
Abstract:  no
Status:  Active
Java Class:  Subscription
Information about the subscription transaction.
References: Payment Plan.Id
XML Representation: attribute
Attributes: ReadOnly
Default Value
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.

Unique Subscription ID generated by the system.

  • exists
  • Unique Subscription ID generated by the system.

  • echo
  • Unique Subscription ID used for filtering Subscription records.
    References: Payment Plan.Merchant Account Code
    XML Representation: attribute
    Default Value
    Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to.
    Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
    The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.
    References: Payment Plan.Reference Code
    XML Representation: attribute
    Attributes: CreateOnly
    Default Value
    Pattern: CODE
    See Reference Code definition for additional information.

    Unique Subscription ID supplied by external/user's system.
    Note: Optional secondary identifier. Typically this field is a reference to an ID in your own system to cross-reference it within our system. If not provided, the system will use the object 'id' generated at the time of object creation.
    <div class="info legacy"> For more information see Reference Field Type. </div>

  • exists
  • Unique Subscription ID supplied by external/user's system.
    Note: Optional secondary identifier. Typically this field is a reference to an ID in your own system to cross-reference it within our system. If not provided, the system will use the object 'id' generated at the time of object creation.
    <div class="info legacy"> For more information see Reference Field Type. </div>

  • echo
  • Unique Subscription ID supplied by external/user's system used for filtering records.
    References: Payment Plan.Customer Account FK
    XML Representation: attribute
    Default Value
    Reference to the entity that represents code of the customer account to which instance of this object is attributed to.
    XML Representation: element
    Attributes: Required
    Default Value
    Reference to the entity that represents payment option used to collect money on the payment plan.
    References: Payment Plan.Create Date
    XML Representation: attribute
    Attributes: ReadOnly
    Default Value
    Date when the record was created.

    **create Date when the Subscription was created.
    Note: Date format: yyyy-MM-dd.

  • exists
  • Date when the Subscription was created.
    Note: Date format: yyyy-MM-dd.

  • echo
  • Date used for filtering Subscription records.
    References: Payment Plan.First Billing Date
    XML Representation: attribute
    Attributes: Required, CreateOnly
    Default Value
    Date when the first billing occured.

    **create Date when the first billing will occur. <div class="info legacy"> For more information see integration notes. </div>

  • exists
  • Date when the first billing occured. <div class="info legacy"> For more information see integration notes. </div>

  • echo
  • Date used for filtering Subscription records.
    References: Payment Plan.Payment Plan CL
    XML Representation: attribute
    Attributes: CreateOnly
    Default Value P
    Enumeration of possible types of payment plans.
    References: Payment Plan.Length
    XML Representation: attribute
    Attributes: CreateOnly
    Default Value
    Time period when the payment plan is active.

    Length parameter is required for Fixed Subscriptions and cannot exceed 3 years.
    For subscriptions longer than 3 years, use Perpetual Subscription type, which does not require length parameter.
    Length maximum value correlated with the selected billingCycleType:
    • annually - 3,
    • semi-annually - 6,
    • quarterly - 12,
    • monthly - 36,
    • weekly - 153.
    References: Payment Plan.Last Invoicing Date
    XML Representation: attribute
    Attributes: ReadOnly
    Default Value
    Date when the last invoice was created.

    **create Date when the last billing will occur.

  • exists
  • Date when the last billing occured.

  • echo
  • Date when the last billing occured used for filtering Subscription records.
    References: Payment Plan.Amount
    XML Representation: attribute
    Default Value
    The amount of money charged every time billing occurs for this payment plan (e.g. amount of the transaction). Value must be submitted in cents without a decimal point.
    References: Payment Plan.Last Update Date
    XML Representation: attribute
    Attributes: ReadOnly
    Default Value
    Date when the payment plan was updated for the last time.

    **create Date when the last update was made to the Subscription.

  • exists
  • Date when the last update was made to the Subscription.

  • echo
  • Date when the last update was made to the Subscription used for filtering Subscription records.
    References: Payment Plan.Note
    XML Representation: attribute
    Default Value
    Pattern: TEXT
    Any additional notes related to the payment plan within the system.
    Type: Date
    XML Representation: attribute
    Default Value
    References: Billing Cycle.Next Billing Date
    XML Representation: attribute
    Default Value
    Date when the next billing will occur.

    The date must be submitted in yyyy-MM-dd format.
    References: Payment Plan.Pending Adjustment Cl
    XML Representation: attribute
    Attributes: ReadOnly
    Default Value
    Type of the pending payment plan adjustment.
    Type: Plan
    XML Representation: element
    Attributes: CreateOnly
    Default Value
  • create
  • Reference to a Plan that a Subscription will be associated with.
    Note: Reference to the Plan that the Customer is subscribing.

  • exists
  • Reference to a Plan that a Subscription is associated with.
    Note: Reference to the Plan that the Customer is subscribing.

  • echo
  • Reference to a Plan used for filtering Subscription records.
    References: Plan.Name
    XML Representation: attribute
    Attributes: ReadOnly
    Default Value
    Name of the plan.

    **create Name of the plan.

  • exists
  • Name of the plan.

  • echo
  • Name of the plan used for filtering records.
    References: Payment Plan.Status CL
    XML Representation: attribute
    Attributes: ReadOnly
    Default Value U
    Represents current (or selected) status of the payment plan.

    **create Status of the record in the system. <div class="info legacy"> For more information see Payment Plan Status. </div>

  • exists
  • Status of the record in the system. <div class="info legacy"> For more information see Payment Plan Status. </div>

  • echo
  • Status of the record used for filtering Subscription records.
    References: Plan.Billing Cycle Cl
    XML Representation: attribute
    Attributes: CreateOnly
    Default Value
    Reference to the entity that represents billing cycle associated with the plan.

    **create Type of billing cycle to be used. <div class="info legacy"> For more information see Billing Cycle Classifier. </div>

  • exists
  • Type of billing cycle used. <div class="info legacy"> For more information see Billing Cycle Classifier. </div>

  • echo
  • Type of a billing cycle used for filtering records.
    References: Payment Plan.Pending Adjustment Effective Date
    XML Representation: attribute
    Default Value
  • create
  • Date when the pending adjustment for the Subscription will become effective.

  • exists
  • Date when the pending adjustment for the Subscription become effective.

  • echo
  • Date used for filtering Subscription records.
    References: Payment Plan.Pending Adjustment Note
    XML Representation: attribute
    Attributes: Required
    Default Value
    Pattern: TEXT
  • create
  • Any additional details will be associated with the pending adjustment for the Subscription.

  • exists
  • Any additional details associated with the pending adjustment for the Subscription.

  • echo
  • Any additional details associated with the pending adjustment for the Subscription used for filtering Subscription records.
    References: Payment Plan.Pending Adjustment Length
    XML Representation: attribute
    Attributes: ReadOnly
    Default Value
  • create
  • Number of times that the pending adjustment for the Subscription will generate an invoice.

  • exists
  • Number of times that the pending adjustment for the Subscription will generate an invoice.

  • echo
  • Number of times that the pending adjustment for the Subscription will generate an invoice used for filtering Subscription records.
    Type: Date
    XML Representation: attribute
    Default Value
  • create
  • Date when the invoicing will occur for the first time. <div class="info legacy"> For more information see integration notes. </div>

  • exists
  • Date when the invoicing will occur for the first time. <div class="info legacy"> For more information see integration notes. </div>

  • echo
  • Date when the invoicing will occur for the first time, used for filtering records.
    References: Payment Plan.
    XML Representation: attribute
    Default Value
  • create
  • Tax amount (in cents) that will be associated with the transaction processing.

  • exists
  • Tax amount (in cents) associated with the transaction processing.

  • echo
  • Tax amount used for filtering records.

    XML Sample:

             <paymentOptionId accountNumber=""  holderName=""  accountAccessory="" /> firstBillingDate=""  pendingAdjustmentNote="" 

    "<subscriptions> <subscription> <paymentOptionId accountNumber=\"\" holderName=\"\" accountAccessory=\"\" /> firstBillingDate=\"\" pendingAdjustmentNote=\"\" </subscription></subscriptions>"

    JSON Sample:

      "paymentOptionId": {
        "accountNumber": "",
        "holderName": "",
        "accountAccessory": ""
      "firstBillingDate": "",
      "pendingAdjustmentNote": ""

    XURL Sample:
