UniPay Properties Definition

Property Location Types:

Database run-time property used by the application and stored within a database
Filerun-time property used by the application and stored within a file
Buildbuild-time property used by the application and stored within a file

Groups: All   General   Resources   Tokenization   FTP   FTP Gates   Unibroker  
System   Unibill   Remittance   Notifications   Defaults   Services   QA  

Available Properties for iapp_settings:

Property Definitions for iapp_settings:

Added On:  03/07/12
Legacy Name:  ui-configuration.properties:CustomerView-CanChangeRefCode
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( false )
Controls whether Code field is editable on Customer Account Modify form. In cases when arbitrary changes to the code field's value may cause synchronization problems with other systems, it is recommended to disable editing of this component.

Possible values:
  • true - the field is editable
  • false - the field is read-only
Added On:  05/20/15
Legacy Name:  
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( true )
Controls the validation of the shipping address value entered by a customer in customer account info on Customers form.
Added On:  08/23/12
Legacy Name:  ui-configuration.properties:Chargebacks
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( false )
Controls Chargebacks menu button.

Possible values:
  • true - the button is visible
  • false - the button is hidden
Added On:  03/07/12
Legacy Name:  ui-configuration.properties:MerchantModify-isTokenizationEnabled
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( true )
Controls whether Tokenization Enabled field is editable on Merchant Modify form. In cases when tokenization is always required, it might be necessary to permanently hide this field (default value will be set for the field automatically).

Possible values:
  • true - the field is visible
  • false - the field is hidden
Added On:  11/02/23
Legacy Name:  
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Added On:  02/21/12
Legacy Name:  isolutions.root-folder
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required   Default ( /home/jenkins/unipay )
Absolute path to the directory where application server (JBoss) hosting UniPay is installed.

The path must be defined using path style of the application server's operating system (e.g. using '\' on Windows and '/' on Linux).
Added On:  03/02/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.properties:server.host
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required  
Host (URL) to access EON Payments user interface from either internal or external (public) network. The value is used for inter-module communication, for Provider callbacks and in notifications sent to user, in which a link to the applications needs to be provided (e.g. integration instructions). For example, https://portal.unipay.com.
Added On:  02/21/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.application.name; iapp.properties:iapp.title
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required   Default ( UniPay Gateway )
Official name of the application to be shown on UI. The value is used for rebranding.
Added On:  05/25/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  General
Status:  Active
List of merchants to which ordered process is not apply. These merchants are ignored during the system ordered process.
Added On:  05/25/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  General
Status:  Active
List of merchants to which ordered process is not apply. These merchants are ignored during the system ordered process.
Added On:  04/28/23
Legacy Name:  
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Added On:  03/02/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.properties:owner.name
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required   Default ( United Thinkers )
Official name of the company that owns the application instance, and on behalf of which all actions on the server are taken. The value is used to sign outgoing correspondence (emails) and for general application re-branding.
Added On:  02/21/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.application.server-name
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required  
Name of the deployment profile used on this server. Profile is a group of settings and configurations necessary for application execution.

The name of the profile must be comprised of 2 parts separated with a dash (-):
  • name - name of this specific deployment configuration;
  • type - type of the deployment configuration.

Possible types:
  • prod - production server
  • test - staging server or QA server
  • dev - developer' workstation or development server

myserver-prod, myserver-test
Added On:  03/02/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.properties:server.type
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required   Default ( prod )
Type of the deployment profile used on this server. The value is used to identify the purpose of the server (certain processing logic might be handled differently depending on whether the server is in prod or test/dev mode).

Possible values:
  • prod - production server
  • test - staging server or QA server
  • dev - developer workstation or development server
Added On:  08/01/17
Legacy Name:  
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( 1 )
Indicates whether an absolute path, providing access to the CSS file associated with an HPP page, is allowed to be submitted via styleURL API field.
Added On:  05/14/19
Legacy Name:  
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required   Default ( false )
Indicates whether a HPP can be opened in a frame.
Possible values:
  • true - allows to load a page in the frame;
  • false - does not allow to load a page in the frame if the source doesn't match the UniPay domain (header x-frame-options:SAMEORIGIN is added to the request).
Added On:  02/01/18
Legacy Name:  
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( Cleanup )
Type of the field validation that is applied to optional fields (zipCode, street1, street2, state, countryCode, transactionCode, customerAccountCode) in the submitted request.

Possible values:
  • Validate - if an invalid field value is submitted, the HPP request fails and validation error is shown on the screen. Used by default.
  • Cleanup - if an invalid field value is submitted, the HPP request is processed but invalid symbols in the values are cleaned up (replaced with gaps).

Added On:  02/21/12
Legacy Name:  work_folder
Group:  General
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required   Default ( /home/jenkins/unipay/work )
Absolute path (or relative to unipay:app-home) of the temporary directory where work files are to be stored during the application processing.