Click Submissionsbutton in the top section of the screen.
Choose Batches menu item from the list.
Locate Batch Search groupbox
Select 02/27/2025 in Create Datedatebox
Enter 6789 into the IDtextbox
Click Findbutton
Locate Batch List groupbox
Click View Batchbutton
Locate Sub-batch List groupbox
Click Actionsbutton next to the needed sub-batch.
Choose Issue Credits menu item from the list and confirm your action.
If you want to issue credits for all sub-batches included in your batch, repeat steps 15-16 with every sub-batch in the list.
Note. The Issue Credits button is active for sub-batches in Processed and Approved review statuses within 15 days after the sub-batch has been processed. Credits cannot be issued if the sub-batch has been processed through batch proxy emulator.
If you followed all steps correctly, a new sub-batch should be generated.
Now let's learn how to issue credits using Monitoring perspective.
Click Sub Batchbutton in the top section of the screen.
Locate Sub-Batch Search groupbox
Select 02/27/2025 in Attempt Datedatebox
Enter 6789 into the Sub-Batch IDtextbox
Click Findbutton
Locate Sub-Batch List groupbox
Click Actionsbutton
Choose Issue Credits menu item from the list and confirm your action. If you want to issue credits for all sub-batches included in your batch, repeat steps 26-27 with every sub-batch in the list.
If you followed all steps correctly, a new sub-batch should be generated.
To check whether refunds are issued, refresh the search and locate a newly generated sub-batch.
Click View Sub-batchbutton on Sub-batch list.
Locate Transactions groupbox
Click Loadbutton to review transactions included in the sub-batch. Status of the transactions must be Refund.
If an initial batch contained refund transactions, these transactions would not be affected in any way – no new credits or sales will be created.
Congratulations, you are done!
You have learned how to issue credits for a batch. Now you can do this by yourself.