV not allowed. Cash advance not allowed with this inductry code D12
T19 Soft Cshbck not alwd. Cash back not allowed for conv fee D12
A66 Soft Cshbck not alwd. ECP does not support cashback D12
A48 Soft Barcode not alwd. Barcode read requested, not allwd. D12
361 Soft JCB Not Allowed JCB capture is not equal to C or D. D12
D35 Soft Trans not allowd. AFT trans not allowed. D12
419 Soft Invalid Function Manually entered transactions are not allowed for this terminal ID. D12
L87 Soft Barcode not alwd. Barcode read requested, not allwd. D12
A25 Soft Chip tr not alwd. This card types does not suuport chip transactions. D12
442 Soft JCB Not Allowed JCB CD flag on merchant record not set up for JCB transactions. D12
468 Soft EBT not allowed D12
A49 Soft Barcode not alwd. Barcode with track data not allowed D12
A39 Soft Cashback not alwd. Cashback field sent on inv tran type or card type D12
257 Soft Block Act Not Alwd The merchant is not allowed to process Stored Value Block Activations D12
234 Soft Auth Declined T&E card used for Sale when merchant only allows Auth Only. D12
226 Soft PL Setup Reqd Merchant not set up for Private Label. D12
432 Soft CB Not Allowed Merchant not set up for Carte Blanche. D12
T23 Soft Fee tran not alw. Conv fee sale is not allowed D12
445 Soft No Sponsor Inst No valid sponsorship was found on Merchant record. D12
A24 Soft Chip CD not alwd. Chip card transactions are allowed only for PTIC D12
M72 Soft Tkn req not alwd. PIN debit or EDT token tran not allowed D12
S92 Soft Void not allowed. Extended void not allowed D12
A42 Soft Invalid trans. Revs transactions not allowed in tas D12
359 Soft Diners Not Allowed Diners capture not equal to C or D. D12
L70 Soft Cashbck not alwd. CASHBACK field sent on inv tran type or card type D12
K33 Soft Prepaid not alwd. Prepaid indicator invalid for non-credit trans D12
279 Soft BAL NOT AVAIL. Credit Prepaid Balance Inquiry not available D12
K23 Soft Barcode not alwd. Barcode read requested, not allwd. D12
430 Soft Dscv Not Allowed Merchant not set up for Discover. D12
T51 Soft SAF not allowed. Saf transaction not allowed D12
B82 Soft Bal not avail. Credit Prepaid Balance Inquiry not available D12
404 Soft Void Not Allowed The transaction requested for voiding is not an EFT transaction. D12
M35 Soft REV failed. Partial rev invalid for C/B tran D12
K82 Soft Bal not avail. Credit Prepaid Balance Inquiry not available D12
451 Soft Tran Not Allowed Requested transaction type is not allowed for this card/merchant. D12
443 Soft JCB Not Allowed JCB subscriber number not set up for JCB transactions. D12
M85 Soft Tran not allwd. Only sale allowed for GAP co-branded tran. D12
227 Soft BIN Not Allowed Merchant cannot accept this Private Label BIN range. D12
425 Soft Invalid Function Cash management not allowed for this merchant ID. D12
493 Soft Amt Req Over Lmt Total authorized amount will exceed the allowed Sales or Return limit for this device. D15
420 Soft Amount Too Large Maximum sale amount exceeded. D15
303 Hard Invalid Exp. Date Card has expired, month was not 01-12 or year was not 00-99. D16
242 Hard Card expired D16
293 Soft Auth Busy - Retry Authorizer not available at this time. D17
K83 Soft Pls try again. Interac cross ref file is locked D17
418 Soft Please Try Again Incorrect debit working key. D17
298 Soft Err - Pls Retry Debit authorizer experienced an error. D17
694 Soft Auth Busy-Retry. Debit authorizer not responding in time. D17
285 Soft Retry – Alt Entry. Retry the transaction via alternate entry mode. D17
294 Soft Auth Busy - Retry Authorizer not available at this time D17
460 Soft Please Try Again. Terminal record locked. D17
692 Soft Auth Down-Retry. Debit authorizer temporarily unavailable. D17
299 Soft Err - Pls Retry Debit authorizer experienced an error. D17
292 Soft Auth Down - Retry Authorizer is not responding D17
297 Soft Auth Error - Retry Authorizer not available at this time D17
693 Soft Auth Busy-Retry. Queue for debit authorizer too long. D17
L27 Soft TRAN AMT D18
J95 Soft Invalid amount. Tender amount is invalid on check auth. D18
A36 Soft TOT QUAL AMT REQ. Req Amt Type (4S) not present D18
211 Soft Invalid Amount Amount is either: equal to 0, has no decimal, has decimal in wrong place, or has multiple decimals. D18
D23 Soft Inv surcharge. Surcharge amount is not valid D18
258 Soft Incorrect Act Amt The activation amount requested does not match the predenominated amount for the card. D18
A40 Soft TRAN AMT D18
T43 Soft Rev failed. Mismatch amount on reversal D18
A54 Soft Inv partial amt. Rev failed part amt mismatch org tran amt D18
M58 Soft Inv surcharge. Surcharge amount is not valid D18
L64 Soft TOT QUAL>TRN AMT. Total Amt (4S) > Tran Amt D18
L65 Soft TOT QUAL D18
341 Soft Inv Amount/Reversal Reversal amount is invalid or greater than original authorization amount. D18
L72 Soft TRAN AMT D18
494 Soft Invld DCC amount D18
305 Soft Amt Entry Error Amount less than .01 or greater than 99999.99 or contained non- numeric data. D18
T33 Soft Inv partial amt. Rev failed part amt mismatch org tran amt D18
448 Soft Amount Too Large Amount exceeds maximum limit. D18
A38 Soft TOT QUAL D18
A37 Soft TOT QUAL>TRN AMT. Total Amt (4S) > Tran Amt D18
219 Soft PIN Tries Exceeded. An invalid PIN has been entered the maximum number of times. D21
421 Soft Amount Too Large Maximum return amount exceeded. D25
L89 Hard D27
554 Hard D27
T24 Hard D27
176 Hard D27
A95 Hard D27
446 Hard Failed Plz Call Future use. D27
709 Hard D27
K85 Hard D27
505 Hard D27
143 Hard D27
342 Hard Inv PIN Capability PIN capability field contains invalid data. D27
368 Hard D27
701 Hard D27
75 Hard D27
501 Hard < TIME OUT > D27
334 Hard Inv Card Type/Market Market specific data is present for non-supported card. D27
M21 Hard D27
355 Hard D27
326 Hard Inv Mult Clr Seq No Multiple Clearing sequence number is invalid. D27
M12 Hard D27
491 Hard D27
L34 Hard D27
523 Hard D27
A34 Hard D27
L22 Hard D27
516 Hard D27
415 Hard Invalid Function Merchant is Authorization Only and a draft capture record was sent. D27
K49 Hard D27
461 Hard D27
407 Hard Too Many Batches There are 999 open batches for this merchant. D27
K40 Hard D27
396 Hard D27
230 Hard Prod Restricted Merchant attempted a product code not permitted by this merchant. D27
A69 Hard D27
L62 Hard D27
536 Hard D27
436 Hard Failed-Plz Call Debit security key does not exist on the security management file. D27
K73 Hard D27
500 Hard D27
001 Hard D27
A57 Hard D27
K64 Hard D27
S75 Hard D27
476 Hard D27
324 Hard Inv MO/TO Number Mail/Telephone Order number is invalid. D27
K55 Hard D27
S20 Hard D27
316 Hard Invalid Sys Info The System Information field contains invalid data. D27
B08 Hard D27
M01 Hard D27
482 Hard D27
308 Hard Auth # Not Entered Auth code was not entered on a Prior Auth, Incremental or Rev. D27
A27 Hard D27
L11 Hard D27
T45 Hard D27
262 Hard D27
260 Hard Max RDM lmt met. BIN set for limited redemptions, acct maxed out D27
509 Hard D27
240 Hard D27
J94 Hard D27
M49 Hard D27
347 Hard Duration > 99 Days Duration field greater than 99. D27
J83 Hard D27
M38 Hard D27
246 Hard Unable to Void SV issuer unable to void transaction D27
L74 Hard D27
544 Hard D27
484 Hard D27
L29 Hard D27
518 Hard D27
K53 Hard D27
S03 Hard D27
463 Hard D27
K44 Hard D27
M71 Hard D27
398 Hard D27
K35 Hard D27
L92 Hard D27
601 Hard Invalid trans D27
A97 Hard D27
L79 Hard D27
549 Hard D27
449 Hard Reenter Odometer Odometer was 000000 or contained non-numeric data. D27
714 Hard D27
506 Hard < MODEM ERROR > D27
163 Hard D27
441 Hard Failed-Plz Call The host is unable to communicate with decryption device. D27
703 Hard D27
K78 Hard D27
502 Hard D27
L59 Hard MRC/TRM setup er The terminal is not configured for DEV/Operator D27
337 Hard Invalid Driver No Driver number is not 6 digit numeric or 4 digit with 2 leading spaces. D27
D22 Hard D27
M24 Hard D27
364 Hard D27
329 Hard Invalid EC Data 329 Invalid Electronic Commerce Data. D27
C95 Hard D27
M15 Hard D27
220 Hard Not Online to XX Fatal communications error. D27
496 Hard D27
A56 Hard D27
L37 Hard D27
526 Hard D27
723 Hard D27
L07 Hard D27
T30 Hard D27
244 Hard D27
K32 Hard D27
390 Hard D27
719 Hard D27
350 Hard Inc/Rev Not Manual Incremental or reversal auths must be manually entered. D27
J86 Hard D27
M41 Hard D27
547 Hard D27
M31 Hard D27
A71 Hard D27
L67 Hard D27
539 Hard D27
439 Hard Failed-Plz Call The DB (debit) sponsor institution on the merchant file is not set up on sponsor file. D27
A60 Hard D27
L45 Hard D27
531 Hard D27
K67 Hard D27
S86 Hard D27
478 Hard D27
423 Hard Proc Error 24 Host couldn't read reference number file within specified time. D27
K58 Hard D27
S39 Hard D27
469 Hard D27
319 Hard Inv PIN Capability Pin capability code field contains invalid data. D27
B43 Hard D27
M04 Hard D27
311 Hard Invalid Ind Code Industry type must be RE or DM. D27
L97 Hard D27
A29 Hard D27
L14 Hard D27
T47 Hard D27
705 Hard D27
K81 Hard D27
504 Hard < POWER FAILR > D27
142 Hard D27
340 Hard Reversal Auth Exists A second reversal authorization was attempted, only one is permitted. D27
D31 Hard D27
M29 Hard D27
606 Hard D27
332 Hard CVD Data Error Error with the cardholder verification data received; invalid value or not allowable for this card for this transaction. D27
C97 Hard D27
M18 Hard D27
354 Hard D27
223 Hard Invalid Pin No Driver # not found in positive file. D27
604 Hard D27
529 Hard D27
B87 Hard D27
M10 Hard D27
487 Hard D27
A45 Hard D27
L32 Hard D27
521 Hard D27
A32 Hard D27
L20 Hard D27
515 Hard D27
413 Hard Proc Error 14 Unable to read reference number file. D27
K47 Hard D27
M75 Hard D27
455 Hard D27
405 Hard Ref Num Not Found Transaction requested for reversal not found. D27
K38 Hard D27
M62 Hard D27
301 Hard Invalid Function Tran code is incorrect or wrong length. D27
A99 Hard D27
L82 Hard D27
552 Hard D27
452 Hard Bat Already Rels Batch has already been released D27
717 Hard D27
K94 Hard D27
507 Hard < PARITY ERROR > D27
165 Hard D27
K62 Hard D27
S73 Hard D27
472 Hard D27
322 Hard Invalid Duration Market specific data field Duration is 00, blank or missing. D27
B79 Hard D27
M08 Hard D27
314 Hard Invalid Industry Data The Industry Specific field contains invalid data. D27
B06 Hard D27
L99 Hard D27
480 Hard D27
T54 Hard D27
392 Hard Inv FT token. Fee token value invalid D27
T39 Hard Invalid Account. Account Type must be Checking for Interac Flash (Contactless). D27
725 Hard D27
L08 Hard D27
511 Hard D27
256 Hard D27
721 Hard D27
L03 Hard D27
T26 Hard D27
239 Hard D27
J92 Hard D27
M45 Hard D27
376 Hard D27
345 Hard Trans ID Not Match Transaction ID does not match original authorization. D27
D98 Hard D27
M36 Hard D27
370 Hard D27
238 Hard Invalid Driver Number The Driver Number entered is invalid. D27
A74 Hard D27
L71 Hard D27
542 Hard D27
L60 Hard D27
534 Hard D27
434 Hard Invalid Key Future use. Merchant MCC is not setup for PINless debit. D27
K71 Hard D27
426 Hard Rev Not Allowed Host found no batch number matching the one sent. D27
K41 Hard D27
M64 Hard D27
304 Hard Invalid Action Code Action code is longer than 1 digit. D27
L90 Hard D27
555 Hard D27
T25 Hard D27
212 Hard D27
A96 Hard D27
L77 Hard D27
712 Hard D27
K87 Hard D27
T14 Hard D27
144 Hard D27
343 Hard Inv Auth Char Ind Auth Characteristics Indicator field contains invalid data. D27
K76 Hard D27
T09 Hard D27
108 Hard D27
335 Hard Invalid Vehicle No Vehicle number is not 5 digit numeric field. D27
D16 Hard D27
M22 Hard D27
356 Hard D27
327 Hard Inv Purch Card Data Purchasing card field contains invalid data. D27
C35 Hard D27
M13 Hard D27
290 Hard D27
A51 Hard D27
L35 Hard D27
524 Hard D27
A35 Hard D27
L23 Hard D27
517 Hard D27
416 Hard Invalid Function Merchant is Authorization Only and a debit record was sent. D27
K50 Hard D27
M80 Hard D27
408 Hard Release Batch Current batch has 999 records. Release batch before continuing. D27
J84 Hard D27
M39 Hard D27
372 Hard D27
247 Hard PIN Not Selected EBT recipient has not selected a PIN for this card. D27
A82 Hard D27
L75 Hard D27
545 Hard D27
231 Hard Prod Not On File Merchant attempted a product code that does not exist on host. D27
A70 Hard D27
L63 Hard D27
537 Hard D27
437 Hard Failed-Plz Call Failure occurred during encryption/decryption of PIN. D27
T03 Hard D27
107 Hard D27
A58 Hard D27
L40 Hard D27
429 Hard Rev Not Allowed The batch containing the transaction to void has been released. D27
K65 Hard D27
L46 Hard OP ID not set up Operator not configured on terminal record D27
325 Hard Inv Sale/Chg Des/Folio Hotel Sale Code, Charge Descriptor or Folio contains invalid data. D27
K56 Hard D27
466 Hard D27
317 Hard Invalid Format Payment Service indicator or Transaction ID is invalid. D27
M02 Hard D27
309 Hard Invalid Down Pay Ind Insurance down payment indicator is invalid. D27
B01 Hard D27
L95 Hard D27
479 Hard D27
L12 Hard D27
T46 Hard D27
263 Hard D27
L05 Hard D27
T28 Hard D27
241 Hard D27
K12 Hard D27
M51 Hard D27
378 Hard D27
348 Hard MSDI Not Match CPS Market specific data indicator does not match CPS type. D27
C96 Hard D27
M16 Hard D27
351 Hard D27
221 Hard Auth Down-Retry Debit authorizer temporarily unavailable. D27
497 Hard D27
L38 Hard D27
527 Hard D27
213 Hard Invalid Tran Fmt The transaction format isn't valid, typically invalid SIC code D27
485 Hard D27
A43 Hard D27
L30 Hard D27
519 Hard D27
S04 Hard D27
465 Hard D27
A31 Hard D27
L18 Hard D27
411 Hard Invalid Term ID The maximum retries for this merchant have been exceeded. D27
K45 Hard D27
M73 Hard D27
399 Hard D27
K36 Hard D27
M57 Hard D27
393 Hard D27
L93 Hard D27
603 Hard < SEND FAILURE > D27
A98 Hard D27
L80 Hard D27
550 Hard D27
K90 Hard D27
T18 Hard D27
K79 Hard D27
T12 Hard D27
110 Hard D27
338 Hard Inv/Mssng MO/TO No Order number is missing or contains invalid data. D27
D24 Hard D27
M25 Hard D27
365 Hard D27
330 Hard INV Function or Multiple FS or Unknown TKN Indicates system problem, notify Chase Paymentech or Multiple field separators received without required data or A token of unknown definition was received D27
A30 Hard D27
L15 Hard D27
514 Hard D27
277 Hard D27
T83 Hard Compl not alwd. Completion counter exceeds limit D27
T44 Hard D27
M54 Hard D27
L01 Hard D27
353 Hard Prem Not Allowed Must use a special SIC code to accept Premier MC cards D27
J87 Hard D27
M42 Hard D27
374 Hard D27
D37 Hard D27
M32 Hard D27
369 Hard D27
A72 Hard D27
L68 Hard D27
540 Hard D27
A61 Hard D27
L54 Hard D27
532 Hard D27
K68 Hard D27
S87 Hard D27
L47 Hard Super OP not set Super operator not configured on terminal record D27
424 Hard Invalid Term ID Transaction open flag has been set to “Y” within prior 3 minutes. D27
K59 Hard D27
J99 Hard OP IDS not alwd Operator IDS not allowed for merchant D27
320 Hard Inv/Missing Retr Ref Retrieval Reference # is missing or contains alpha data. D27
M05 Hard D27
312 Hard Invalid Function Tran code is invalid or contains alpha data. D27
B04 Hard D27
L98 Hard D27
S77 Hard Failed plz call. Client not setup for single DES (DUKPT) D27
453 Hard Invalid Rtng Ind Invalid Routing Indicator field D27
718 Hard D27
L00 Hard D27
T22 Hard D27
K84 Hard D27
T13 Hard D27
S98 Hard OP ID not active This operator is currently not active D27
M30 Hard D27
367 Hard D27
607 Hard D27
K74 Hard D27
333 Hard TKN Data Error Indicates system problem, notify Chase Paymentech. D27
C99 Hard D27
M19 Hard D27
224 Hard Auth Declined Card is on private label negative file. D27
605 Hard D27
B91 Hard D27
M11 Hard D27
284 Hard D27
488 Hard D27
A46 Hard D27
L33 Hard D27
522 Hard D27
483 Hard D27
A33 Hard D27
L21 Hard D27
T58 Hard D27
414 Hard Proc Error 15 Unable to update reference number file. D27
K48 Hard D27
M79 Hard D27
459 Hard D27
406 Hard Proc Error 7 The host can't clear all transaction records for the requested Batch Release. D27
K39 Hard D27
M63 Hard D27
395 Hard D27
B00 Hard D27
L88 Hard D27
553 Hard D27
K72 Hard D27
S94 Hard D27
J96 Hard D27
427 Hard Rev Not Allowed Host found no transactions meeting the specifications sent. D27
K63 Hard D27
475 Hard D27
323 Hard Inv Pref Cust Ind Preferred Customer indicator contains invalid data. D27
M09 Hard D27
283 Hard D27
K54 Hard D27
315 Hard Inv Fleet Data The Fleet Card field contains invalid data. D27
B07 Hard D27
M00 Hard D27
481 Hard D27
A26 Hard D27
L10 Hard D27
512 Hard D27
261 Hard D27
499 Hard Invalid MAC. MAC validation failure. D27
L04 Hard D27
T27 Hard D27
J93 Hard D27
M48 Hard D27
377 Hard D27
346 Hard Inv BankNet Ref No BankNet reference number contains invalid data or does not match original authorization. D27
J35 Hard D27
M37 Hard D27
371 Hard D27
245 Hard Cannot Process Req SV error on prior auth transaction D27
A75 Hard D27
L73 Hard D27
543 Hard D27
229 Hard Inv Merc Rstrct Code Restriction code field contains invalid data. D27
A68 Hard D27
L61 Hard D27
535 Hard D27
435 Hard Failed-Plz Call Debit transaction being sent to an authorizer not set up on host file. D27
K52 Hard D27
S02 Hard D27
462 Hard D27
409 Hard Invalid Function Debit transaction requested but debit flag is set to "N". D27
K43 Hard D27
M69 Hard D27
397 Hard D27
K34 Hard D27
L91 Hard D27
556 Hard D27
473 Hard Missing PIN Number. Cannot Void, original transaction. D27
237 Hard D27
L78 Hard D27
548 Hard D27
713 Hard D27
K89 Hard D27
T15 Hard D27
145 Hard You have not supplied any credit card or bank account details. Mandatory data has not been provided for the update of billing details D27
440 Hard Failed-Plz Call The ntwk set up on the sponsoring bank file for this institution is not setup on the host ntwk file. D27
702 Hard D27
K77 Hard D27
T11 Hard D27
109 Hard D27
336 Hard Invalid Odometer No Odometer field is not 6 digit numeric. D27
D21 Hard D27
M23 Hard D27
363 Hard D27
328 Hard Inv Input/Use VRU Insurance transaction not from VRU. D27
C36 Hard D27
M14 Hard D27
291 Hard D27
495 Hard D27
A55 Hard D27
L36 Hard D27
525 Hard D27
A41 Hard D27
L28 Hard D27
L83 Hard D27
417 Hard Invalid Function Private label flag is "N"‚ but a private label account number was sent. D27
K14 Hard D27
384 Hard D27
349 Hard Ind Cd Not Match CPS Industry code does not match custom payment service type. D27
J85 Hard D27
M40 Hard D27
373 Hard D27
L76 Hard D27
546 Hard D27
D33 Hard D27
L66 Hard D27
538 Hard D27
438 Hard Failed-Plz Call Error occurred while generating a debit working key. D27
L58 Hard MRC/TRM setup er The terminal is configured for device/OPIDS D27
A59 Hard D27
L42 Hard D27
530 Hard D27
K66 Hard D27
S85 Hard D27
477 Hard D27
422 Hard Invalid Term ID Host couldn't read terminal file within specified time. D27
K57 Hard D27
S34 Hard D27
467 Hard D27
318 Hard Inv Transaction Class Transaction class not "F" for financial transaction. D27
B11 Hard D27
M03 Hard D27
310 Hard Policy # Wrong Len Insurance policy number is incorrect length. D27
B02 Hard D27
L96 Hard D27
A28 Hard D27
L13 Hard D27
513 Hard D27
276 Hard D27
722 Hard D27
L06 Hard D27
T29 Hard D27
243 Hard D27
362 Hard Invalid EC Data Invalid Electronic Commerce Data D27
M27 Hard D27
366 Hard D27
331 Hard INV TKN Value Invalid token value was received. D27
M17 Hard D27
352 Hard D27
222 Hard Auth Declined Vehicle not found in positive file. D27
498 Hard D27
L39 Hard D27
B80 Hard D27
486 Hard D27
A44 Hard D27
L31 Hard D27
520 Hard D27
D17 Hard MDRT not found Merchant directed routing not setup D27
L19 Hard D27
T55 Hard D27
412 Hard Proc Error 13 Unable to read reference number file. D27
K46 Hard D27
M74 Hard D27
K37 Hard D27
M61 Hard D27
394 Hard D27
L94 Hard D27
L81 Hard D27
551 Hard D27
716 Hard D27
K91 Hard D27
T21 Hard D27
164 Hard D27
704 Hard D27
K80 Hard D27
503 Hard < PARITY ERROR > D27
141 Hard D27
339 Hard Inv Comb SIC/MO/TO Invalid "Transaction Type" indicator for a mail order only SIC code under industry specific data. D27
D28 Hard D27
313 Hard Entry Mode Invalid POS Entry mode does not contain a valid value. D27
B05 Hard D27
L17 Hard D27
T48 Hard D27
282 Hard D27
724 Hard D27
L09 Hard D27
510 Hard D27
250 Hard D27
391 Hard D27
720 Hard D27
L02 Hard D27
508 Hard < EXCESS NAKS > D27
357 Hard Card/Store Invalid Retail Issued account number not valid for that Store number. D27
J88 Hard D27
M43 Hard D27
375 Hard D27
344 Hard Trans ID Not Numeric Transaction ID field contains non-numeric data. D27
D43 Hard D27
M33 Hard D27
235 Hard *Request Denied* Prior Auth selected with no Auth code provided. D27
A73 Hard D27
L69 Hard D27
541 Hard D27
A67 Hard D27
L55 Hard D27
533 Hard D27
433 Hard Invalid Key No AMEX subscriber number, process control ID or product code set up D27
K70 Hard D27
S93 Hard D27
L49 Hard OP ID not active Operator ID is not active D27
K60 Hard D27
S72 Hard D27
470 Hard D27
321 Hard Inv MSDI Market Specific Data field contains invalid data. D27
B78 Hard D27
M06 Hard D27
528 Soft D28
T38 Soft Cshbck Not Alwd. Cashback not allowed for ECP or Interac Flash (Contactless). D28
D09 Soft Failed-plz call. Client not setup for DUKPT D30
S81 Soft Failed plz call. Invalid key injection site in the KSN D30
D14 Soft Failed-plz call. Security management indicator not found D30
602 Soft Call Voice Oper Authorization center cannot be reached. D30
D12 Soft Failed-plz call. Single DES BDK not setup on the client record D30
T42 Soft Please call. Reffer to risk dept D30
S76 Soft Failed plz call. Dukpt encr method setup in parm file not valid D30
201 Soft Call Voice Oper Authorizer needs more information for approval. D30
D07 Soft Failed-plz call. Encryption indicator not present in offl param D30
S79 Soft Failed plz call Triple DES (TDES) BDK not setup for Client record D30
D10 Soft Failed-plz call. Client not setup for TDES DUKPT D30
S82 Soft Failed plz call. Pin translation for Triple DES failed D30
D15 Soft Failed-plz call. PIN block xlate error D30
D08 Soft Failed-plz call. Encryption method not valid D30
S80 Soft Failed plz call. Single DES (DUKPT) BDK not setup for Client record D30
D13 Soft Failed-plz call. Authorizer code not setup in the auth file D30
D11 Soft Failed-plz call. TDES BDK not setup on the client record D30
S83 Soft Failed plz call. Invalid triple DES indicator D30
M28 Soft Please call Error when decrypting account number D30
214 Soft Call Voice Oper Authorization center cannot be reached. D30
A77 Soft Please call. Reffer to risk dept D30
S78 Soft Failed plz call Client not setup for triple DES (TDES) D30
203 Soft Call Voice Oper Authorizer didn't respond within allotted time. D30
706 Soft Inv client NO D33
379 Soft Invalid term ID D33
T41 Soft Preauth Not Alwd. Pre-Auths not supported for Interac Flash (Contactless) transactions. D33
T36 Soft Not USA merchant ECP merchant must be 840 country code D33
T01 Soft OP ID not alwd Operator ID should not be present in message D33
410 Soft Invalid Term ID The Terminal ID portion of the merchant ID is incorrect. D33
707 Soft Inv merchant NO D33
400 Soft Invalid Term ID. Merchant ID not found in merchant file. D33
T02 Soft Invalid OP ID Operator ID is not valid D33
L48 Soft OP ID Invalid Op ID pres, but term is not config for Device/Op D33
710 Soft Merc not present Store record not available D33
106 Soft Term not active D33
403 Soft Invalid Act Code Merchant not set up for cash advance function. D33
711 Soft Term not present Terminal record not available D33
209 Soft Invalid Bank MID The Bank Merchant ID is incorrect. D33
715 Soft Inactive term Terminal is marked as inactive. D33
999 Soft Invalid Merchant Merchant number not on file. D33
401 Soft Invalid Term ID. Merchant ID not found in terminal file. D33
T37 Soft No ALTN merchant No alternate merchant number set up D33
058 Soft Card not allowed Nordstrom private lable not allowed D33
708 Soft Inv terminal NO D33
T40 Soft PIN Not Allowed. PIN data not allowed on Interac Flash (Contactless) transactions. D33
210 Soft Invalid Term No The merchant ID is not valid or active. D33
A65 Soft No ALTN merchant No alternate merchant number set up D33
300 Soft Invalid Term ID The length of the merchant ID is incorrect or contains invalid data. D33
402 Soft Term Not Active Active flag for merchant set to "N". D33
T00 Soft OP ID required Op ID required in message but not present D33
15 Soft Invalid term ID D33
M55 Soft MDRT not found Merchant directed routing not setup D34
L50 Soft Batch release not allowed for this operator D34
T49 Soft CN not allowed Chasenet ID is not present for this merchant D34
L53 Soft Merchant totals not allowed for this operator D34
S23 Soft Card not allowed PTIC LEG - MC/VISA req when not allowed D34
L56 Soft Device not found Configured for operator only D34
T05 Soft Inv EMV appl DB EMV not supported by this merchant D34
A93 Soft Signature debit is not allowed for this merc D34
S97 Soft Pur/ret not alwd Purchase or return not allowed for this operator D34
M26 Soft E2EE not set up Merchant is not configured for E2EE D34
D19 Soft Not Chasenet BIN Only Chasenet allowed for this merchant D34
D05 Soft NO E2EE profile E2EE profile record not found for the merchant D34
T34 Soft ECP not alwd Client not set up for ECP D34
M56 Soft CN not allowed Merchant not setup with Chasenet MOP D34
L51 Soft Batch inquiry not allowed for this operator D34
T50 Soft Not Chasenet BIN Only Chasenet allowed for this merchant D34
S32 Soft CK typ not allow Check type not allowed from merchant. D34
L57 Soft Merch config for term / OpIDs present in message D34
010 Soft Chasepay not set Merchant does not have Chasepay eligiblity set D34
A64 Soft Not USA merchant ECP allowed only on 840 country code merchant D34
T20 Soft Trans not alwd Conv fee only supported on US merchant D34
471 Soft EBT inv-clnt EBT not allowed for this client D34
T04 Soft DB RFID not alwd DB contactless tran, mrch DB ntwrks donot support D34
M50 Soft No E2EE profile Merchant E2E profiles record is not present D34
D20 Soft CN not allowed Merchant not setup with Chasenet MOP D34
D18 Soft CN not allowed Chasenet is not allowed for this merchant D34
A62 Soft ECP not alwd Merchant not set up for ECP D34
T35 Soft ECP not alwd Merchant not set up for ECP D34
S21 Soft Debit not alwd PTIC LEG - BNS Msg from term / Merc not set for DB D34
L52 Soft Details inquiry not allowed for this operator D34
T53 Soft AG not allowed Aggregator data not allowed for this client D34
S74 Soft Pinless not alwd Merchant not set up for Pinless debit D34
M07 Soft Inv merch setup CFEE merchant configured operator ID capabilities D34
T31 Soft Tran not alwd Convenience fee is not allowed for this devision D34
D00 Soft D42
D01 Soft Inv encrypt data Encryption data block and KSN missing D42
D03 Soft Decryption error Error during account decryption D42
J98 The keys on the PIN pad are out of sync with term D44
K69 MAC not VER/INC MAC validation failed D44
S71 soft Release batch. Total batch amount exceeds the limit allowed D45

AVS Responses   
Code Message EON Payments Code
R 00
G 40
I 40
U 40
P 43
N 45
C 45
Z 47
A 4D
B 4D
M 4F
D 4F
Y 4F
F 4F
S 80

CSC Responses   
Code Message EON Payments Code

AVS Responses   
Code Message EON Payments Code


R 00
U 40
N 45
Z 46
W 47
A 4D
Y 4E
X 4F
S 80


R 00
U 40
N 45
Z 47
A 4D
Y 4F
S 80


U 00
W 40
N 45
Z 46
T 47
Y 4D
A 4E
X 4F
G 80
S 80