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Entering chargebacks manually

Version: V2.10.6528
Added on: 06/19/14
Time: 15 min
Category: Tutorials

Useful Terms


Entering chargebacks manually

  1. Are you ready?

    In this tutorial we are going to learn how to locate transactions and enter chargebacks manually.

    We will use the following parameters:
    From Date: 02/01/2025
    To Date: 02/28/2025
    Type: Sale

    Amount: $5.00

    Response Code: 0085
    Response Message: Credit Not Processed
    Received by Processor: 02/28/2025
    Issued by Bank: 02/27/2025
  2. Log in to the system using your Username and Password.

    Note: To learn how to log in and select perspectives, use the prerequisite tutorial Logging in and navigating the application.
  3. You can locate a transaction using the Transactions form, which is available at the following places:

    • Perspective => Console Perspective => Transactions => List
    • Perspective => Management => Merchant Perspective => Processing => Transactions

    You can choose any place you like.
  4. Select appropriate Merchant or Merchant Account in the top left section of the screen.
  5. Click   Transactionsbutton in the top section of the screen.

    Note: On Merchant pespective, Transactions section can be found under Processing button.
  6. Choose   List  menu item  from the list.
  7. Locate   Transaction Search  groupbox
  8. Enter 02/01/2025 and 02/28/2025 into the Datedatebox
  9. Select Sale in Typedropdown
  10. Click   Findbutton
  11. Locate     
  12. Click   Chargebackbutton to create a chargeback for a transaction.
  13. Locate   Detail  groupboxto enter details of the chargeback that is going to be created.
  14. Enter 5.00 into the Amounttextbox
  15. Locate   Processor  groupbox to enter data that has been received from the processor.
  16. Enter 0085 into the Response Codetextbox
  17. Enter Credit Not Processed into the Response Messagetextbox
  18. Select 02/28/2025 in Received by Processordatebox
  19. Select 02/27/2025 in Issued by Bankdatebox
  20. Click   Savebutton
  21. Congratulations, you are done!

    You have learned how to find transactions and enter chargebacks manually. Now you can do this by yourself.

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