Subject: Account Setup (100) – EON Payments – John Smith – System Merchant |
Dear John Smith,
Per your recent request, we have issued a set of John Smith credentials that enable you to access EON Payments management portal (gateway's user interface). EON Payments Portal Access: Access URL: Account Name: John Smith User Name: john_smith Password: comes in separate email Technical Support and Questions: Feel free to contact us with any questions, Test Gateway Labs |
Subject: Password Setup (101) – EON Payments – John Smith – System Merchant |
Dear John Smith,
Please, find below the password, needed to access EON Payments management portal (gateway's user interface). All other information was sent to you in separate email. EON Payments Portal Access password: JoTh_200769% Feel free to contact us with any questions, Test Gateway Labs |
Subject: Account Setup (200) – EON Payments – John Smith – System Merchant |
Dear John Smith,
Per your recent request, we have issued a set of John Smith credentials that enable you to access EON Payments platform API(s). General Information: Merchant Name: System Merchant Merchant ID: 2000 Account ID: 2001 Terminal ID's: 001 - 013 Real-time Processing API: Specification: API Access URL: User Name: api-jsmith Password: comes in separate email Terminal Processing API: Specification: API Access URL: User Name: api-jsmith Password: comes in separate email Batch Processing API (FTP Server Access): Specification: Inbox for file upload: ftps:// Outbox for results download: ftps:// User Name: api-jsmith Password: comes in separate email Billing API: Specification: API Access URL: User Name: api-jsmith Password: comes in separate email Onboarding API: Specification: API Access URL: User Name: api-jsmith Password: comes in separate email Management API: Specification: API Access URL: User Name: api-jsmith Password: comes in separate email Technical Support and Questions: Feel free to contact us with any questions, Test Gateway Labs |
Subject: Password Setup (201) – EON Payments – John Smith – System Merchant |
Dear John Smith,
Please, find below the password(s), needed to process through EON Payments platform API(s). All other information was sent to you in separate email. Real-time Processing API password: PN4Spoch6Nl2cUvC75QW96KNi81ssAKm For your convenience, here is a preformatted API call that you can use to test connectivity. Please note that you need to append your username at the very end. Sample URL: Mobile SDK Key: e3VybD0iZ2F0ZXdheXVybCIsIGtleT1lbmNvZGVkV2l0aEFlczI1NiB1c2VybmFtZSsgJzonICsgcGFzc3dvcmR9 Terminal API Access password: PN4Spoch6Nl2cUvC75QW For your convenience, here is a preformatted API call that you can use to test connectivity. Please note that you need to append your username at the very end. Sample URL: password=PN4Spoch6Nl2cUvC75QW&userName= Batch Processing API (FTP Server Access): PN4Spoch6Nl2cUvC75QW96KNi81ssAKm Billing API: PN4Spoch6Nl2cUvC75QW96KNi81ssAKm Onboarding API: f302VnDPV623CSSFFgtuvV6JnJ72CtC8 Management API: PN4Spoch6Nl2cUvC75QW96KNi81ssAKm Feel free to contact us with any questions, Test Gateway Labs |