UniPay Properties Definition

Property Location Types:

Database run-time property used by the application and stored within a database
Filerun-time property used by the application and stored within a file
Buildbuild-time property used by the application and stored within a file

Groups: All   General   Resources   Tokenization   FTP   FTP Gates   Encryption/Decryption  
Keystore   Debug   Unibroker   System  

Available Properties for unibroker.properties:

Property Definitions for unibroker.properties:

Added On:  04/06/12
Legacy Name:  proxy.properties:url.proxyServer
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required  
Host (URL) to access UniBroker instance from public network. The value is used for communication between UniBroker and clients that require tokenization services.

The communication between such clients and UniBroker is done via Ajax JavaScript calls and the property's value is used to determine where to send the information.
Added On:  02/13/15
Legacy Name:  
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Host (URL) and port to access ZooKeeper, which is a centralized service for providing distributed synchronization.

To avoid repeating sasl autorization that is not used by UniBroker, it is needed to settle Dzookeeper.sasl.client property as false during the connection with ZooKeeper. This option is also can be used in Apache Curator processing.
Added On:  07/13/12
Legacy Name:  
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required  
Absolute path to the directory where web server (Tomcat) hosting UniBroker instance is installed.

The path must be defined using path style of the application server's operating system (e.g. using '\' on Windows and '/' on Linux).
Added On:  07/18/12
Legacy Name:  
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required  
Absolute path to the directory that serves as a root directory for UniBroker file exchange with EON Payments. The directory must have two sub-directories - inbox and outbox.

EON Payments is expected to upload request files and download response files from respective sub-directories of the root.

The path must be defined using path style of the application server's operating system (e.g. using '\' on Windows and '/' on Linux).
Added On:  02/13/15
Legacy Name:  
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Relative (to the connection's root) location of the inbox folder on the server where files are to be placed by UniBroker for encryption/decryption operations.
Added On:  02/13/15
Legacy Name:  
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Relative (to the connection's root) location of the outbox folder on the server, from which results of encryption/decryption processes should be downloaded by UniBroker.
Added On:  04/06/12
Legacy Name:  proxy.properties:url.applicationServer
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Host (URL) to access EON Payments server from either internal or external (public) network. The value is used for communication between EON Payments and UniBroker.
Added On:  02/13/15
Legacy Name:  
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Absolute path (or relative to unibroker:app-home) of the temporary directory where work files are to be stored during the application processing.